Decorating Stormwind is This Week's Brawl, and it Rewards an Un'Goro Card Pack!

Decorating Stormwind

It's time to prepare stormwind for the party! The city starts undecorated, but send your minions in to dress it up! How ready can YOU get Stormwind?



  • This is a brand new brawl!
  • Elements from the brawl are party versions of Storming Stormwind. The end goal is slightly different though.
  • You'll be fighting AI and not another player in the brawl.
  • This brawl rewards you with an Un'Goro card pack which can be opened when the expansion launches.
  • You're able to get a high score with this brawl. Post your best scores in the comments!

The Brawl

  • Choose your class and build your own deck to take on City of Stormwind.
  • Your goal is to get Stormwind as decorated as possible, which means to attack its face!
    • Damage you deal to the city gives it more health which contributes to your high score.
    • You must deal 29 damage (decorations) in order to win the brawl. This brings Stormwind's health to 30.
    • If you get the city to 100, it explodes and ends the game in victory - no crazy high scores.
  • Stormwind's weapon (Party Armory) gains 1 attack on each turn starting with their second turn.
    • Stormwind never attacks directly with its weapon.
    • If you destroy the weapon, it will reappear on its next turn.
    • The weapon will gain attack value quicker (2 or 3 per turn) after it is destroyed until it is back at the attack value it was at when destroyed.
  • Victory won't be easy, there are many obstacles in your way.
    • Happy Partygoer - Taunt. Battlecry: Gain Health equal to Stormwind's Attack.
    • Ornery Partygoer - Battlecry: Gain Attack and Health equal to Stormwind's Attack.
    • Party Banner - Adjacent minions have +2 Attack.

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