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    posted a message on Pot of greed reno c'thun n'zoth rogue

    I played with Finley before and was either really impress or not impressed very much... It depended a lot on the game. I think he's great in rogue because you can keep the dagger. When the curator is released I might consider adding him again along with Stampeding Kodo instead of the Auctioneer package.

    As for N'zoth, I ran him for a while and very may well go back to him but I am currently testing out a bit more aggression. If I do, I will be dropping violet teacher for infested tauren or maybe even Chillmaw. I am pretty adamant about running a death rattle taunt if you're going to run N'zoth as otherwise Yogg is just better.

    Let's keep working on these lists as I think there's definitely something here. Needs fine tuning but the deck is a blast to play.

    Edit: thoughts on the cultist package? I find them too underwhelming but it is nice to know C'thun will be big without needing to blade something. This is one of the reasons I added the pro-active Rag for the time being. I think the slot might be better served by Baron Geddon as it's another board clear. I ran him before and had AMAZING results.

    Posted in: Pot of greed reno c'thun n'zoth rogue
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    posted a message on Pot of greed reno c'thun n'zoth rogue

    Here's my list: Edge of Madness

    You'll notice that I don't run any of the small C'thun buff minions and instead have included a violet teacher and auctioneer package. Additionally I also run both Thalnos and Loot Horder. I find that between Blade of C'thun and the sole Disciple, I can get my finisher easily to around 14 attack. On that note my basic philosophy is that I will win the game if I can get control of it and for that I need to dig for Reno and board clears.

    As I cut the cultists, I don't run Brann either as he doesn't interact with Combos. Instead I'm sporting Van Cleef which I find to be VERY helpful vs. Shaman, Druid and Zoo.

    Posted in: Pot of greed reno c'thun n'zoth rogue
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    posted a message on Reno double c'thun to rank 5 [84%]

    Basically I took out the C'thun buff minions besides the Disciple and Blade of C'thun. The former is a great tempo play like SI:7 and the latter is where you REALLY get your stats for the finisher. 

    Posted in: Reno double c'thun to rank 5 [84%]
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    posted a message on Pot of greed reno c'thun n'zoth rogue

    Running a VERY similar list and absolutely loving it... Out of curiosity do you feel like you lack draw? Also why not sub out loot horder for Thalnos? I can't seem the former being better, especially in rogue. Being able to fan with spell power is a huge boon.

    Posted in: Pot of greed reno c'thun n'zoth rogue
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    posted a message on New Legendary Card - The Curator

    I thinkColdlight Oracle orCorrupted Seer could be great packages depending on what you need.

    Currently I am thinking of either of these two..

    x1Jeweled Scarab, 1xAzure Drake, 1xCorrupted Seer


    1xColdlight Oracle, 1xAzure Drake, 1xStampeding Kodo

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Reno double c'thun to rank 5 [84%]

    I find prep 100% needed for the tempo swing.

    Posted in: Reno double c'thun to rank 5 [84%]
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    posted a message on Reno double c'thun to rank 5 [84%]

    Either run Van Cleef & Loot Horder for better early game or Scarab and Brann for value.

    Posted in: Reno double c'thun to rank 5 [84%]
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    posted a message on Reno double c'thun to rank 5 [84%]

    From my experience with the list it is pretty mana hungry so you don't have much time for hero power. Being able to keep the dagger around is probably the best power you can hope for so Finley doesn't add too much.

    Posted in: Reno double c'thun to rank 5 [84%]
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    posted a message on Reno double c'thun to rank 5 [84%]

    I have been playing the shit out of a list like this for basically the past two months... Maybe you're a lot better player than I am but here are some trends I've found

    1.) Preparation is needed. This deck plays from behind a lot and just playing removal will often not allow you to move the game plan forward. They just play a minion next turn and you're in the same place. Prep allows for a spell into board development that can swing the game.

    2.) Do you find the C'thun minions valuable? The biggest buff is from Blade of C'thun and other than the disciple (aka SI7 #2), they aren't very strong. As I don't run them, I also run Van Cleef over Bran because t2 coin 4/4 is strong in the current meta. 

    3.) This deck NEEDS doomsayer. Period. There are start from Shaman and Warlock that you cannot handle without it. The list has a very hard time dealing with totem golem on turn 2 and doomsayer helps here. 

    I have taken this a step further and added conceal which I feel is great in this list, especially in regards to Shadowcaster. Often times things die before you get the chance to Shadowcast.

    4.) Sylvanas over Emperor.... You need the catch up mechanic


    Posted in: Reno double c'thun to rank 5 [84%]
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    posted a message on [S28 Top 50 Legend] Shadowcaster Yogg Rogue (Full Writeup and Mulligans!)

    Try dropping the Rag for Soggoth... If you keep Soggoth topped off there's little they can do vs. it.

    Posted in: [S28 Top 50 Legend] Shadowcaster Yogg Rogue (Full Writeup and Mulligans!)
  • 2

    posted a message on [Top 50 Legend] Reno N'Zoth Rogue

    I think this is the way to go here... You don't have the time to cast Harrison for 5 in many games and having a 3/2 for 2 helps sometimes when you don't draw much else.

    Posted in: [Top 50 Legend] Reno N'Zoth Rogue
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    posted a message on OTK: Alexstrasza + Gorehowl

    Giants is much less consistent than this list though, which is why you see a guy getting legend rank with this and not OTK Giants.

    Posted in: Warrior
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    posted a message on OTK: Alexstrasza + Gorehowl

    The concept is really good and a great meta sniper. The problem is that if it gains success, its SUPER easy to counter. Right now, most top decks don't play the counters so this deck is able to thrive. So long as this remains a hushed underdog it can get a ton of wins. That said, I don't like lists that revolve around practically NEEDING a 3-card combo to win.

    Posted in: Warrior
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    posted a message on Rayre's OTK Alexstrasza Deck
    Quote from 2ndWFetzer »

    Okay i played vs a better version of this deck 2 times now of rank 2 Players

    And he would not have been able to win vs me until he played upgrade on his gorehowl!

    i had 8 armor (because i knew it was this deck) but then he played upgrade, killed my armor

    next turn i put my armor up to 1 again

    then he: alexstrasza attack with gorehowl charge gg

    You still need: The Black Knight and Upgrade for sure!! the guy that i played against had it and if he didnt i would have won.

    I see a lot of people talking in stream chats about this list... What other cards did you see?

    Posted in: Warrior
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    posted a message on Red Deck Wins (Proper - No gimmick)
    Quote from Jackwraith »

    Nope. Just played six straight games against Mages and they completely handled this deck every time. Charge creatures just aren't cost-efficient enough or are just bad against Mages (Rocketeer), if not bad in general. The lack of card draw and the overwhelming amount of freeze in the current Mage card set makes winning with this kind of one-dimensional approach far too difficult.

    Pretty much summed up the one test game I did with this list. You just run out of steam while the opponent still has a full grip.

    Posted in: Warrior
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