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Cooking wild eggs with chef Rexxar

  • Last updated Sep 26, 2017 (Evergreen Nerfs)
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  • 21 Minions
  • 6 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 10700
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 9/26/2017 (Evergreen Nerfs)
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Hey everyone!

So I just made it to rank 5 in wild with the most fun hunter deck I ever cooked and I wanted to give you guys a taste. The main goal of the deck is to build a board of eggs and get maximum value out of your deathrattles. The deck preys on weaker players and control heavy decks. Let me show you why. 

The combos :

Umbra + Meat Wagon : This is crazy good seriously, umbra gives you an egg and opens it for you, 10/10 fine cuisine. 

The MVPs:

- Baron Rivendare : The card was made for this deck. Getting two triggers out of your eggs or a spawn of N'Zoth is insane value. 

- Loatheb : Heavily counters priests, mage and warlock AoE. The card gives your board the extra turn it needs to win most of the time. 

- Deathstalker Rexxar : <3

- Spawn of N'Zoth : This card is such a sleeper imo. It shines in this deck when your board is full, you can use multiple deathrattle triggers such as play dead and get great value out of the card. 

Mulligan :

For most matchups keep the following :

- Stitched tracker

- Quick shot (especially good for dealing with early game mana wyrm or nortshire cleric)

- Loot hoarder

- Meat Wagon (for slower matchups like priest, mage and warlock)

- Nerubian egg (for quicker matchups like aggro shaman, pirate warrior, etc.)

- Terrorscale stalker (for deathrattle activation, extra good if you curve it with nerubian egg)

Important things to know:

- The deck can be countered if the opponent starts opening your eggs. In my experience this happens so rarely, most people prefer to go face instead and the deck heavily punishes this. 

- Be aware that buffing your eggs with glaivezooka or spawn of n'zoth might be punitive against priest due to potion of madness. You want to avoid playing glaivezooka on a nerubian or devilsaur egg in the early game against priest .