Mage Class Challenge - One Night in Karazhan

Mage Class Challenge - One Night in Karazhan

In the Mage Karazhan class challenge, you will be fighting Nightbane with a pre-constructed deck of cards. This fight becomes available after defeating The Menagerie wing on Normal Difficulty. The challenge must be completed using a deck that is predefined by the game.

Should you be successful in completing the challenge, you will receive two copies of Babbling Book.


  • This mage has a secret.. you've got spell synergy!
  • Nightbane, like on normal, has Dragon synergy throughout his deck.
  • Be careful of Nightbane's Pyroblast. Although we never took hero damage in the encounter, it could be a pretty upsetting loss. At least we also get Pyroblast!
  • Medivh, the Guardian makes an appearance. Crazy value through Atiesh with all your big spells like Firelands Portal and Flamestrike.
  • Demented Frostcaller works great with your secrets to control the board when you don't have Blizzard in hand.
  • Flamewaker can be decent control but freeze mechanics will actually prevent his large minions from doing stuff.
  • Effigy will help get you more value out of your Medivh's death or anything summoned through Portal and Atiesh.
  • Arcane Giant will likely be playable for free pretty quickly thanks to the amount of spells in your deck.
  • A couple Cabalist's Tome are present in your deck. Play them if your hand isn't overflowing, you can certainly handle the mana cost.
  • Firelands Portal and Medivh are great mulligan targets to get the party started. 
  • You don't have card draw outside of the RNG effects thanks to Babbling Book and Cabalist's Tome. These also make for pretty solid cards to keep during mulligan phase.
  • TL;DR: Go face, control the board through spells.


Completing the Karazhan Mage class challenge will give you two Babbling Book.

It will also allow you to craft, with Arcane Dust, the golden version.


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