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Hoont Hoont Mother...

  • Last updated Oct 16, 2017 (Evergreen Nerfs)
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  • 20 Minions
  • 8 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Face Hunter
  • Crafting Cost: 1600
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 10/16/2017 (Evergreen Nerfs)
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Fairly simple hunter deck with some tech.

Answers to expected questions:

Stitched tracker over Tracking? - much better in the later stages of the game since you will almost always discover something you can play on the same turn and it develops a (admittedly small) body on the board. Also it does not have a chance of throwing away cards you may like to keep in your deck (if you have to choose between a Savannah Highmane and a Kill Command for example)

No Bearsharks? - I've tried adding them in but I didn't find much use for them. Their main target is priest and in most of the cases they can be traded off rather easily so I chose to instead rely on the fact that 2 out of the 3 animal companion minions have 4 attack anyway and go with that.

No Fledgelings? - Pretty much the same as the Bearsharks. I've almost never gotten one to stick at turn 2 or 3 and I substituted them for the Bonemares.

Flare? - Mage is still a class and although it doesn't work against Counterspell it can be used to trigger it so that you can play one of your other spells, which actually has impact. Also there is exactly one card you can draw with it which you can't play on the same turn in the late game so it is not just a loot hoarder.

Hunter's Mark? - Most of the time you will have at least one minion on the board so you won't have trouble finding something to trade with. It also combos quite nicely with Unleash or the (very unlikely) Rhino + Alley cat so I just use it as a 100% accurate deadly shot.

Call of the Wild? - Provides offense, defense and board presence if you run out of gas.

General Mulligan:

1/2 drops:
Alley cat - always
Hyena - only if you're expecting your Alley cat to stick
Kindly Grandmother - I strongly suggest throwing it away when facing priest unless you have a Crackling Razormaw in your hand.

As for the rest - you may want to keep the bow and/or the animal companion when you're on the coin.

General tips: Don't always go face. Yes, you are a hunter and yes that is the general idea but if you lose the board you will have a very hard time winning.

What you can expect:
I've been climbing with ease to rank 5 (EU) for three seasons in a row and I just now did it from rank 9 with a 9/0 win streak within an hour facing 2 highlander priests, 3 tempo rogues, 3 tempo mages and some sort of paladin (I'm not even sure he knew what his deck was supposed to be). Haven't hit legend but that is probably me since I haven't done it with anything.