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    posted a message on Is it, is it, is it, Time yet?

    Good luck actually getting into the game guys 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Polishing Concede Y'Shaarj deck

    If you're having a hard time against control Mage then you probably need to change your deck towards a more aggressive playstyle :/ 

    Your deck basically has no early game and even your late game threats aren't game-winning. The deck used to be really good cuz of the value you could get off rag, sylvanas etc but now the good pulls you get from y'sharaag don't allow you to snowball hard. 

    If you really want to play the deck I'd probably get rid of some of the more memey cards like far sight, cut copies of cards like ancestral spirit and spirit echo and put in some good early game minions so you can at least get some damage in. 

    Aside from that you probably want to put in some more high power legendaries like ysera or something that really impacts the board when you get a good pull. 

    Barnes used to be pretty good, not sure if he still is but maybe worth looking into if you put more high value targets for him. 

    Posted in: Shaman
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    posted a message on New Mage Quest - Open the Waygate

    Should've run counterspell as well

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Rogue Quest Decks

    What about mill rogue with the quest as a finisher? generally you're playing at least 4-5 coldlights a game anyway, the 5/5 aura would just be icing to close out the game.

    Of course jade druid might have something to say about this.....

    Posted in: Rogue
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    posted a message on New Rogue Legendary Card - Sherazin, Corpse Flower

    Maybe they're going to print some more plant cards that generate tokens? Like some spell that adds abunch of 1 mana plants to your hand.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on Boss Battle Royale - Tavern Brawl #85

    The priest hard counters paladin, once you fill their board with spectral Knights they have 0  comeback mechs 

    Posted in: Tavern Brawl
  • 5

    posted a message on ASYLUM'S GAUNTLET (Class Creation Competition #3) - Phase I Submission

    Class: Runic Guardian

    Runic GuardianHero PowerRunic Artifact

    Violet RunescribeDisruptionHarness the Power

    Hey, so my submission is the Runic Guardian. As an ancient beast sworn to protect ancient relics, the Runic Guardian draws power from the artifacts it finds and takes damage for destroying them. It will play usually as a control deck with weakness in the early game but strong recovery tools.

    My solution to this challenge was to have a token that is used as a resource which would influence the power of class spells. Adding a fairly "useless" token card to your hand forces players to balance spell power with card options and the 1 dmg to your hero discourages greed/abuse of auctioneer like effects. 

    Of course there are concerns that with this particular keyword neutral minions would have a hard time finding a place in the deck, so the class cards are going to be fairly spell heavy with only a few minons that give a little added support to the artifact system. It also takes a while to accumulate enough artifacts so neutral early game minions are needed.

    The three cards I've included showcase the general flavor of the class as well as a few different directions I plan to take it in future expansions.

    Violet Runescribe is one of the staple classic minions that addresses a few of the tempo issues with such a heavy hero power dependence. It has pretty premium stats and helps ramp up your artifact count early on. 

    Disruption represents the first and main archetype for this class where accumulation of artifacts is encouraged. It can go from worst case 4 mana 1 dmg aoe to a fairly strong/cheap late game board clear. 

    Harness the Power is a different archetype for this class that I intend to develop over a few of the expansions. This archetype will encourage using up your artifacts to gain power which improves synergy with violet teacher type cards.

    Some other archetypes/themes I have in mind to explore include:

    • Warlockesque cards where benefits are gained for damage dealt to your hero (probably in the basic set since key words can't be used)
    • Relic "Activation" where cards change the effect of the relics ie heal, summon tokens, buffs
    • Tribal Synergy either with prexisting tribes (dragons/beasts etc) or a newly made tribe (probably based on buildings/ruins)


    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on ASYLUM'S GAUNTLET (Class Creation Competition #3) - Phase I Discussion

    Hey, first time trying to make cards etc so just wanted to throw my idea out here and maybe get some feedback. A lot of people seem to be using "add card to hand" as a workaround for rule #2 but I figured I'd try and use it as a mechanic. 

    The concept is that the hero power adds a 0 mana token spell or "relic" to your hand and then other cards have effects that scale based on how many relics you're holding. The player would have to play around the 10 card limit while seeing their power level increase as the game goes on. 

    Examples like "battle cry do damage equal to the number of relics you hold" or "heal equal to the number of relics you hold etc. 

    I think for balance and interactive reasons it'd be better if your relics were discarded somehow so was looking for opinions on the discard mechanism. 

    1. Maybe a few cards simply just said "do x damage based on # relics, discard a relic (or 2 or 3 etc)" 

    2. To make it easier for opponents to play around, maybe a more conditional discard where you discard the # relics based on the number of minions your opponent has, or the number of cards in their hand. 

    3. Instead of targeted discard of relics, have the minions/spells discard random cards instead? 

    4. Have a negative effect for holding relics in your hand? Health seems a bit too punishing, perhaps increasing the cost of your other cards? Would make very complex plays where you balance mana and spell power. 

    5. Just have a hard cap on the # of relics or make the relics unplayable (20 mana or something) so that being greedy limits hand size. 

    Thanks for the help in advance, hope you like the idea! 

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on The Defias Brotherhood - Combo Cards for Rogue

    I disagree that Squallshaper is too strong. I mean Forbidden healing easily gets to 10+ healing with only 1 card commitment. Squallshaper would be quite good to give rouge some much needed healing without making the class broken.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on 'Herald' of Drakes

    I would add the new deathwing

    Posted in: 'Herald' of Drakes
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    posted a message on What was your first WOG Legendary?

    Yogg saron and cho'gall. Only halfway through my packs before I got booted off tho so I'm still hopeful :/

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Did not get a C'Thun and beckoners

    There's a bit of a delay since servers are fucked 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Maexxna and Rend

    Rend blackhand will probably be quite the God slayer with the new expansion, if youre playing dragon decks 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Will 40 packs be enough?

    Lol, all hail our Lord and savior rngesus. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Will 40 packs be enough?

    I'd say you'd need to craft N'zoth and y'saarj at the very least but also probably 3 or 4 other legendaries if you want to build a new deck for every class. If you have good rng with pack opening or have enough dust saved up for the legendaries then with 40 packs you should be able to disenchant extras or unused cards to craft everything else. I think people who want to buy more than 40 or 50 are the kinds of people who won't disenchant "unused" cards or don't have the dust to invest in the legendaries atm. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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