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    posted a message on Old Gods C'thun Druid

    Seems like a solid swap. I went ahead and made it.

    Posted in: Old Gods C'thun Druid
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    posted a message on Heavy Control Paladin

    Thanks for the reply! Here are my thoughts on the cards you mentioned.

    Ragnaros, Lightlord seems to be a strong healing tool for the late game. It'll dominate games (if you can last long enough) against pure aggro decks which trade card advantage for face damage and combo oriented decks which try and chip your health and then win in a single turn (freeze mage, etc). He will be a bad choice if BGH does not get changed or if those decks aren't a good choice in the meta. I guess we'll have to see for that.

    Justicar Trueheart is such a high value minion against other control decks. For example, this deck has no way to win against something like control priest because of entomb. If they entomb Sylvanas and Tirion, N'Zoth has no real power, and you can't close out the game. She is also strong against control warrior because it forces them to use AoE clears inefficiently. Again, if those decks aren't strong in the new meta, then she could probably be replaced for Cairne for the added N'Zoth value.

    Enter the Coliseum is mostly underwhelming because of how hard it is to remove minions with deathrattles. Its a more controllable Brawl for 1 more mana. Right now, using enter the coliseum often clears your own board while powering up your opponent's (Nerubian egg, creeper, shredder, and boombots). Not having deathrattle means it'll be stronger. Maybe not strong enough, but definitely stronger. 

    I'm not in love with most of the deathrattles revealed currently for N'Zoth. As more are revealed, I'm sure the deck will evolve. 

    Posted in: Heavy Control Paladin
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    posted a message on I've built a competitive rage deck. 80% win rate

    Hey, I wanted to throw my 2 cents in about your deck (which is great, btw) because I've been playing with a deck that is VERY similar to yours at around rank 1-2 this season. I'll post my deck for comparison purposes and then talk about why I made different choices. Then, I'll give your version a try and see how it fares in comparison to mine. 

    Combo Warrior
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    • You use TBK over ooze in this meta. I think that is a completely fair tech choice and is personal preference based on what you face/hate to face.
    • Gurubashi Berserker vs Spectral Knight for the 5 slot. I actually tried a version of the deck with Gurubashi in it, but I felt it died to easily for the threat that it provided. Cards like hunter's mark walk all over it whereas Spectral Knight is particularly resilient. They both have high health, meaning it is easy to trigger cards like Battle Rage. However, this is more true for Spectral Knight, because often he is ignored the turn he is played, giving you the initiative to control how much damage he takes. The one benefit that Gurubashi has over the Knight is that he combos with the Warsong Commander, but I don't believe that its a strong enough combo to warrant the spot because each effect to trigger him only triggers him for 3 damage, whereas the Frothing Berserker can be triggered for so much more per whirlwind effect.
    • Sludge Belcher is a great card, but I don't think that type of protection is needed in a warrior deck that runs Shield Block because you often get plenty enough armor to survive from your hero power. So I opted to run Shield Block instead to slow down aggro decks and to also thin my deck. I think Belcher is a fair choice though.
    • Inner Rage is an interesting choice, but I don't think its necessary since there are already a ton of ways to trigger your enrage minions. I prefer Kor'kron Elite to smooth out the curve and to also potentially lead to 2 for 1 situations where you get a favorable trade on his first attack. He may not have high health, but its high enough to trigger him for Battle Rage when needed. Also turn 9 Loatheb + Kor'kron Elite is terrifying. 
    • Finally, you run Slam and I run 1 Commanding Shout and Loatheb. Loatheb is an easy pick so I won't bother justifying that. Commanding Shout needs to be explained though. At worst, it is a 2 mana draw a card, which is great for a control/combo type deck where it can afford to spend 2 mana. At best, it is a 2 mana draw a card, trade your board into their board and keep your threats around. Sure, that is a dream scenario, but it also has average uses too. It lets you trade things like Spectral Knight and Kor'kron Elite. In the case of the Knight, your opponent STILL has to deal with the Knight, most likely with another card. In the case of the Elite, his low health doesn't hold him back from trading well. Something like turn 5 Spectral Knight, turn 6 Kor'kron Elite + Commanding Shout to kill a Giant against a Handlock (if you ever manage to find one in this meta) is not unlikely. That kills an 8/8 and forces a Hellfire/Shadowflame, which gives you tempo. 

