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    posted a message on What is the best designed druid card? (Preliminary round)




    Three polls are posted at once, and any card that gets at least 9% of the vote will move onto finals match.

    Vote on the card that is best designed mechanically, ignoring art, lore and theme.

    Interpret this how you like. Feel free to consider current and past metas, arena, power level, novelty, balance, etc.

    Posted in: Druid
  • 3

    posted a message on StanCifka Shares His Top Five Theorycrafted Decks for Kobolds & Catacombs

    Being good at playing the game doesn't necessarily correlate to prediction ability.

    Posted in: News
  • 0

    posted a message on New Rogue Card Reveal - Shadowblade

    Seems like this would hard counter opponents lifesteal minions.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 24

    posted a message on New Hunter Hero Card Reveal - Deathstalker, Rexxar
    Quote from saitama123 >>

    I can't imagine Hunters spending 6 mana doing nothing. Too slow for the Hunter class.

    A two damage board clear and 5 AC is doing nothing?
    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Beast druid, advice wanted
    Quote from jferrante831 >>

    what is the purpose of thalnos and earthen scales? do you actually find you need the armor that often? if thalnos is just for draw there are better options like loot hoarder or drake. ive never been a big fan of druid of the fang, if you lost the board its just so bad and doesnt do anything to help you reclaim it. tyrantous seems too slow, beast druid is an aggressive midrange deck in my experience, if you want a big drop i would go boom or rag as a finisher that has to be dealt with.

     Thanlos is there for the spell damage and card draw, but I'm super fine replacing him.  I tossed him in since I had 4 damaging spells.
    Earthen scales is actually pretty clutch and part of the reason the deck does so well against aggro.  Getting an extra 5-10 armor generally lets me win against aggro decks.  It goes great on the VF.
    Generally I try to either mulligan for either the raven, wrath or innervate (or tech cards where appropriate).  If I don't get raven on turn 1, I save it as an enabler for druid of the fang or mark of yash.  
    Games I lose are when they control the game hard enough to deny the warden or fang.
    Games I win are from value trades with savage combatant or early tyrantus against control.  
    I'll try out boom and rag as a replacement for a dozen games apiece.  I suspect they won't help much against aggro and midrange, which I do well against, and will get clobbered by control matchups, which I tend to lose.
    Posted in: Wild Format
  • 0

    posted a message on Beast druid, advice wanted
    Quote from Dorkpork >>

    I'm not too sure about Tyrantus in a deck trying to get value from Earthen Scales and Mark of Y'Shaarj.

     The deck does pretty well against aggro and midrange, having the most trouble with control decks.  Tyrantus is pretty wacky, but helps me steal a few wins out of bad matchups.  He doesn't work with mark or scales, but can be copied with warden and activates druid of the fang.
    I'll try a few games with boom and malorne instead, but i suspect they won't change how I do against aggro/midrange and aren't beefy enough against control.  
    Posted in: Wild Format
  • 0

    posted a message on Beast druid, advice wanted

    I saw that episode.  Pretty neat.  Not sure I'd call it a beast druid though.


    Someone else suggested I take out Tyrantus, and I tried it for a while.  The deck does pretty good against aggro, but often gets stomped by control.  Tyrantus is there as a finisher to steal a few wins against bad match ups. 

    I'm open to replacing him.  Suggest anything, and I'll try it out for at least 10 games.

    Posted in: Wild Format
  • 0

    posted a message on Beast druid, advice wanted

    Can anyone give me some suggestion on how to improve my wild beast druid?




    Posted in: Wild Format
  • 0

    posted a message on What is the best designed hearthstone card? Grand finals


    After 22 days and tens of thousands of votes, we have determined 9 class finalist and 7 neutrals.  

    Vote on the card that is best designed mechanically, ignoring art, lore and theme.

    #Don't just vote for the most powerful card.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on What are the best designed Shaman, Warlock and Warrior cards? (finals)

    Shaman https://strawpoll.com/aa9s381

    Warlock https://strawpoll.com/8d26s85

    Warrior https://strawpoll.com/g5c2bgs

    Vote on the card that is best designed mechanically, ignoring art, lore and theme.

    Don't just vote for the most powerful card.

    Tomorrow is the grand finals, pitting all the finals winners against one another!

    Previous poll winners

    1 mana winner: Fire Fly

    2 mana winner: Doomsayer

    3 mana winner: Tar Creeper

    4 mana winner: Twilight Drake

    5 mana winner: Azure Drake

    6 mana winner: Reno Jackson

    7+ mana winner: The Curator

    Druid winner: Fandral Staghelm

    Hunter winner: Savannah Highmane

    Mage winner: Archmage Antonidas

    Paladin winner: Sunkeeper Tarim

    Priest winner: Auchenai Soulpriest

    Rogue winner: Sherazin, Corpse flower

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on What is the best designed warrior card? (preliminary)




    Three polls are posted at once, and any card that gets more than 7% of the vote will move onto finals match.

    Vote on the card that is best designed mechanically, ignoring art, lore and theme. Don't just vote for the most powerful card.

    Tomorrow is the Shaman, warlock and warriors finals, and Tuesday is the grand finals, pitting all the finals winners against one another!

