Power Core Card Back Hand Outs, Boss Hero Power Brawl, TAC #112

Linkin Park Live at Blizzcon 2015, Pumpkin Carving Contest, Deadset 2.3 Guides
Artanis Now Available, All About Shields, Brightwing Phase Shield Guide and More
Linkin Park LIVE at BlizzCon 2015!

Power Core Card Back Hand Outs

The eSports event card back, Power Core, was recently available at the European Road to BlizzCon finals. Those who attended the finals in person and registered to get the card back should have received it today so watch out for it on the ladder! The card back hasn't been associated with any other events yet, but we'll let you know when the next one pops up.

Tavern Brawl #19 Decks - Who's the Boss Now?

Dungeon bosses want to help you play!
Build your own deck but get a random boss power. Each time you use it, you get a new one!

If you're looking for some fun community created decks to get that free card pack, or to play throughout the brawl, we've got you covered. Check out a couple of our favourites below (your mileage may vary) and be sure to head on over to the full brawl deck listing to find others.

Don't forget you can share your own creations by building your deck in our deckbuilder and setting the deck type to Tavern Brawl.

The Angry Chicken #112

This week on The Angry Chicken podcast, the crew interviewed HearthArena's ADWCTA, discussed the approaching BlizzCon, went over recent news, and the usual crazy game stories and emails.. You can watch the episode below!

The Angry Chicken is a Hearthstone podcast featuring GarrettDills, and Jocelyn who discuss the latest Hearthstone happenings, strategy, and stories. You can find previous episodes of TAC over on their YouTube channel.

Card Design Competition Voting

The earth beneath your feet trembles and quakes as the parade of mighty Giants draws near! This week's Card Design Competition didn't require competitors to submit true Giants exactly, but they did have to create minions that at least shared two of Giants' most defining traits: Big and Simple. Still, though simple, one should never underestimate Giants.

So, visit the Finalist Poll Topic, vote for your favorite finalists, and you might just be surprised at how clever "simple" can be.



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