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    posted a message on A Dark Recipe - Tavern Brawl #61

    This brawl is rubbish. I understand that it might be fun as exploration for new players, but new players can't brawl anyway. For a veteran player, you're just killing time with decks that are clearly sub-par. Since Blizzard has so much to say about Priest, I tried that one first, was embarrassed by its crapitude. If these are the deck recipes coming out of Blizzard, Blizzard doesn't understand much about the actual dynamics of this game.

    Posted in: Tavern Brawl
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    posted a message on New Card - Arcane Anomaly

    I also don't think this card is good. Tunnel Trogg and Mana Wyrm are dangerous cards because they continue to grow. The mage hides a Mana Wyrm behind taunts and it can actually win the game. This card needs activators to be anything more than hero power fodder, and what you get for it is probably equivalent to a Twilight Whelp. So, we have to ask ourselves, who needs a Twilight Whelp or a Blackwing Technician without its buff? So, the 1 mana 2/4 has been a thing in Desert Camel Hunters. Apart from that, 1-drops have to do something to be worthwhile--they help us draw cards, they grow bigger over time, they come back with N'Zoth... This card probably isn't exactly bad, and maybe someone will get some value out of it in constructed, but it's also not really that good.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Shaman Card - Maelstrom Portal

    I don't get this card. It's in line with other reasonable arena cards that see no constructed play, but 1 damage has never been worth it unless you're also activating your own enrage effects.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Priest Card - Onyx Bishop

    This card is garbage (assuming its a random resummon and not a selected one). Resurrect was not good enough at 2 mana. It was too hard to control the effect, and given the standard priest minions, was far too likely to just summon a 1-health Wild Pyromancer. This card has 3-mana worth of stats and adds on a Resurrect, so the only advantage it has over just playing Resurrect is card economy. If it had good stats, like 5/5 for its cost, it would be worth building around. Or, if it had tempo cost and stats, say a 3/3 for 3 with this ability, then it would be cool, because you'd play it on curve and resummon your 2-drop. As is, it will see no play.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Legendary Card - Moroes

    I agree with the weak Dreadsteed comparison. This card is simply not good. For 3-mana, you need tempo, or you fall behind on the board. Otherwise, you need considerable value. 1/1s are not doing well in the current meta. There are so many 3/3s running around out there, that Northshire Cleric can't even find a nice spot these days, so who needs a pack of 1/1s? This card is weaker than Imp Master, and will assuredly not see play.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Mage Card - Babbling Book

    The card has playable value; that's not a question. A 1/1 + a card is worth something like 1.66 or 1.75 mana, based on Novice Engineer's current viability vs. its viability back when it was a 1/2. So, we know this is a reasonable arena card. Will it see constructed play? My guess is that it will find a place in Reno decks simply because of the diversity of options that those builds encourage. In tempo mage? Very unlikely. A 1/1 body is poor tempo, and Flamewaker decks already lean heavily on Mana Wyrm, which is so strong as to be potentially game winning on its own if left uncontested. Mage doesn't contest the board by tossing stuff out there—it leverages value from removal to keep its decent cards alive. This deck would be crazy good in Hunter, fascinating in Priest, probably playable in Shaman. In Mage, it's okay, probably not very meaningful for constructed.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Druid Card - Enchanted Raven

    Warrior doesn't really need a nerf. You have to realize that the cards that are floating Warrior and Shaman right now will be cycled out. Warrior actually has some of the weakest class cards in the entire game, which is a big part of why it's always been a weak Arena class. What Blizzard needs to do is balance the "Classic" set, by cycling useful cards into and cycling bad cards out of it. Now that Warsong Commander is a dead card, for example, it doesn't belong in Standard, and should be removed from classic, to be replaced by an interesting card, like Crush or Bouncing Blade. Likewise, let's get rid of Ancient of Lore now and bring back Tree of Life so it can synergize with Yogg. They really could take a lot more care with the game to create a more balanced and enjoyable environment. And this works in the other direction too. There are many abusive classic cards that don't help with balance. Let's take out something like Frostbolt, since Warlock can lose Darkbomb, and force mages to be more creative with damage. I wish they had done more of this with the transition to Standard format instead of nerfing cards to oblivion, so that classes could have retained more of their old identity in Wild. Why nerf Force of Nature instead of simply removing it from Standard?

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Hunter Card - Kindly Grandmother

    This is a strong card, not especially colorful, but definitely good. Hunter is still not likely to be the power it has been in the past (think pre-Naxx) because it has never recovered in the draw department from the Starving Buzzard nerf, but this card will work in both the tempo/fast Hunter versions and the more late-game oriented N'Zoth versions. I don't think the card is exactly abusive, but it's likely to be annoying. Also, it's a bit of a regurgitation of previous card designs, from things like Haunted Creeper, which even Brode admitted. So, overall, I'd say I'm not thrilled with the card, but it's definitely decent, and will assuredly see constructed play.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Druid Card - Enchanted Raven

    I hate this card. It is undeniably very strong, and it works well with Mark of Y'Shaarj. Blizzard has had so many failed attempts at constructing a beast Druid, they're finally really just forcing the issue, and it's a sad statement on the state of Druid. Druid used to be a great tempo/mid-range deck with a lot of flexibility. I made legend the first time playing Druid. I loved it. It was the most flexible class with Draw, dynamic minions that could taunt or attack, a sweet curve, lots of different tech choices, etc. Now, it's completely flat. C'Thun or token/face. This card is simply going to reinforce an abusive aggroish beast combo archetype. Ugh!

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Legendary Card - The Curator

    This is a niche card, but a very strong one. I am confident that powerful combos can be built around this. It works well with Reno Jackson, it reinforces midrange beast decks in Druid and Hunter, it's just a nice, creative, very robust card. It will definitely see play, and creative play at that. Bravo to the design!

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Paladin Card - Ivory Knight

    This card seems cute, but I don't think it will see play because it's a Paladin card, which is sad, because it's very creative. Paladin has weak spells overall, and the discover mechanic is not going to work well in this case. If you could assure yourself of a Lay on Hands or Avenging Wrath, it would be great, but the likelihood of Redemption, Eye for an Eye and Humility choice is too high. Not a bad arena card, but this is the first of the new cards that I am confident will not be especially good.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Legendary Card - Barnes

    I think this is a very interesting card and I like the design. I don't think it's immediately, intuitively that strong because it will be very hard to control what you get, and a lot of decks have to have cards with battlecry effects, etc. to be effective. It's a nice card because it will push creativity in deck design. Probably stronger in Wild where there are a lot more deathrattles, although a 1/1Deathlord would suck.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Mage Card - Firelands Portal

    It's not as good as some other crazy RNG mage cards have been. 5-drops are actually often quite bad. It will drop Stormpike Commando and Starving Buzzard as often as not...

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Rogue Card - Ethereal Peddler

    And Nefarian is Black Rock Mountain, which will be cycled out when this expansion comes in. This card is interesting, definitely better than some of the previous Rogue attempts, like Anub'ar Ambusher. I would withhold judgement. It's definitely not a "bad" card.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Rogues: Replace That Hero Power!

    It's probably not strong enough, but I'd like to see something like 2 mana: put a coin into your hand. That would combo well with a lot of Rogue cards and be an interesting way for a Rogue to benefit from multiple hero powers instead of how annoying the power is now, where you can't do anything once you've daggered up. Most people would probably scoff at the idea of pay 2 mana to get 1 in the future, but I can see it having considerable value in a control archetype, and it's much more consistent with Rogue fluff than the power you've suggested.

    Posted in: Rogue
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