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[61% WR l In-depth guide] Hildegarde's Big Priest

  • Last updated Oct 19, 2017 (Triggered)
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  • 6 Minions
  • 23 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Big Priest
  • Crafting Cost: 11620
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 10/16/2017 (Evergreen Nerfs)
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I'm Hildegarde, an Italian Legend player. I never felt like doing a deck guide, since I never had the consistency to play a deck long enough, but this time, I really feel confident about making an indepth guide to one of the most surprising decks I've ever played.

I played Big Priest from Rank 5 to Top 500 Legend using this deck in the first part of this month(October), for a total of 142 games and a staggering winrate of 61%.

I'm aware that there have been many versions of this deck, but I didn't find anywhere this exact version, which after 150 games, felt more like a control deck rather than a meme one. I was surprised at how the deck played out and how consistent it is, contrary to popular belief.


Proofs below:

I started streaming on Twitch this season and the whole climb is recorded in there for further proof. I only used this deck, feel free to check the progress, game by game at https://www.twitch.tv/hildegarde1337. I will be playing this deck and see how far I can push it so check the videos if you want indepth details on how I did it and make sure to drop a follow, as I stream every night (CET time).



The winrates have dropped a little bit, but that is due to the fact that I have been laddering only in High Legend, which means that the quality of the players has increased dramatically. I am still climbing consistently with this deck regardless.



It's pretty clear that having Barnes in your opening hand is an even bigger advantage than Prince Keleseth, but after all the games I've played, it has been so rare to win the game relying on Barnes that I will not address this in the class-specific guides. Keeping Barnes in your opening hand is always mandatory, against every matchup, but it is not by any means your way to victory alone, nor something you should rely on.

If you are playing this deck to meme, it's fine. But don't expect to win relying on Barnes, as it will simply not happen and you will get butchered. Not to mention that focusing on drawing Barnes will destroy your mental health, as you will start focusing on the times you didn't draw him, play badly, and ultimately get rekt.

The following guides describe what the general idea of the matchup should be. If you have a chance to start developing a board or contest one, you should always go for it. But all of the Shadow Essence into something, Barnes into big stuff and so on will not be discussed into every single matchup, as they are common and should kinda be ABC knowledge if you wanna play this deck.

Shadow Visions

In the early turns, you will pretty much heal face and pass most of the times, and the idea of using Shadow Visions could be tempting, but often wrong. This card is a "Go fish" card, so to speak. You need to have a clear question in mind of what you need, and around turn 2, you generally don't really have any answer to fish for. Plan the use of this card wisely in dead turns a little bit ahead, as using it on turn 2 is most of the times plain wrong, unless you already need to fish for a silence for a big Edwin VanCleef or something really specific.


This card is the star of this deck, imho. It can cripple a lot of gameplans, act as a "Does he have counterspell" bait, it's a delightful card all around. Also, and a lot of people don't know this, silencing a 1/1 out of Barnes or a 5/5 out of Shadow Essence will revent the minion to it's original form. Aka, silencing a 1/1 Ysera will make it a 4/12 without it's passive ability. It is also a hard counter on clutch turns when the opponent uses Doomsayer or a secret to prevent you from going The Coin + Shadow Essence or similar.

Use it wisely.

Lack of Potion of Madness

This deck has pretty much only AOE clears, which makes early weak removals kinda redundand. I can't really point any other specific reasons as to why it's not in this deck, but especially in the early 50 games of testing, I never once had a game in which I was like "If I only had Potion of Madness, I would've...". Silence is simply much better.






The only issue with this matchup is that there are a lot of version of druid, which range from Jade, to Big, to Aggro. The mulligan phase is legit the hardest and most delicate part, unless you know what archetype the opponent is running. You gotta go with assumptions most of the times, but I always try to keep my mulligan phase more on the Aggro-defending side, since this deck is heavily favoured against the other 2 archetypes and we have more than enough time to develop and hit them.


Keep it on the anti-aggro side of things. Keep Barnes and Shadow Word: Pain always: this one will be aimed at the Jade Behemoth and Fandral Staghelm, as well as to any type of aggro clutch card, if that's the case. Don't waste those.