    I just wanted to add that this deck is very strong and works almost like miracle in the sense that it draws your entire deck while outputting solid board control. Unlike Miracle though, it isn't affected by Loatheb because your combo {Warsong Commander + Frothing/Amani + Death's Bite/Whirlwind/Unstable Ghoul/Cruel Taskmaster) doesn't even use spells most of the time. Furthermore, the combo is so flexible that its almost impossible to predict exactly how much damage it can do on a single turn. For example, on turn 9 for Miracle you can expect triple Leeroy + Cold blood for 22 damage. On turn 9 with this deck you can have Commander + Frothing + Unstable Ghoul + Whirlwind which depends on how many minions your opponent has. It is even more if you set up a Death's Bite the turn prior. The unpredictability of the combo is what gives it strength. There isn't a tidy way to prevent it like Miracle because Execute is a thing and your damage is spread out over many different sources, so you can appropriate damage where it is needed (like on a Sludge Belcher).

    Posted in: Warrior
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    posted a message on Avenge Aggro

    Thanks for the reply! To answer your question, I am fairly certain it will depend on the order in which you play the cards. So, if you play Redemption and then Avenge, my hunch is that it will trigger Redemption first (which will bring the minion back with 1 life) and then buff it when it checks if the other secret should have been activated. I think it works akin to Freezing and Explosive trap. That is to say, if you play freezing trap first and then explosive and a minion attacks your hero, the explosive trap triggers despite the minion already being back in your hand.

    Posted in: Avenge Aggro
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    posted a message on [Curse of Naxxramas] Don't Drink the Punch - Aggressive Priest

    Xparity's Aggro Priest
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    Introduction - The priest hero power is arguably the strongest hero power for solidifying board control. It allows minions to trade and then be healed up out of range for some removals. This idea is the main concept behind the deck. By using strong early game threats (some with downsides), you can solidify a board that is both AoE resistant and threatening. In this way, this is an aggro/tempo deck that aims to build a strong board and then win with strong direct damage spells. 

    Game Plan - Using early threats like UndertakerZombie ChowDark Cultist, and Deathlord makes board control simple. Once you have a decent board, you can drop Loatheb to make your board almost impossible to remove for a turn or Spectral Knight for a persistent, massive body. Once you have done enough damage to their face, you can drop your Auchenai Soulpriest and kill off your Zombie Chow for massive burst, or you can simply Mindblast them for a similar result. 

    Specific Choices

    Zombie Chow - This card fits perfectly into the deck. You use this card to trade in the early game, not for face damage. Then, when his usefulness falls off around turn 4, you trade him off after playing an Auchenai Soulpriest. Your opponent will have bigger threats to deal with than a 2/3 (like Undertaker) so he will likely survive in the early game and can be used for massive burst instead of healing.

    Unstable Ghoul - This is a personal choice that helps solidify early board control. It has inherent synergy with Circle of Healing and Northshire Cleric for massive card draw and it protects/pumps Undertaker. This card should delay the game long enough for you to survive against zoo. 

    Deathlord - This card is a massive body which will do wonders at protecting your threats. If you drop him with an Undertaker or Dark Cultist on board, you'll get a lot of free damage off. The reasoning behind the taunts in the deck is the same as why zoo runs taunt: you get to dictate what trades. In conjunction with your hero power, this card is a beast in that regard.

    Spectral Knight - He is a massive body which can't be removed if you have even a little bit of board control. This card will give you the edge over rogues with Sap or mages. 

    The Black Knight - The biggest threat to this deck is druid and their infinite taunts/4 attack minions. This card levels the playing field a bit. This card, in conjunction withLoatheb will have druids struggling to keep up. Loatheb on turn 5 forces (at best) a taunted Druid of the Claw which then dies instantly to The Black Knight. Furthermore, this card also deals efficiently with opposing Deathlords and the like. 

