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    posted a message on Does playing Control Warrior mean you face loads of paladins? Or is this just the EU ladder in general?

     this my stats from the last few months after tgt, paladin is the most common but thats understandable since he is the strongest class right now

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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place!
    Quote from s2mikey >>
    Quote from sluwbor >>
    Quote from s2mikey >>
    Quote from mcvesssel >>
    Quote from s2mikey >>
    Quote from mcvesssel >>

    After 3 months of F**K this game bcs of the cancer i decided to return playing standard mid range druid at rank 4 on a friends account since he has LoE (im a 3 time legend player).

    After 6 games of "meh nothing i could have done" losing by prue draw vs 5 aggro shamans (when the fuck did these guys pop up) and one face hunter i decided to quit for good. It was fun until Blizzard one again ruined a good game. Cya around folks

     See?  Midrange Druid is NOT so perfect, is it?  I made a thread about that and got ripped apart.  The deck is way too slow against most decks being played right now on ladder.  Its fucking bul shit.  God damned tempo Mage are sooooo fucking cheap.  I hate them.
     Didnt really have anything to do with the fact that midrange druid got out cancerd but the fact that skills cap is reduced by every card realesed. Its like wow or any other game by Blizzard. It start of very good and then get "noobifyed" to the point where its no longer needed to invest your time to get deep knowlage since targeting face and ignore bord is not "very hard"................
     Well, just saying - Druid sucks right now on the ladder games/decks Im getting matched up against. And yes, this game is becoming mre and more "just chuck cards out there using a chicken shit deck" and it'll all work out.  Meh.
     how does druid suck exactly? i got legend with it the last 2 months and there were not a lot of problems
     Better yet - tell me how its good?  What classes and decks did you beat?  No way its the same decks Im facing lately.  A well drawn tempo mage KILLS it and theres a lot of those right now.  Most Paladin decks do to.  Reno warlock is probably favored too. 
    Please enlighten me.
     what i faced the most this season were renolocks and secret paladins, sure it wasnt an easy climb to legend but it worked, druid is still a great class, if it helps you heres the stats for both decks https://gyazo.com/67932437cdce9b17f172693a07f045ca , https://gyazo.com/f24d523aa66a1a7b6f196ebc697aa5fb .
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place!
    Quote from s2mikey >>
    Quote from mcvesssel >>
    Quote from s2mikey >>
    Quote from mcvesssel >>

    After 3 months of F**K this game bcs of the cancer i decided to return playing standard mid range druid at rank 4 on a friends account since he has LoE (im a 3 time legend player).

    After 6 games of "meh nothing i could have done" losing by prue draw vs 5 aggro shamans (when the fuck did these guys pop up) and one face hunter i decided to quit for good. It was fun until Blizzard one again ruined a good game. Cya around folks

     See?  Midrange Druid is NOT so perfect, is it?  I made a thread about that and got ripped apart.  The deck is way too slow against most decks being played right now on ladder.  Its fucking bul shit.  God damned tempo Mage are sooooo fucking cheap.  I hate them.
     Didnt really have anything to do with the fact that midrange druid got out cancerd but the fact that skills cap is reduced by every card realesed. Its like wow or any other game by Blizzard. It start of very good and then get "noobifyed" to the point where its no longer needed to invest your time to get deep knowlage since targeting face and ignore bord is not "very hard"................
     Well, just saying - Druid sucks right now on the ladder games/decks Im getting matched up against. And yes, this game is becoming mre and more "just chuck cards out there using a chicken shit deck" and it'll all work out.  Meh.
     how does druid suck exactly? i got legend with it the last 2 months and there were not a lot of problems
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Do any Druid decks actually work?

    i reached legend with aggro druid last season and this season with ramp, i wouldnt say its a bad class

    Posted in: Druid
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place!
    Quote from Cagey75 >>
    Quote from LeviathanHS >>

    Decided to play some ladder, which I haven't done in a long time. Starting at the abyssal rank of 12, stopped at 10. Why? I faced 100% secret paladins. Not a single other deck, only that fucking cancerous piece of shit deck. 

    How does Blizzard expect to keep a consistent player base when they create decks that literally render all other alternatives completely inferior?

     I'm experiencing same around that rank as I said above. But this means they are all stuck there. once you crack them, and rank up you shouldn't see as many. they seem to be struggling to climb by rank 10. I don't think it's a legend worthy deck. 
     rank 1 now, belive me its all secret paladins and renolocks down here, from rank 5 to 1
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Which Class is BAE?

    druid mage warrior priest, this is the meta where everything works, sure some things are more popolaur than others but every class has its own good deck

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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place!

    im not saying paladin a problem, well yes i am, im just saying that in 100 games 40 of them were against the same 1 class out of 9 its a problem

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Counter to aggro druid

    after playing alot with aggro druid i can safely say the worst matchups for aggro druid are mage and warrior, patron extremly as you can flood the board with patrons and aggro druid has no answers for that

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place!
    Quote from raspberrydude >>

    I was unfortunate enough to get paired up 3 times with this Zoolock / Face hunter player. Every time he felt that he could not win anymore, he would just conveniently close the HS window without conceding.

    I had to wait an additional 2+ minutes for the game to prompt "Your opponent has left." 

    And then I would get paired up with another player and Bham, got paired up with the inconsiderate guy again. Half an hour later, you guessed it, same guy with the sore loser attitude.

    Come on man. WTH. Give me a break. At least have some basic gaming manners.

     no matter how rude that is thats just him wasting his own time, so lame
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place!
    Quote from tizyler69 >>

    Is it just me or do too many people blame losing on "lack of cards" or "facing the same aggro deck over and over". i think some people should take a step back and realize "maybe that one turn i misplayed slightly, which caused a trickling effect which caused me to lose." although you dont wanna believe it... this may indeed be the case sometimes!!!

     on alot of games i just see what i did and say on that turn if i lose its because i made this choice, if you just blame your loses on bad rng you wont ever get better at the game and improve
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place!
    Quote from SlayaHS >>


     i really dont hate all the hate on aggro, yes its fast and somtimes you lose before you can do anything but i'll rather all games to be against aggro and not a 20 minute grindout against control warrior or games vs freeze mage where all you do is wait to be killed because you are never able to attack with minions
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on When can you determine your deck sucks and you need to start theory crafting again?

    you make a deck, play it a bit(i think 30 games is enough to rule) and see the results 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Combo Druid or Aggro Druid?

    combo and aggro are the same to me, i reached legend using both and aggro had better stats in the end

    Posted in: Druid
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    posted a message on Dusting habits

    i kept some goldens but before a few days i said fuck it and disinchanted them all to complete a deck 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Stopped playing after nax and want to start playing again

    dragon priest and control priest are pretty good at the current meta

    Posted in: General Deck Building
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