    Previous poll winners

    1 mana winner: Fire Fly

    2 mana winner: Doomsayer

    3 mana winner: Tar Creeper

    4 mana winner: Twilight Drake

    5 mana winner: Azure Drake

    6 mana winner: Reno Jackson

    7+ mana winner: The Curator

    Druid winner: Fandral Staghelm

    Hunter winner: Savannah Highmane

    Mage winner: Archmage Antonidas

    Paladin winner: Sunkeeper Tarim

    Priest winner: Auchenai Soulpriest

    Rogue winner: Sherazin, Corpse flower

    Shaman finalist: hallazeal the ascended, volcano, kalimos, primal lord, al'akir the windlord, fire elemental, flamewreathed faceless, elemental destruction, mana tide totem, jinyu waterspeaker, hex, spirit echo, flametongue totem, devolve, evolve, reincarnate, tunnel trogg

    Warlock finalist:lord jaraxxus, shadowflame, dreadstead, kazakus, hellfire, imp gang boss, renounce darkness, power overwhelming, bloodbloom, dark peddler

    Posted in: Warrior
  • 0

    posted a message on What is the best designed Warlock card? (preliminary)




    Three polls are posted at once, and any card that gets more than 7% of the vote will move onto finals match.

    Vote on the card that is best designed mechanically, ignoring art, lore and theme. Don't just vote for the most powerful card.

    Previous poll winners

    1 mana winner: Fire Fly

    2 mana winner: Doomsayer

    3 mana winner: Tar Creeper

    4 mana winner: Twilight Drake

    5 mana winner: Azure Drake

    6 mana winner: Reno Jackson

    7+ mana winner: The Curator

    Druid winner: Fandral Staghelm

    Hunter winner: Savannah Highmane

    Mage winner: Archmage Antonidas

    Paladin winner: Sunkeeper Tarim

    Priest winner: Auchenai Soulpriest

    Rogue winner: Sherazin, Corpse flower

    Shaman finalist: hallazeal the ascended, volcano, kalimos, primal lord, al'akir the windlord, fire elemental, flamewreathed faceless, elemental destruction, mana tide totem, jinyu waterspeaker, hex, spirit echo, flametongue totem, devolve, evolve, reincarnate, tunnel trogg

    Posted in: Warlock
  • 0

    posted a message on What is the best designed Shaman card? (preliminary)




    Three polls are posted at once, and any card that gets more than 7% of the vote will move onto finals match.

    Vote on the card that is best designed mechanically, ignoring art, lore and theme. Don't just vote for the most powerful card.

    Previous poll winners

    1 mana winner: Fire Fly

    2 mana winner: Doomsayer

    3 mana winner: Tar Creeper

    4 mana winner: Twilight Drake

    5 mana winner: Azure Drake

    6 mana winner: Reno Jackson

    7+ mana winner: The Curator

    Druid winner: Fandral Staghelm

    Hunter winner: Savannah Highmane

    Mage winner: Archmage Antonidas

    Paladin winner: Sunkeeper Tarim

    Priest winner: Auchenai Soulpriest

    Rogue winner: Sherazin, Corpse flower

    Posted in: Shaman
  • 0

    posted a message on What are the best designed Paladin, Priest and Rogue cards? (finals)

    Paladin https://strawpoll.com/55941zg

    Priest https://strawpoll.com/6b97wzf

    Rogue https://strawpoll.com/11w5xz5

    Vote on the card that is best designed mechanically, ignoring art, lore and theme. Consider balance but don't just vote for the most powerful card.

    Previous poll winners

    1 mana winner: Fire Fly

    2 mana winner: Doomsayer

    3 mana winner: Tar Creeper

    4 mana winner: Twilight Drake

    5 mana winner: Azure Drake

    6 mana winner: Reno Jackson

    7+ mana winner: The Curator

    Druid winner: Fandral Staghelm

    Hunter winner: Savannah Highmane

    Mage winner: Archmage Antonidas

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on What is the best designed Rogue card? (preliminary)




    Three polls are posted at once, and any card that gets more than 7% of the vote will move onto finals match.

    Vote on the card that is best designed mechanically, ignoring art, lore and theme.

    Previous poll winners

    1 mana winner: Fire Fly

    2 mana winner: Doomsayer

    3 mana winner: Tar Creeper

    4 mana winner: Twilight Drake

    5 mana winner: Azure Drake

    6 mana winner: Reno Jackson

    7+ mana winner: The Curator

    Druid winner: Fandral Staghelm

    Hunter winner: Savannah Highmane

    Mage winner: Archmage Antonidas

    Paladin finalist: Ivory knight, sunkeeper tarim, tirion fordring, anyfin can happen, truesilver champion, wickerflame burnbristle, equality, aldor peacekeeper, keeper of uldamen, hydrologist, forbidden healing, shielded minibot

    Priest finalist: lyra the sunshard, lightbomb, vol'jin, cabal shadow priest, auchenai soulpriest, curious glimmerroot, priest of the feast, kazakus, shadow visions, northshire claric, shrinkmeister, potion of madness

    Posted in: Rogue
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