• 2

    posted a message on Kathrena Winterwisp. Why is it bad?
    Quote from Shed >>


    Also, slamming big shit into the board every turn from turn 5/6 and on is a pretty good way to win games

     Yeah, especialy against Shadowreaper Anduin, you know. And guess what? New card - Psychic Scream. And since hunter has no draw except deathstalker's ability, you won't recover after you loose your board with huge minions. And Psychic Scream is perfect against deathrattles too (kinda theme they pushing hard for the class), on top of all of that i typed above.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on New Warlock Card Reveal: Voidlord

    it's worse than both soggoth and ozruk, the only upside is demon synergy

    Posted in: News
  • 0

    posted a message on New Warlock Card Reveal: Voidlord

    compare this to Obsidian Statue if something is op and should not be in the game is that card, but not this one. This is the purest unplayable trash, same as new warlock legendary. I know what Blizz is trying to do here. Make something to stal the game so you cal play the seals. Guess what? Never happens. 

    And if someone want to argue that blizzard know whats doing and they playtest things, just remember the grimmy goons handbuff mechanics. That shit was also tested right? kay....


    Posted in: News
  • 0

    posted a message on Kathrena Winterwisp. Why is it bad?

    this card is for another type of deck. It's for Devilsaur Egg abuse deck, with stiched trackers, deathrattle triggers, mb few elementals (fireflies, tar creepers, etc) and few huge beasts. (idealy crush, dred and 2xhighmanes or charged devilsaurs)

    But then there is another problem: you should draw Kat before you got this huge beasts in hand, because they are few, and they must remain in deck in the moment Kat is played.

    Also Tracking can fuck up this game plan heavily (if you have to choose between Kat and 2 huge beasts)

    The more i think of it the less appealing this legendary seems to me. Swap King Dread is okay legendary for hunter, but this one - I have serious doubts.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 7

    posted a message on New Warlock Card Reveal: Voidlord

    not fucking close

    Posted in: News
  • -8

    posted a message on New Warlock Card Reveal: Voidlord

    shit, 9 is too high for something with 3 attack. It should create another 3/9 with battlecry, deathrattle is irrelevant in some cases, and 3 attack is just absurdly low.

    Posted in: News
  • 0

    posted a message on Psychic Scream
    Quote from Cashman3 >>

    Compare Priest with Hunter now, before the expansion.

    Now compare their 7 mana removals: Psychic Scream vs Crushing Walls .

    Now compare...yeah, you get it,

    are they f*cking ******** in there?!

    Posted in: Psychic Scream
  • -1

    posted a message on New Priest Card Reveal: Psychic Scream

    everyone say thanks to Kripp and his vegan whining about priest's lack of board clears. Now priest has it all.

    Board clears:

    Spirit Lash, Kazakus, Shadow Word: Horror + Pint-Sized Potion, Holy Nova, Dragon Fire Potion, Duskbreaker, Psychic Scream, Shadowreaper Anduin (which also works as clear for huge minions).

    Listen more to retarded opinions on how to break the game.

    The only card which can help you to recover after this bullshit is another broken card - Ultimate Infestation.

    Nothing else works, its game over.

    Nobody cares how huge is your deck and how many great legendary minions in it, if you have no draw.


    Posted in: News
  • 1

    posted a message on INB4 Blizzard will nerf Psychic Scream a week or two after expansion hits.

    i'm realy worrying about health of the guy who designed this card :X

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on What do u guys think about the expansion so far?

    Dun like it. Implementing secrets for rogue just in one set is weird. 

    Why secrets doesn't feel solid is because rogue spells are too good and efficient and straightforward instead of gimmick, so i think secret mechanic for rogue might fail, just not enough room in deck.

    New legendary kobold king is just fucking oppressive. I hate all cards that manipulate with player decks, they should not exist. Mill is ok, but thats about it, not fucking direct "burn card" mechanic like Gnomeferatu such cards shouldn't exist, its not just UNHEALTHY, its fucking RUINING the game. There is already enough random in this game, i like random and we have it, but thats about it. No Gnomeferatu and King Togwaggle ffs

    Overal expansion seems like on the same level as gadgetzan (epic fail). 

    I don't know who was lead designer on Un'goro but Ungoro is the best expansion with lot of cool aditions to the game, amazing epics (dragons for 8 mana, mage glyph) , playable class legendaries, lots of cool beasts, adaptations, elementals, THE NUTS, etc.

    KFT is okay, i have a great fun with Deathstalker Rexxar, overall, pretty gud.

    But from what i see so far, Kobolds sucks.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on New Hunter Minion - Seeping Oozeling

    This card is overpriced. Playing highmane into sap vs rogue is already a game over, and nobody cares how powerful is deathrattle. I think the proper balance is 4/4 for 5 mana. 6 mana is a lot. 

    Especialy since it check the remaining deck for deathrattles, so you can draw this after your good deathrattles which is a considerable downside obviously

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Why does Blizzard hate Hunter so much?

    Hearthstone's balance team is weird, they afraid make card broken so much that they often loose common sense in the great scheme of things.

    Just watch the Crushing Walls. This card is worse most of the times than Enter the Coliseum and paladins never used that card (except giant paladin, maybe).

    I mean, i like new legendary card, i think it's playable and pretty good realy, but Hunter has some serious problems with removal spells. Deadly Shot is the only reasonable option (even Hunter's Mark is not that good, since you have to trade in 1 hp minion anyways).

    But Multi-Shot and Crushing Walls - c'mon 2 very weak cards. The crushing walls manacost should be 5 mana AT BEST, because you just can't sit and wait until opponent will have Ragnaros, Lightlord and Tirion Fordring on the board/

    Such removals should be vialbe for removing wide range of drops. Like even destroying 4 and 5 mana drops with this shit is a huge tempo loss. i wonder what balance team is thinking about. Did they just drinking beer in the office during playtest? No offence, but what i write above is fucking obvious for anyone who played hunter before.



    Posted in: Hunter
  • 9

    posted a message on New Card Reveal: Silver Vanguard

    deathrattle is what makes this card absolute trash.

    Posted in: News
  • -1

    posted a message on New Legendary Card Reveal: Zola the Gorgon

    Blizz is out of ideas already. Why bothering with 3 expansions per year? i guess printing will never stop until they keep cashing in some virtual cards :D

    Posted in: News
  • 2

    posted a message on New Druid Legendary Revealed: Twig of the World Tree

    This card is bonkers

    Posted in: News
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