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    posted a message on New Priest Rare Revealed - Devour Mind!

    Copy 3 cards from your opponent's deck and add them to your hand.

    Source: http://stevinho.justnetwork.eu/2017/08/01/weltexklusiv-justnetwork-darf-eine-karte-vom-neuen-hearthstone-addon-revealen/


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    posted a message on New Hunter Card Reveal - Corpse Widow


    Source: [Kranich & 철면수심]

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    Looking to learn more about Hearthstone's sixth expansion? Visit our adventure guide for Knights of the Frozen Throne!!

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    posted a message on New Card Revealed: Tomb Lurker

    Note how the card doesn't specify "friendly", meaning that you can totally pull you're opponent's Deathrattles using this. So it isn't even that good a N'zoth deck because your opponent's Tentacle of N'Zoth off of Maelstrom Portal can totally screw you over later on when you play this.

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    posted a message on New Epic Card Revealed - Tomb Lurker


    Learn More About Knights of the Frozen Throne

    Looking to learn more about Hearthstone's sixth expansion? Visit our adventure guide for Knights of the Frozen Throne!!

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    posted a message on New Card Revealed - Sunborne Val'kyr

    Source: HearthGamers Twitter


    Learn More About Knights of the Frozen Throne

    Looking to learn more about Hearthstone's sixth expansion? Visit our adventure guide for Knights of the Frozen Throne!!

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    posted a message on New Hunter Card Revealed! - Stitched Tracker

    Oddly enough not a Beast, despite what the art might otherwise suggest. You bet that's going to mess people up for a while.

    Another 3-Cost Hunter card to add to the pile. This one certainly encourages a slower, more value oriented playstyle. If Shadow Visions has taught us anything is that being able to tutor additional copies of cards from your deck is really stupid powerful. This is clearly meant to generate multiple copies of powerful Deathrattle minions so that you can get more powerful synergies off of cards like the new Abominable Bowman and N'zoth.

    Main problem is that Hunter is a class that lives and dies by the board, and so they can't really afford to play a 3 mana 2/2 without giving up any advantage the may have built. Whatever it is that you are tutoring must be able to help you catch-up big time. Hunter doesn't really have any insane 4-Cost plays aside from Houndmaster (another big problem the class has), and alas this card is not a Beast, so tutoring that won't be of much help. Maybe Hunter will finally get a 4-Mana card that can compete?

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  • 2

    posted a message on New Mage Card Reveal - Ice Walker

    Reminds me a lot of Fallen Hero, which doesn't set a good precedent since that had much better stats and didn't see much if any play. Granted Freeze is a much more powerful effect, and this does have some Elemental synergy for whatever that's worth. The stats a just so bad though.

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  • 2

    posted a message on New Hunter Card Reveal - Venomstrike Trap

    Snake Trap already tends to catch a lot of people off guard. And a Poisonous 2/3 certainly represents a much greater threat than three 1/1s. Being able to trade up with your opponent's largest minion out of nowhere for 2 mana is a ridiculous tempo swing. Even if they do use a spell to remove it's still an even trade card-advantage wise. This card certainly seems to be one to watch out for, especially from sources capable of randomly generating it.

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  • 2

    posted a message on New Warrior Card - Mountainfire Armor

    The card itself seems kind off weak, since it kind off conflicts with itself. It is aggressively stated and costed, yet it's bonus is pure defense. The stats are average and your opponent can just ignore it and leave you with basically a vanilla 4/3. This gets more interesting if you are able to give it Taunt or otherwise force your opponent into killing it.

    If you do get the effect off, it's actually pretty powerful. 6 Armor is a lot, and since you technically get it for no additional cost it is even better. Definitely not as powerful as a Battlecry from Shieldmaiden, since guaranteeing the Armor for Shield Slam was a big part of the power behind the effect.

    In a way, this card is interesting in that it puts your opponent into a dilemma; either they ignore it and allow you to get free trades on their board, or they kill it and give you 6 Armor. Seeing as most of aggro's minions are relatively small, and they large popularity of 2/3s in the format, it could be a genuinely tough choice for an aggro deck.

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  • 3

    posted a message on New Card - Nerubian Unraveler

    It's basically Loatheb light. Higher cost, smaller effect, but it's an aura so it gets to stick around for as long as it's on board. An extra (2) mana is enough to have a meaningful effect but not as oppressive as Loatheb where sometimes your opponent would straight up skip their turn.

