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    posted a message on Easy Legend Keleseth Priest - Nightknight

    FIrst, I want to congratulate you on hitting legend.  The following are my criticism and can be ignore if it sounds harsh but it's meant to be helpful with deck building. I'm a 24+ time legend player and the below are my thoughts from experience.

    Priest without two drops and consistent 1 drops is auto death against any type of aggro. Board clear is even more limited to only two duskbreaker without additional help from netherspite historian for additional clears.  The deck is another version of spiteful dragon priest. It beats control but that's what all mid range decks do. No need for two spell breakers as one is more than enough. this deck isn't fast enough to spellbreaker through taunts to lethal your opponent. spellbreaker is useless against aggro decks and tempo decks like secret mage. You might think it's useful against control warlock (esp against possessed lackey)  but you already have two mind controls for his voidlords or cubes. This deck is already favor against control warlock without spell breaker so just teching in cards for the purpose of teching ruins other synergies and makes the deck less consistent. It's great that your creativity came up with this deck and congrats on hitting legend.  Be mindful that when you tech in cards, you want cards to help you in your bad match ups.  Tech cards to even further your favorable match ups are a waste. Another is Harrison Jones, subbing in swamp ooze would be fine and better against pally. (just realize swamp ooze is a two drop and doesn't work in this deck). I would just take harrison out.

    Posted in: Easy Legend Keleseth Priest - Nightknight
  • 5

    posted a message on Death Knight Control Warrior

     370 up votes for a rank 16 deck from rank 16 players. LOL

    Posted in: Death Knight Control Warrior
  • 3

    posted a message on [STANDARD] Headed for Legend! - S38 May 2017
    Quote from NimbleMongoose >>

    Now that I have a good internet connection (living in Italy has it's downsides lol), I made it to rank 4 in S37.  So I plan on going for Legend this month.  I will go with Quest Rogue until level 10.  It's the best way to get past the random decks.  Then go back to midrange/control Paladin.  The games are longer, but it's such a solid deck.

     i wouldn't play quest rogue at the beginning of the season. Plenty of aggro and it'll crush quest rogue.
    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Swamp King Dred

    So this is the reason why sylvannas went to wild. LOL j/K

    Posted in: Swamp King Dred
  • -3

    posted a message on Swamp King Dred

    Yes. You play this card. I want to kill it anyway. Now any  minion I play down automatically gains charge to attack it  to kill it.  If not, the usually spell will do. That's why big minions without immediate impact doesn't get play.

    Posted in: Swamp King Dred
  • 0

    posted a message on New Card Revealed: King Mosh

    Control warrior was and will not be able to beat jade druid regardless of King Mosh or not. It doesn't matter how many removals you have, jade druid will just create bigger jades and doesn't need to play more than 2 big minions at a time. You can also not fatigue out jade druid since they have jade idol to refill.  It's just one of those bad match ups, so take that argument out of the picture. 

    Now Back to other match ups. This card is still BAD. It takes up a slot of another big drop such as grommash/ysera/alex. Two brawls is enough for most match ups and if you need more... add a cheaper combo such as sleep with the fishes with either whirlwind or ravaging ghoul. 

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Headed for Legend! - S36 March 2017

    I'm with Lifecoach. the decks are too easy to pilot. If there's no skill decks in this next expansion, i'll stop after a month just like this expansion. Hitting legend is not satisfying when playing brainless decks.

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on New Card Revealed: King Mosh

    Michalek, You have a great point. I agree this card is bad and is too slow. 

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on New Card Revealed: Tol'vir Stoneshaper

    Curve stone is playing your cards on curve and hitting value with each play. Elemental decks will be base on playing elementals turn 2,3,4, onwards to get value. Same with dragon priest and jade druid. If you miss the curve, it hurts your tempo just like current curve/temp decks but if you hit it, you gain significantly and mostly win. That's why jade and Dragon priest are strong.  Elementals will go down the same route and even if you missed an elemental the previous turn and you don't have a better play, 4 mana 3/5 is still a good drop on curve. Against aggro decks, you are still dropping this card on curve. Against control decks, you are still dropping this on curve to apply pressure. Same with midrange. The only time is when you have another better play on turn 4 and you want to combo this the following turn. 

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on New Paladin Card Revealed: Hydrologist

    A needed card for Pally. 2 Drop! Dark peddler for Pally.

    Posted in: News
  • -8

    posted a message on New Card Revealed: Tol'vir Stoneshaper

    This is Jade all over again but with elementals. Blizzard likes curvestone and minions.

    Posted in: News
  • -2

    posted a message on Mike Donais Talks Elementals, and Reveals FOUR New Cards!

    Another Tempo Mage with Elementals. Wow, so exciting. I see blizzard's creativity at works.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Journey to Un'Goro Card Reveal Livestream

    Lul, why would you want to discard cards in a control deck. You will lose to other control decks as well as midrange. You're better off playing a regular control archetype such as warrior (which is anti aggro to begin with)

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on [Legend] Danny Wu C'Thun Warrior

    Hi, you don't need justicar to beat aggro with this deck so you can replace it with any early game card. justicar is useful against long control decks where fatigue is a factor. We won't know what the meta will be like until after the expansion but this deck is flexible where a tweek in cards can counter almost any style of decks. 

    Posted in: [Legend] Danny Wu C'Thun Warrior
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    posted a message on Headed for Legend! - S36 March 2017
    Quote from itforwait >>

    Playing Jade Rogue this month. Gonna stick with it until I puke or get legend :D

    If you clicked on my link, it was for twitch. i wasn't referring to youtube. It wasn't on his twitch streams, unless you can find it for me. 
    Posted in: Standard Format
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