Eternal Servitude with Barnes


Shadow Essence if you have The Coin.


Keep Shadow Word: Horror as this is great both vs Aggro and Jade druid.


Keep Silence but only if you know he is an aggro and you have one of the above anti-aggro answers, as Silence can be crucial in a lot of spots in this meta.


VS AGGRO - You just want to constantly clean his board and simply make him run out of gas. Taking some extra damage to set up a following turn of Pint-Size Potion And Shadow Word: Horror has won me pretty much the game on the spot. You also have Dragonfire Potion. It's a usual Aggro vs Control scenario, not much that can be said here. You have the answers, you win. He overruns you, you lose.


VS JADE - Druid has a hard time removing big minions, which is kinda what we do here. Keep in mind all of the removals that he's used and just work on developing a board of 3 big minions, as there are a lot of Mind Control Tech running around. Once you achieved this goal, the game is pretty much done. If his Jades reach critial stages, remember that you have a lot of layers of removal that should be used accordingly. Dragonfire Potion should be used on until the 5/5 Jade mark, Shadowreaper Anduin going forward, and so on and so forth. Keep track of your plans of removing his Jade waves, as you legit have distinct removal waves that work for all of his waves as well.


VS BIG DRUID - This is slightly different than the gameplan you have vs Jade, as in this match, you essentially turn into an old style Control Warrior. He has a certain number of fixed minions, which you already know of, so does he about you. The point is, you have way more big minions and way more ways of generating them and most importantly, way more ways of removing them. Try to get Shadow Word: Death out of your Shadow Visions to have more and more answers, Silence his Deathwing, Dragonlord to avoid a massive butchering and use your Shadowreaper Anduin wisely. Big druid is the easiest of all the matchups, as I believe this deck has never lost to it.



Sadly for all our Shaman friends, in over 200 games of ranking, I have never lost to a single Shaman yet, hence why this guide section will be pretty short. 


Barnes, Silence, Shadow Word: Pain to be used on his clutch totems, Shadow Word: Horror to clean him before he evolves.


Keep Pint-Size Potion if you also have Shadow Word: Horror


Make sure to sistematically clear his board. Keep Dragonfire Potion for his big evolve waves, develop some sort of board yourself and win the game. I am currently around 12-0 vs Shaman, so there really is not much to be said here. If you lose, it means you simply used your AOE removals at the wrong time. Taking some face damage to set up a huge board clear next turn can be often the best move. Keep track of his mana and his Bloodlust to avoid getting oneshot. The rest is smooth as a Ken doll.



This matchup has us favoured, since we have so many board removals and single target control means. If we have the answers, Rogue simply cannot win this. Not to mention that if we get the big minions rolling, he has a hard time keeping up. Not because he doesn't have Vilespine Slayer, but because our big minions, even if removed, still impact the board quite hard, either with generated cards or with directly killing one of his dudes.


Barnes, Silence, Shadow Word: Pain,Shadow Word: Horror. The usual anti-aggro kit.


Keep Pint-Size Potion if you also have Shadow Word: Horror


Spirit Lash for his most common turn 1 start.


Usual anti-Aggro strategy, not much to be added on this side.


Keep your Shadow Word: Pain for his Southsea Captain, unless otherwise necessary. Silence for his Edwin VanCleef or Shaku, the Collector in case you can't clear him with your Shadow Word: Horror. Also beware of the new Cairne Bloodhoof versions.


Shadowreaper Anduin is the star of this matchup. Dropping him on curve to counter his Bonemare swing gives you a lot of insta-concedes right there.


Pint-Size Potion into Shadow Word: Horror is a devastating combo to him, as it also clears what a Dragonfire Potion often cannot (Dragons).


Dropping a huge minion with Shadow Essence or Barnes will also generally turn the board in your favour, as he will start thinning his hand using a lot of removals. Keep track of his Vilespine Slayer and Shadowstep, as this is pretty much his only way to fight the board once the big minions roll in.


Sidenote on Barnes. Never drop him on a non-empty board if you don't have any followup to him. Your goal for this matchup is to control and only start developing once there is a clear or weak board. Going The Coin into Barnes with no followup can often times instantly lose you the game, as it will in pretty much all matchups.


