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Bragis Phantom of the Opera Hunter

  • Last updated Oct 19, 2017 (Triggered)
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  • 2 Minions
  • 25 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Secrets Hunter
  • Crafting Cost: 5900
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 10/10/2017 (Evergreen Nerfs)
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Hello guys!

Picture Phantom

Bragi here, I'm a german Hearthstone Player hitting legend every season. I want to share my Hunter with you. I played it exclusively since Rank 5 this season (October 2017).  For me it is extremely fun and to be honest it is a little bit of a special snowflake deck. I peaked at Legend#11 yesterday, A mate recorded the climb, the Video will be below in the next few days. Shout out to AbarHS for creating the original Version in the Karazhan Meta.

Proof: https://imgur.com/a/czQVF 

I offer coachings for 20,00 €/hour. If you are interested, please leave me a message on Hearthpwn. 

I did not track my games from rank 5 because I mainly played on mobile devices.Stats on Legend Ladder will come when the sample size is big enough. First i played 1 Call of the Wild instead of the Flare i run now


General Gameplan:

This Deck has 3 basic Winning strategies:

  1. Drop Barnes on Turn 4 or Turn 3 with coin, then hit face with Ysharji and clear the board with your removal spells if you have to.
  2. Play The Rexxar DK and outvalue your opponent.
  3. Play Eaglehorn Bow and charge it up.


Mulligan Guide:

As you would expect, Barnes is something you want to see really badly. As such, you mulligan your cards pretty aggressive if you don’t have him (+Tracking). Below are the other cards you want to have in these matchups:

You can keep 1 Eaglehorn Bow in each Matchup.

Druid: Always Keep the DK, Cat Trick, Companion, maybe Explosive, especially if you know it is Aggro

Priest: Always Keep the DK, Cat Trick, Companion

Warrior: Might be Fatique, but Keep Rexxar, Explosive, Eaglehorn Bow

Hunter: Keep Explosive, Eaglehorn Bow, Companion

Rogue: Keep Explosive, Eaglehorn Bow

Shaman: Keep Explosive, Eaglehorn Bow, Companion

Warlock: Vs Control Keep Cat trick, Companion; vs Zoo Keep Explosive; always Keep the Eaglehorn Bow.

Paladin: Keep Explosive, Eaglehorn Bow, Companion

Mage:  Keep Cat Trick, Eaglehorn Bow, Companion


Matchup Guide:

Ordered after the popularity of the most important matchups on Legend Rank. I hope that this section makes it a little bit clearer how to play this deck and gives insight into what i can deal easily and what i struggle with.


Razakus Priest: 60/40. Sometimes your Barnes Combo goes through, but your main winning condition is a early Rexxar. Try to get 4 attack Minions, and when anduin is out go for a stealthed big beast like a hydra.  If Priest has nuts draw (early Raza into Anduin into Velen Mindblast) you can win if he has no Death for your Barnes Combo. Wins from Rexxar can happen, but don’t rely on it.

Jade Druid: 30/70. If you get Barnes you win 100% oft he time (PLEASE play around Mind control tech). So mulligan for Tracking and Barnes really hard. If you don’t get Barnes you will lose, if you dont go face fast enough. This strategy gets shutdown by the Druid Hero tho. So all in all, this ist he deck’s worst matchup and it’s quite frustrating (i guess for both players).

Tempo Rogue: 70/30. This is a fairly good matchup. They Key to this matchup are (in case you don’t have Barnes) Explosive Trap and Eaglehorn Bow. Play passively in the first turns, play eaglehorn on 3, maybe trade a captain, and play explosive on 4). Their late game minions are weak to freezing and misdirection. You will need some experience how to lay down the traps tho. For example sometimes i lay down a explosive first in situations where i think its likely he tries to trigger a freezing trap – so sometimes its mindgames.

Aggro Druid: 40/60. A little bit better than Jade Druid. If you counter their living mana most of the time you can win. Dont have to say much about it, just play smart with your resources.

Quest Mage: 80/20. Cat trick and eaglehorn bow are mvp. And ofc Flare. I have absolutely no trouble in this matchup, try to play around removal smart and burn the opponent.

Zoolock 50/50. Can be a tricky matchup, especially if they have Keleseth. Try to control their early board and outvalue  them finally with rexxar. If they are in topdeck mode, play freezing and misdirection.

Evolve Shaman 60/40. EXPLSOSIVE! Their early board is useless vs you because oft hat card. Unless they have their DK ofc. So play passive early game, try to keep your Eaglehorn at 2 Durability because of he pirate. Often i win vs Shaman by grinding them with my heropower in the end.

Control Lock 80/20. They have no counter for early barnes, and Rexxar outvalues their deathknight by far. Freeze their mid game minions, deadly shot – hunters mark their late game ones.

Midrange Hunter 50/50. When you dont have Barnes you win by going Face with Eaglehorn Bow and control with secrets.

Murloc Paladin 50/50 If you have Eaglehorn for their early stuff, you win most of the time. If not good luck stabilizing early enough.

Fatique Warrior 80/20. The ãpprox. 10 games i played against this deck rexxar rekt the enemy.


I hope i can help you with these insights. Please let me know how the deck performed for you and what problems you have with it.