    Most important of all is that in this case the effect is symmetrical, so you have to be much more careful about which decks you put this in and when you put it into play.

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  • 43

    posted a message on New Warlock Legendary - Blood-Queen Lana’thel

    This card reminds me a lot of Bolvar Fordragon. That is not a good thing.

    Both of them are 5 mana, have garbage stats for the cost, have a conditional Attack buff to try and make them not terrible, and are basically Silence/removal magnets. Big difference is that at least this doesn't have to be in your hand to get buffed, so that's something.

    Now granted, the meta has changed a lot; BGH and Owl are no longer ever-present forces in the metagame. However, this still has to dodge a lot of hard removal before it can even get value, and discarding cards is a much more punishing condition than having your free 1/1's die over the course of the game.

    Now, if your opponent does not have an answer for this in the form of hard removal, then they are completely screwed since they are either a) getting punched in the face for a decent chunk of damage and a huge life swing, or b) trading into this with one or more minions and giving you multiple heals in the process. So in a sense it creates a Tirion-esque effect where your opponent is forced to hold back some kind of answer in order to not instantly lose, and that can indeed be powerful.

    So the kind of deck that could use this is a Handlock style deck; some kind of slow control deck that has a high threat density and wants something to draw removal in order to protect other more important targets. That deck also needs to want discard enablers, which is unlikely for the very same reason; you have a high threat density and therefore all your cards matter.

    A fine attempt, but not good enough.

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  • 8

    posted a message on New Shaman Card Reveal - Ice Breaker

    3 mana for a 1/3 weapon is absolutely abysmal in terms of raw stats. 1 Attack weapons tend to be poor in general, and 3 mana is incredibly expensive for such poor damage output. So this card has a lot to make up from it's text.

    Freeze effects are already powerful tempo swings on their own. This card's effect turns them into ridiculous tempo swings by turning them into conditional hard removal. Currently Shaman only has Frost Shock in terms of class-only Freezes; thankfully a cheap one. Glacial Shard and Frost Elemental round out the rest of the package; again decent, but not fantastic. This card is probably hinting at a few more Freeze effects to look forward too.

    I feel that in a world where Shaman already has Hex this card serves almost no purpose. Shaman isn't starving for removal options so much as to be desperate enough to run crappy two-card combos. The effects is too conditional and a 1/3 weapon for 3 mana is a joke.

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  • 16

    posted a message on New Rogue Card Reveal - Plague Scientist

    This seems really good for a common. It's the Gastropod effect all over again; guarantees that any friendly minion in play, no matter how small, gets to trade up, which is stupid powerful in Arena.

    Compared to SI:7, this has much worse stats on curve and requires a minion in play that can attack, but the upside of killing anything no matter the size is huge.

    Compared to Vilespine Slayer, again this requires a minion in play and it doesn't bypass Taunts but is way cheaper which matters since it's a Combo card.

    Compared to Envenom Weapon, this allows you to have a similar effect at Common, with a body attached, and you don't have to facetank the damage, but you need to have some board presence already and most likely only lasts once (unlike the two Charges your Envenomed weapon provides).

    And let's not even get into the potential synergies this has with anything that deals damage. Knife Juggler becomes a sniper rifle, and Wild Pyromancer becomes a nuke.

    In my eyes it's limitations only make it that much more interesting as a card. Fantastic common.

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    posted a message on Knights of the Frozen Throne is Hearthstone's Next Expansion

    Don't think Drain Life will, since it is mechanically different. The amount of damage it deals is not tied to the amount of healing. You can prove this by playing Drain Life with Spell Power on board; it will deal more damage but it will still restore only 2 Health. That said, there's nothing really preventing them from power creeping that card and printing a new, most-likely improved Lifesteal damage spell for us poor followers of Gul'dan.

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    posted a message on New Legendary Card Reveal - Prince Keleseth

    This seems unplayably bad. What deck can get away with running absolutely no 2-drops? Maybe Warlock? You're giving up so many powerful options. It's a death sentence against aggro. Plus this guy is a one off in your deck, so you're not guaranteed to get him early when he matters most. It's not like The Mistcaller effect was insanely powerful to begin with.

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