    Silence - You should just need one. Use it to power-down an enemy Undertaker for easy trading, or in the late-game to pass a taunt for victory. If the meta heavily favors deathrattles, you could always add another.

    Conclusion - Due to the nature of the priest hero power, it'll be very tough to make an "all face" aggro Priest deck. I think that an aggro Priest deck more like this will find its way into the meta because it combines hard to remove threats with huge, unavoidable burst. It'll most likely have a favorable match up against other aggro decks and a fairly good match up against most control decks.


    Posted in: Priest
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    posted a message on [Deck Release] Silence is Golden - An Aggressive/Tempo Priest Deck

    I don't save silences against Rogue. That 8/8 Vancleef was a 4 card combo (involving Preps, etc.). The chances of you having a second Silence in hand is just as likely as him having that wombo combo on turn 3. Personally, I wouldn't delay activating that watcher for the chance that a silence may come in handy when used offensively. Sometimes a deck just gets the perfect draw and you don't draw the cards to deal with it. 

    Posted in: Priest
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    posted a message on [Deck Release] Silence is Golden - An Aggressive/Tempo Priest Deck

    First, to answer Farq's questions:

    1. That isn't a bad idea. What you should consider though is that it makes the deck more vulnerable to TBH. Also, it makes the deck less aggressive. I haven't tested it personally so I won't say whether or not it is worth it. I'd give it a whirl and see how it fares.

    2. Not drawing Ancient Watcher is one of the disadvantages of the deck. Think of it sort of like when a druid doesn't draw an Innervate + Yeti opener. Normally, I just try and drop a minion a turn to keep up board presence (except oozes against weapon classes).

    3. If anything, I'd replace the 2 Holy fire with 2 Argent Commander for your drake issue. They're practically made to stomp drakes and they provide a huge tempo gain. Sure you lose some burst damage, but I think sacrificing some of your Handlock match up is alright considering how many tempo decks are flying around lately which run the drake.

    4. Mass Dispel works nicely against MR, Shaman, and heavy taunt decks (normally they just taunt up and go for your face, ignoring your board). I don't think I like having 2 in the deck, because it requires that you have board presence for it to be effective. For example, say you Mass Dispel a concealed Gadgetzan, you still have to deal with a 4/4 that can be cold blooded, etc. Basically, if you run another Mass Dispel, then you run the risk of it flooding your hand and not being able to get board control.

    As for the Venture Co. Mercenary discussion. He is not in the deck simply because of BGH. Furthermore, I don't run Velen in this version of the deck. If I did, I'd consider adding the Merc's to pave a way for Velen's survival. If Venture Co. survives a turn, he is amazing. If he gets BGH'd, all you will want to do is cry. If BGH isn't prevalent in your meta, I'd say add him to your deck (along with Velen) and reap the benefits.

    Posted in: Priest
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    posted a message on [Deck Release] Silence is Golden - An Aggressive/Tempo Priest Deck

    Simply, Acolyte of Pain is stronger on its own than Northshire Cleric for card draw. You are almost guaranteed Acolyte to at least replace itself whereas Northshire can be a dead card if you have nothing to heal. Acolyte is favored in the deck not so much for the Wild Pyro combos (even though those are nice), but more because it is anti-AoE insurance against the likes of Druid and Rogue. This is especially important because against those classes, you aren't afforded the luxury of time to trade down your minions and then heal them back up for the card draw. 

    Posted in: Priest
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    posted a message on Beginner player looking for insight

    People normally associate Rogue with tempo because their combo mechanic and cheap removal means that they can play threats the same turn that they remove enemy threats. I don't know if they are the "best" tempo class, but they are surely one of the best. Tempo Rogue is a very strong deck though.

