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Mindbreaker Tempo Rogue

  • Last updated Oct 19, 2017 (Triggered)
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  • 24 Minions
  • 6 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Tempo Rogue
  • Crafting Cost: 5980
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 10/13/2017 (Evergreen Nerfs)
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I've been playing this already known Tempo Rogue but with 2 Mindbreakers instead of Edwin VanCleef and Shaku, the Collector (Since I don't have them), and I had a really good win rate from 15 to rank 7 so far.
They are really good in tempo matches since you shut down the hability of Mages and Druids of killing your 1 health minions, Zoo Warlocks can't draw, Priests can't heal themselves neither shut you down with their late shotgun, Shaman can't deploy Totems so you delay their 0 mana Thing from Below. Also is useful preventing getting extra damage from Hunters or from making Zombeasts as well of Warriors getting extra armor to use their Shield Slam.

Update 19/10: After posting the deck (and after that really good w/r) I played only twice this week and faced a lot of well prepared Druids, and also had kind of bad luck with the card draw having a fairly 50% w/r.
But just today when I was still on Rank 7 with 4 stars played again and got a win streak of 6-1 to got finally Rank 5.
In 3 of those 7 matches, Mindbreaker was just perfect. A Warlock couldn't draw nothing after turn 4 and thus gave me a giant advantage. A Shaman got crazy with my alone Mindbreaker on turn 3 that he used Devolve, and 2 turns later put another one making him go nuts. And the last match just before Rank 5 was against a Hunter that since I hadn't equiped my weapon thought that leaving Mindbreaker alive wasn't bad, costing him like 5 turns in a row of no hero power while he was still going face and thus 10 damage that would have killed me.
So, all in all from the time that posted it until today got 21-18 (53%).