Another huge sidenote is that Rogue generates a lot of random cards in the process. Always keep track of those, as this is the most frustrating part of the matchup. I have lost to some pretty absurd outcomes, so always be prepared for the worst.



This is by far the most complex matchup we have. His goal is to brokeback us with the usual Raza the Chained + Shadowreaper Anduin combo, while ours is to brokeback him with huge, unremovable minions and win the game. There are other small archetypes floating around, but the general goal and mulligan doesn't really change, so this guide will assume you always fight a variation of Raza Priest.


Barnes, Eternal Servitude if Barnes, Shadow Essence always, even 2 copies of it, Silence.


The goal of our mulligan is to go full greed, differently from what we do vs Aggro.


The early gameplan is two-fold. On our side, we want to start rolling big minions and making them stick. On his side, we want to use our removals for his drawing mechanisms, to prevent him from picking his combo pieces any faster than he normally would. Don't worry about using removals, as his board is often weak, generally his biggest minion is Raza the Chained.


Once we start having minions down, keep track of his removals and keep your board as much varied as possible. Careful to not have a board of only 4 attack minions, as he also runs Pint-Size Potion into Shadow Word: Horror. On the same note, don't flood the board with 5+ attack minions until he has used his Shadowreaper Anduin.  Once he runs out of Shadow Word: Death and has used Shadowreaper Anduin, flooding the board with The Lich King and other big minions will guarantee us the win.


There's a very long list of sidenotes, tho.


First of all, careful with Barnes. Priests run Potion of Madness, which means that he can steal our 1/1 minion, kill it and preclude us from summoning it with Eternal Servitude. Hence why going The Coin - Barnes on 3 and Eternal Servitude on 4 will often turn into a disaster. The most reliable combo is Barnes on 4 into The Coin and Shadow Essence on 5. Also, and this is where Silence really shines, pulling a 1/1 and using Silence on it will make sure Priest cannot Potion of Madness it. Obviously, if it's a 1/1 Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound, keep it, as even if he steals and kills it, we still have a huge body down he can't do much about.


Second important note is that Raza Priest has like 100 different variations. Their decklist is pretty much always different, which makes any type of planning difficult. Play always solid and don't take any chances, aside from the usual RNG parts of our deck archetype.


Another important note is Lyra the Sunshard. Keep track of the amount of cards he pulls and always keep in hand something to deal with it, wether it's Shadow Word: Pain or Silence. You can't do much about him generating cards, but if this card stays on board more than the initial turn, you will pretty much play without having any clue of his hand from that point on.


Minion management is crucial. You want to always be able to generate threats on the board. Once he can't deal with them, you will pretty much know what he is missing and press where it hurts.


Last important note is to keep your life total high. He can OTK us with Prophet Velen into Mind Blast into Holy Smite into Circle of Healing into Silence. Allowing such a combo in a deck that has the best removals in the game, deck cycling and a brokeback 0 cost board impacting hero power is simply an aberration for a card game, but my salt aside, you need to be aware of this combo.




 This matchup is greatly dependant on the archetype he is running. We are in great shape vs anything aside from Exodia Mage. We have more than enough heals, taunts and survivability in general to prevent dying early, and the lategame is pretty much ours. The Exodia matchup is a run against the clock as usual


Barnes, Eternal Servitude if Barnes, Shadow Essence with The Coin.


Shadow Word: Pain or Silence, as it's always nice to have at least one early game removal.


If you know he is an Exodia Mage, go with the Priest mulligan, as you MUST go greedy to have a chance.


VS EXODIA - It's a run against the clock. Try to summon big minions, go face, pop his Ice Block, win. If he completes the quest, you are donzo. The only tip I can suggest is using Silence to deal some surprise hits and to always silence the 1/1 that comes out of Barnes. We are unfavoured here, so make the best of it. You will end up overdrawing, as your Ysera and The Lich King will keep summoning since he can't remove them, just try to use those trump cards to pop his Ice Block, Death Grip his clutch pieces, Dream to make him overdraw, Nightmare to surprise pop him and so on. It's a clown fiesta matchup, as some of our actual win conditions are RNG based.