    Posted in: Paladin
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    posted a message on Beginner player looking for insight

    I'd steer clear of some of the pirates. The only 2 which are solid cards on their own are the 2/3 for 2 (which pumps its attack based on your weapon's attack) and the Legendary. The rest of them are subpar by themselves. To give some examples, the pirate with taunt will cost 0 if you have a truesilver champion, but that comes on turn 4 at the earliest, at which point a 3/3 taunter is kind of irrelevant. The 2/1 with charge can be alright, but remember your earliest weapon comes on turn 3, so you won't be able to charge for 3 (because it gets buffed) until turn 4 (with 3 mana left over). Lastly, the pirate that boosts other pirates is kind of nice, but his power is kind of dependent on the number of pirates you have in your deck. The less pirates you have in the deck, the weaker he gets. 

    Posted in: Paladin
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    posted a message on Beginner player looking for insight

    I think you are on the right track for your Paladin deck to be a tempo/control deck. Cards like Argent Commander often 2 for 1 the opponent which generates a good amount of tempo. An example would be taking out an Azure Drake while leaving a 4/2 body on the board (which means they have to use at least one other card to remove it). 

    Weapons like Truesilver Champion provide a similar benefit in tempo and card advantage as Argent Commander. For that reason, if you plan on sticking with a couple weapons, to try and get Captain Greenskin to get even more mileage out of them. Tirion Fordring will also help in that regard.

    You also seem to have quite a few 4 drops. I'd consider removing either Chillwind Yeti or Sen'jin Shieldmasta and replace them with Azure Drake. Aldor Peacekeeper is almost a must have in a Paladin deck, in my opinion (regardless of variety). It is an on-curve body which also downgrades an enemy minion, possibly letting you trade super efficiently. Peacekeeper also makes your day much easier against the likes of Handlock. I'd get a singleton of Lay on Hands as well (to replace Divine Favor). 

    I may have missed some staples or good additions, but that should be a pretty good start. My suggestions rack up a lot of dust, but I don't think all of these suggestions need to be implemented. Furthermore, some of the changes, like Aldor Peacekeeper and Azure Drake are arguably better additions to the deck than some of the legendaries. 

    Finally, I definitely recommend testing out 2x Sword of Justice because I feel that experimentation is key to being successful with a deck. However, remember that a weapon's value decreases with each other weapon you have in your deck since you can only have 1 equipped at a time. Until you use up that last charge on your equipped weapon, every other weapon in your hand is a wasted card slot. 

    Posted in: Paladin
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    posted a message on Beginner player looking for insight

    The decks look pretty good so far. You mentioned not having some specific cards, so I'm not going to nitpick some choices because I'm pretty sure they are in as replacements. In the Paladin deck, I would recommend removing the single Blessing of Might because I don't feel it fits with the type of deck you are running. Often, if you put it on a minion to trade, you will 2 for 1 yourself and you really don't need the extra face damage it can provide. 

    Personally, I'd only play with 1 Sword of Justice because weapons should provide tempo/card advantage for you. While the Sword does that, it is nothing in comparison to Truesilver Champion and adding another weapon will only delay you being able to get value out of that card. I also don't know how I feel about the singleton of Divine Favor. As a control deck, you will most likely have more cards in your hand than your opponent, so if you draw into it, it would be a dead draw. 

    Posted in: Paladin
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    posted a message on Beginner player looking for insight

    I'm glad to hear you are making progress! Personally, I would advise to stay clear of a pure Paladin Control deck, because it relies really hard on Equality board clears (which you aren't guaranteed to get every match). I would say, however, that a well tuned control/tempo deck could do well. 

    Posted in: Paladin
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    posted a message on Dealing with Concealed Auctioneer

    You forgot Tinkmaster Overspark if the auctioneer is the only minion on board.

    Posted in: Priest
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    posted a message on Big flaw with a Hunter Card (BLIZZ PLS FIX) Gladiator's Longbow vs Explosive Trap

    As people have mentioned earlier in this thread, you should post this on the official forums. If the mechanics are working as intended, then it could be considered a graphical bug. On the off chance that the mechanics are not working as intended, its a bug that definitely needs to be fixed. Good find, but I'm sorry that it cost you the match.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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