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    posted a message on Odd Control Warrior (Legend)

    I can't tell you how happy it makes me to see CW back.  I went 5-0 with this just now, albeit at lower ranks, but it's not really having trouble with any deck I've come across yet.  Faceless Manipulator makes an awesome counter for Spiteful decks.  I don't have Zola so I just added in a FWA for now.  I can see it having issues against Shudderwock since it's a sit-back-and-wait kind of deck, and maybe Pallys spamming the board, but I suppose you can't win 'em all.

    Posted in: Odd Control Warrior (Legend)
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    posted a message on [S39 Legend] RenoLock- from rank18 to top25 legend!

    Fun deck.  I don't have Krul and really don't care to craft him, so I'm just treating that as a flex spot ATM.  Thought about adding Rag or Elise but it seems to have a good amount of threats/value without them.

    What's your strategy for Doomguard?   I've ALWAYS struggled to find a way to play him from my hand in Reno/Handlock decks because I always seem to have way too many valuable cards in my hand.  In the instance of this deck, you're pretty much relying on Voidcaller to cheat him out and that's it (as opposed to all the other tools Cubelock has).

    Edit:  Put in a Youthful Brewmaster for maximum greed/aggro tears.

    Posted in: [S39 Legend] RenoLock- from rank18 to top25 legend!
  • 8

    posted a message on Peperaso metabreaker (82%Win Rate)

    At this point, it's the "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" mindset. 

    Posted in: Peperaso metabreaker (82%Win Rate)
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    posted a message on Wild Dragon Reno

    Fun deck, I quickly went 3-0 with it this morning (albeit at R20 Wild).  Reno/Dragon Priest was my favorite archetype back when MSOG came out.  I'll definitely try climbing with it later.  Like some others I did feel the lack of dragons kept some synergies from being used.  Maybe I'll experiment with some substitutions next time I play, possibly with the N'Zoth package.


    Edit: 7-1 so far, the one loss being to a Cubelock.  1 silence wasn't enough so if I run into more I'll likely tech a mass dispel.

    Posted in: Wild Dragon Reno
  • 0

    posted a message on What about your legendaries drop rate?

    And just got 2 in 15...something's up...

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on What about your legendaries drop rate?

    5 in 45.  Something seems amiss...



    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Don't Bother playing ladder tonight...

    Ladder tonight = "I'm in charrrge" 

    Posted in: Standard Format
  • 0

    posted a message on Have you pre-ordered Kobolds & Catacombs?

    I haven't. This is the first expansion I'm going at without spending any money. Between all the gold I've saved and the free packs from brawl/launch day I'll come away with 43-44 packs with nothing out of pocket. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on The Void Singularity - Tavern Brawl #129

    1. Build most of a zoo deck

    2. Let the game finish the deck randomly 

    3. Claim free pack

    Fun and interactive. 

    Posted in: Tavern Brawl
  • 3

    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place!
    Quote from Whity >>

    I just freaking hate these guys who play ladder decks on casual. 

    Of course you are allowed to play what ever you want on the mode but wouldn't it more fun to try out something different than those monkey see monkey do decks you can net deck from sites like this.

    I personally use casual to complete quests with meme decks. I have no intention to play competitive decks there. If my decks fare well in casual, I might take them for a ride to ladder.

    Thanks, this felt good.

     The problem with Casual is that Blizzard has a different definition of what it means than players do. I saw an interview with Brode a month or two ago with a writer who had the same view you and I have (Casual = non-ladder decks), whereas Brode sees it more as a low-stakes, "I may have to quit in the middle of a game" type mode where you aren't punished for having to abruptly leave a game.  While it would be nice to have a mode where people could just set the ladder decks aside, it seems difficult to achieve because people will play what they want to play in the end.  It's a tough call on how to fix it. 
    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place!

    One turn from lethal against BM Raza Priest. 26 health. 

    Lose next turn. 

    Fun and interactive. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Wild Deathrattle Rogue Jade

    This deck is really fun to win with; always feels like a well-played game.  I cut Barnes and used that slot as my tech slot (currently Spellbreaker but likely swapping to an Ooze soon).  I get the appeal of getting another copy of a jade card or Rag/Syl, but Barnes just seemed to give me a "meh" result more often than not.  I'd be interested to try this with the DK if I decide to craft her.

    Posted in: Wild Deathrattle Rogue Jade
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    posted a message on [S39 Legend] RenoLock- from rank18 to top25 legend!

    Fun deck.  Greedy, but fun.  Been looking for an excuse to dust off Mal'ganis and now that Bloodreaver Gul'dan has come into our lives this looks like a fun way to use him.  Using Rag instead of LK for the first few games because of personal preference, but I'll probably try LK eventually.  My only problem with him is when he starts to clog my hand with bad cards (which is why I use Ysera instead of him in Big Priest).

    Posted in: [S39 Legend] RenoLock- from rank18 to top25 legend!
  • 2

    posted a message on [Legend - 68% WR] Control demon Lock

    I've found that the pros generally outweigh the cons.  If I'm in a position where Geist needs to be played ASAP, I'm willing to trade the one or two coils to shred some idols or lock down an evolve Shaman.  If he serves no other purpose in a match other than serving as a body, I'll try to hold him until I've gotten value from both coils.

    Posted in: [Legend - 68% WR] Control demon Lock
  • 2

    posted a message on [Legend - 68% WR] Control demon Lock

    Finally crafted Bloodreaver Gul'dan today and have been dying to try out Controlock.  Lots of fun so far.  Something I never see see people give Skulking Geist enough credit for is the damage it does to evolve Shaman.  My first time out with this deck I followed up his [card]Doppelgangster/card] turn with this beauty and watched him flail the rest of the game.

    Posted in: [Legend - 68% WR] Control demon Lock
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