VS THE REST - This includes Quest Giants, Control, Fatigue, Elemental and whatnot. We are heavily favoured in all of these matchups as they are slow enough to allow us to develop, have limited removals and pretty much die to our board eventually. This is a Control matchup in which we need to keep constantly baiting their answers until they run out. Keep track of their Meteor-like removal cards and just slowly build an unkillable board. Eventually they will run out of answers, while we have 5 big minions to be removed + 6 other forms of copying them + 2 additional ones if needed. Use Shadow Visions to dupe minion generating cards, unless otherwise needed to survive. If you see that the match is taking too long, you will eventually win the fatigue matchup.


Special side-note goes to the Secret matchup. In this one, keep Silence in the mulligan phase to bait his clutch secret turns and avoid losing precious turns. Always keep your life total high, control the board, use Shadowreaper Anduin for his Bonemare turn swing and you will be golden.



This will be very short, as I have played too few games and we are generally greatly unfavoured in this one. He has Bearshark, tons of deathrattles and face racing mechanism that we simply can't keep up. His board doesn't suffer from our Pint-Size Potion + Shadow Word: Horror combo, which is our win condition vs Aggro most of the times. On top of it, his Savannah Highmane is really hard to deal with, as there were probably a lot of other Silence targets before it. It's a hard matchup, refer to the Rogue guide and pray he draws poorly.



If he is a ZooLock, we are pretty much 50/50 on it. Against any other type of Controllock, Handlock, Demonlock or Krul Lock we are greatly favoured as it's pretty much the same Control matchup we play vs Mage. He doesn't have enough answers to our board, while we keep swarming him with big minions and eventually take him down.


Vs Control we have more than enough time to develop, so make sure to keep the mulligan on the anti-Aggro side.


Keep Barnes and Shadow Word: Pain always.


Eternal Servitude with Barnes.


Shadow Essence if you have The Coin.


Shadow Word: Horror is a pretty strong auto-win vs Aggro.


Pint-Size Potion if you have Shadow Word: Horror.


Keep Silence but only if you know he is an aggro and you have one of the above anti-aggro answers.


VS AGGRO - Usual Control vs Aggro matchup. Use Silence and Shadow Word: Pain against his clutch cards, set up a huge Pint-Size PotionShadow Word: Horror. If he has The Coin and has opened Turn 1 with Malchezaar's Imp, immediatly remove it with Shadow Word: Pain, as he can Bloodfury Potion is the next turn, which is a flat lose right there. If you stabilize and survive the early to midgame, keep an aoe clear for his Bloodreaver Gul'dan and it's pretty much gg. Keep track of his Soulfire and charge potential minions and keep your life total accordingly. Sometimes it's better to pop a Greater Healing Potion and be safe rather than generating a big minion and get smORCed.


VS CONTROL - Play it out the same as you were vs a Mage. Keep track of his Siphon Soul, Twisting Nether and big minions and the match is pretty straight forward from there. Don't overflood the board and run out of bullets until he has used both Twisting Nether. Other than that, slowly pose threats, slowly bait out removals, make him run out, win the game. Very easy matchup.




There are close to no Warriors around, hence why I don't have much to say. Keep the mulligan on the anti-Aggro side for pirates and just play your standard Big Priest game. Can't really help out here, as I have faced like 3 Warriors in 200 games.



 If you made it this far, you probably realized that this is a Control deck, trough and trough. Play it with that mentality and you will have a fun, fully rounded Control deck, with a spark of RNG to keep the blood flowing and breeze to Legend and beyond. If I made it, you can too :)

Thanks for reading and make sure to come check me out at https://www.twitch.tv/hildegarde1337.

I am a newcomer to the scene and I want to make a positive contribution to the community by helping people with in-depth, comprehensive guides that will help out both new players as maybe give a different take on the archetype to the more experienced.

A deck list is useless without a know-how to use it. 

Make sure to let me know in the comments if you have any questions, critics, whatever pops in your head, I will happily respond.

Good luck!

Best regards,
