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    posted a message on Insanity Rogue - Meme your way to victory

    This version of insanity rogue is a meme deck - you can get it to legendary with a lot of effort but it is not made for climbing; it is made for fun.

    I have made a more effective, consistent, and substantially stronger version of the deck which can be found here: Insanity Rogue

    You play this deck like miracle rogue, use your early tempo to secure your life total, cycle in the mid game with novice and oracle (while completing quest) and finish the game with your huge caverns + valeera combo.

    Current win rate with this deck is 65% this season, up from 56% last season.

    Posted in: Insanity Rogue - Meme your way to victory
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    posted a message on Insanity Rogue - Meme your way to victory

    1 mana is a huge difference. The 1 mana minions let you bounce them for no cost and play them before and after vanish as early as possible. 

    Posted in: Insanity Rogue - Meme your way to victory
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    posted a message on Insanity Rogue - Meme your way to victory

    Deadscale knight does nothing early on so he does not fit in a control style deck. Even if you make him a 5/5, he would still die to typical removal.

    Posted in: Insanity Rogue - Meme your way to victory
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    posted a message on Insanity Rogue - Meme your way to victory

    Patches is a mainstay in any rogue deck so you would ideally want to craft him ASAP. But for now, you can replace him with either a hungry crab or voodoo doctor.

    The backstab was removed for a Glacial Shard...doing so increased the winrate by about 3 percent. 

    Posted in: Insanity Rogue - Meme your way to victory
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    posted a message on Standard Miracle Addict

    Yes. In general, the less gimmicky a deck is, the more consistent it is. If you want just pure consistency at the cost of fun, then take mana addicts out and you have a pure standard miracle deck. But I like my addicts, so i'm keeping them in.

    Posted in: Standard Miracle Addict
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    posted a message on Standard Miracle Addict

    Mana addicts are far superior to questing adventurer. A mana addict can setup lethal by itself, whereas a questing adventurer cannot. Questing costs 1 more mana as well, and shadowsteping him to get him in conceal with Gadetzan is just awkward since he still costs 1 mana after shadowstep.

    Posted in: Standard Miracle Addict
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    posted a message on Standard Miracle Addict

    Vs aggro, play like a tempo deck and keep their field clear. Vs control, try to fish for mana addict/Gadetzan/conceal combo, or mana addict + conceal (enough damage in hand for lethal) combo, or get them low enough and finish them off with leeroy.

    Posted in: Standard Miracle Addict
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    posted a message on Troll Deck

    Sorry - the decklist was a bit off, but it's fixed now.

    Posted in: Troll Deck
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    posted a message on Standard Miracle Addict

    Im actually considering replacing it just so my loot horders would stop getting silenced by shamans.

    Posted in: Standard Miracle Addict
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    posted a message on Burstdown (Wild Pyro Variant)

    Craft the 2nd preparation. Running a miracle rogue with one preparation is like having toast without bread. 

    Posted in: Burstdown (Wild Pyro Variant)
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    posted a message on Burstdown (Wild Pyro Variant)

    This deck isn't designed to be extremely effective versus Druid, but you should still be able to win more than average by using proper mulliganing.

    Keep: Sap, card draw, Gadetzan, conceal, mana addict.

    Mulligan away: Pretty much everything else, except for good removal like backstab. But only keep one. You don't need both a backstab+ deadly poison in your starting hand. Just a backstab works fine. In other words; keep 1 removal at most, search for combo pieces.

    Another thing to take away from this deck is when to play acolyte/wild pyro. A good combo is to wild pyro + evisicrate a yeti, then shdaowstep the pyro. Then you play him next turn for 0, along with an acolyte of pain, and then use two spells. That's a good use of him.

    A bad use of him is putting him down on an open field by himself.

    Likewise should you avoid playing acolyte of pain unless you REALLY want him to use his removal on it. Basically try to play acolyte of pain and in the same turn combo off 1-2 draws with shivs/wild pyros.

    hope that helps.

    Posted in: Burstdown (Wild Pyro Variant)
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    posted a message on Burstdown (Wild Pyro Variant)

    I'm not a big fan of Agents as you can tell from most of my decklists. I find them great in a tempo deck but not in a burstdown deck. You want to kill the opponent from full health and Si7s for 3 mana don't achieve that objective. A 3-3 body in a deck which runs barely any minions likewise doesn't do much. What makes Si7s great in tempo is that you play them and then you play more minions. The enemy eventually runs out of removal or board advantage due to the tempo you generated. Miracle Rogue, however, is the exact opposite of tempo. I spend more of my early turns daggering up and not worrying about mana efficiency. 

    As for Sinister strikes, in a proper deck they're like a more versatile cold blood. As the previous post mentioned, you can use them to trigger Mana addicts, Gadetzan, and Wild pyros. They also go through taunt and get boosted by spell damage. This card has no place in a miracle deck, but in a burstdown deck it's just a great card overall.

    Posted in: Burstdown (Wild Pyro Variant)
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    posted a message on Burstdown (Wild Pyro Variant)

    In actuality, this variant is to counter other miracle rogue decks, zoo, and a bit of mage.

    Wild pyros act as field wipe mechanic which is so desperately needed in a mirror matchup. Miracle Rogue mirror matches often come down to who can draw the most cards, and getting a concealed Gadetzan is a precursor to winning the following turn. As such, the ability to use Wild pyro to deal 2 damage in a given turn, as well as fan of knives + blade flurry, allows you to wipe those Gadetzans off the field. Another prominent card that i'm currently experimenting with is Azure drake, as putting him down turn 5 delays the enemy's Gadetzan (if he plays it, you can blade flurry + deadly poison + spell power combo it away).

    Wild pyro is just great versus Zoo, way better than Si7 agent ever was. (You play Si7, they soulfire. They still have a full field, you're still dying.) You need field wipes versus Zoo, and wild pyros help that.

    As you said, Wild pyro greatly helps versus clearing aggro's 1 and 2 health drops.

    Lastly, versus control you can use wild pyro + acolyte combos to draw cards. Putting down wild pyro + acolyte + prep + eviscirate to clear the enemy field and draw 3 cards from Acolyte is devastating for the enemy. 

    Hope that helps.

    Posted in: Burstdown (Wild Pyro Variant)
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    posted a message on Burstdown (Wild Pyro Variant)

    Truth be told I prefer an Assasins blade in Leeroys place. It does the job of 20+ damage and acts as a finisher where your Mana Addicts fail. 

    Posted in: Burstdown (Wild Pyro Variant)
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    posted a message on Burstdown (Wild Pyro Variant)

    Unlike my other deck, this deck runs two saps. Giant minions shouldn't be a problem so long as you don't blow your saps on the other, smaller minions. Sometimes it's better to wait a turn and take that 9 damage to the face just so you can send back a 9-9 taunted giant as opposed to that 8-8 that didn't get Argus'd. 

    The win condition for this deck is the same as my regular Burstdown deck; 

    1) a stealthed addict on the board with enough spells in hand

    2) leeroy jenkins combos

    3) Stealthed gadetzan cycling through your entire deck for lethal.

    The enemy should be dead within 10 turns, so you shouldn't be dealing with "big guys", if you are then you're playing this deck wrong or the meta is too slow, in which case I recommend playing my regular burstdown deck.

    Posted in: Burstdown (Wild Pyro Variant)
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