Hearthstone Easter Eggs, CDC S3.07 - Short and Sweet, Past CDC Winners, Angry Chicken #138

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Hearthstone Easter Eggs

Our friends on the Curse Entertainment YouTube channel have created a video exploring some of the best Easter Eggs in Hearthstone.

Did you know them all? What other Easter Eggs do you know about?

Card Design Competition - Short and Sweet

Our next card design competition, Short and Sweet, is now live! The theme this week is quite simple, but will also require you to be simple.

Your goal is to make the coolest class spell card you can in 9 words or less. 

Head on over to the submission thread to read all the rules and to prepare to design your card. If you want to discuss this week's entries, head on over to the discussion threadDon't forget to vote for your favourite designs from fellow members!

Winner - Familiar Faces

The winner of our Familiar Faces competition never got any real recognition, so congratulations to the winner of our fifth card design competition in season 3 - hauauftastatur!

1st Place!

by hauauftastatur
2nd Place

by PupleMD 
3rd Place

by Sinti

Winner - Standarized Parts

Congratulations to PRKSlayer for their entry of Reload in our sixth card design competition of this season!

1st Place!

by PRKSlayer
2nd Place

by AngryChicken
3rd Place

by ShadowsOfSense

by SpiderAsa

The Angry Chicken #138

This week on The Angry Chicken, the crew discussed Gelbin & Old-Murk Eye being banished to wild, the new card back, PGL Tavern Tales, crazy game stories, and viewer emails.

Watch episode #138 of The Angry Chicken below! You can find previous episodes over on their YouTube channel and you can give the cast a follow over on @TACPodcast on Twitter.



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