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    posted a message on Tempo/Midrange Warrior (Rank 3 legend) Multiple top 100 finishes

    Love the deck...tons of fun and I think Malkorok and Varian fit very well. The matchup that's I am struggling unbelievably hard against is rogue (mostly miracle). I find it hard to develop a board against them while clearing their minions as well.

    Posted in: Tempo/Midrange Warrior (Rank 3 legend) Multiple top 100 finishes
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    posted a message on Top 3 EU Legend Mryagut's Bloodlust Shaman

    Silverback Patriarch and War Golem.

    Posted in: Top 3 EU Legend Mryagut's Bloodlust Shaman
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    posted a message on lHl - Nitrodin

    So here's the thing. While it's clear you put a ton of effort in the visuals of the guide (and man, it looks absolutely fantastic), ultimately what I'm looking for is a competitive deck, and I find this deck a bit lacking after playing ~15 games with it tonight. Here's why:

    1) It's a very, very greedy list with a pretty robust lategame, but you're omitting strong control cards like Tirion Fordring because he's riding on the back of Alexstrasza? What the fuck…am I missing something here? The exclusion of Sylvanas Windrunner is also odd in a control deck. Troggzor the Earthinator is a usuable card, but you really need to be able to protect him with your own board in a midrange deck, so really it'll be hard to get value from him outside of Rogues, Priests and Handlocks. I'd definitely prefer Tirion, Sylvanas and even Kel'Thuzad and Ysera as a better lategame package for a control deck.

    2) Coghammer works better in a deck where you have early minions like Zombie Chow, Shielded Minibot or Knife Juggler. I get that the Divine Shield & Taunt are good on lategame minions as well, but by omitting so much early game, you're denying making Coghammer a good tempo play on turn 3, which is when this deck needs help the most. It's just not a good deck for it, especially not 2.

    3) No Aldor Peacekeeper is a head scratcher. It's one of the best answers Paladins have to midgame threats. - skipping them just seems incorrect.

    4) I love your inclusion of Madder Bomber, which is actually good in a control deck like this one and it works well with Acolyte of Pain. Some of your other midgame choices though I don't agree with. Bomb Lobber is a good card for sure, but the problem is this deck doesn't have enough single-target board control to really reliably get Lobber to hit what you want. Sure it shines in the Druid matchup and some other matchups like Priest, but this deck and Paladins in general have big board sweepers rather than potent single-target control, so Bomb Lobber seems a bit awkward. The Faceless Manipulator also doesn't seem to belong. Sure you have a lot of big targets - but if those big legendaries live a turn, you're going to be massively ahead already anyway. Your problem is trying to get a meaningful creature to stick.

    Again, beautiful presentation and guide - but the deck just doesn't feel like a solid competitive option.


    Posted in: lHl - Nitrodin
  • 3

    posted a message on Simplexity's Mech Aggro [Legend]

    It's doing well this season - almost legend with it. One new innovation I'm trying out (and seeing others at Legend) is using Fel Reaver for Bomb Lobber. I like one of each. I've also seen Rag as well for an extra finisher. You can cut 1 Flametongue Totem and/or 1 Harvest Golem

    Once I play a bit more with some changes, I'll update the list.


    Posted in: Simplexity's Mech Aggro [Legend]
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    posted a message on Simplexity's Mech Aggro [Legend]

    Most priests don't run Holy Smite and 0 or only 1 copy of Shadow Word: Pain. Because of that, you should be able to either: 1) Ramp out a board with Mechwarper or 2) Get in a lot of early damage with Whirling Zap-o-matic. They also don't run a ton of taunts, mainly just two Sludge Belcher. This means you have the freedom to hit face without much hindrance lategame.

    Try to not get completely blown out by Auchanei Soulpriest + Circle of Healing, but also don't completely hinder your board developement because of it, as it is a 2 card combo. Something as simple as playing a Harvest Golem or Annoy-o-Tron with it's Divine Shield means they can't fully clear until turn 6.

    Posted in: Simplexity's Mech Aggro [Legend]
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    posted a message on Simplexity's Mech Aggro [Legend]

    Congrats bud, glad it's working out! How's Bloodlust performing? It's a suggestion I've been recommending for budget, but not sure in practice how it is.

    Posted in: Simplexity's Mech Aggro [Legend]
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    posted a message on Simplexity's Mech Aggro [Legend]

    Really nice job man, thanks for the vid. I'll add it to the OP.

    Posted in: Simplexity's Mech Aggro [Legend]
  • 2

    posted a message on Simplexity's Mech Aggro [Legend]

    Could be, I didn't really face Priest that often. 10 out of 34 games seems pretty outrageous though for Priest representation - I wouldn't count on that being the norm. I do find though that Whirling can get a ton of damage in this matchup since a lot of them skimp on the early removal. I'm not sure this deck can beat Auchanei + Circle though since Mechs aren't as sticky as Deathrattle minions.

    Posted in: Simplexity's Mech Aggro [Legend]
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    posted a message on Simplexity's Mech Aggro [Legend]

    Aggro mirrors often are quite coin flippy (think zoo mirrors) and depend heavily on how turns 2-4 play out. Take your time on these early turns! Basically once an aggro decks gets a tempo and board advantage, it's almost impossible to lose. Really try to anticipate what they want to do and what their ideal play is for next turn and try to make the best play against that.

    In aggro matchups, a good general rule is control the board at all costs unless you can threaten lethal next turn. Once you snowball a board state, you'll win easily.

    In non-aggro matchups, you definitely need board through like turn 4-6, but there will come a point where they'll put down a minion that isn't worth it to kill (example would be Sylvanas or Piloted Sky Golem). Punish them for taking a turn to drop a "slow" minion and push damage and hopefully get them to a spot where you can draw burn to finish them off.

    Posted in: Simplexity's Mech Aggro [Legend]
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