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Quest Disco Warlock v3.2 Elise

  • Last updated Sep 22, 2017 (Evergreen Nerfs)
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  • 22 Minions
  • 8 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Discardlock
  • Crafting Cost: 15240
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 9/22/2017 (Evergreen Nerfs)
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This is a Rank 15 deck that I am currently having a good bit of fun with. It's not Tier 1, but it has fairly consistent performance and no one is really expecting this kind of mid to late game deck. I mean, look at yourself. Can you see yourself playing this deck?

However, this deck is a great amount of fun to play. Played around 50 games with this deck and it feels great to try and figure out the best play each turn, and evaluate the risks of every card you play. You are almost never put into the same situation two games in a row. That being said though, pretty much every game I've played I was able to complete the quest before turn 10, and then its off to the races to try and dominate the board. Loses to Jade Druid if you aren't fast enough, and loses to Exodia mage if you can't steal their apprentice or archmage with The Lich King. (If you do though, its an auto win)

The purpose of this deck was to get around the weaknesses I felt playing typical zoolock discardlock, where after you finished your quest, there just was no late game power.

General Strat:

1. Discard cards while filling your hand using Malchezaar's Imp, Elise, and various end of turn effects. Clear his board using spells or your vastly overstated minions.

2. Try to discard big cards or discard synergy cards

3. Summon a nether portal and your big cards back with Cruel Dinomancer to cheat out minions before you can actually play them, or perhaps get around their negative characteristics (Deathwing) and dominate the board. Any removal they do easily gets negated by moar imps.

4. Sit back and enjoy as RNG either perfectly discards the cards you wanted to, and your opponent concedes, or as it ruins your whole game plan and you try to find a new way to win.

A few Card Explanations:

Kabal Trafficker, The Lich King, and Ysera: Most of the time used as Discard fodder, but if you are able to play them, quickly fills up your hand without costing life so you can keep discarding cards.

Deathwing: Helpful for those games that are really just not going in your favor. If you can get to turn 10, allows a swing by completing your quest and clearing the board. If you are ahead, just allow it to get discarded.

Cruel Dinomancer: Yeah, you see all those big cards you just discarded? Now they come back. And if you discard 1 Dinomancer, the other could potentially bring it back repeatedly. This adds to the fun factor of the deck. Also, I KNOW the opponent probably did a sarcastic "Well Played" when you discarded that Deathwing. But when it comes back, its your turn to be sassy.

Elise the Trailblazer: You want to avoid discarding this, as usually you go into fatigue fairly quickly. Useful towards end game for refilling your hand.

Sense Demons: Allows you to more consistantly draw Malchezaar's Imp if he decides to sit as the 30th card in your deck. (We've all been there.)

The rest of the cards are either to fulfill the quest requirements (btw trade away your Malchezaar's Imps when you finish your quest if you aren't top decking. You don't want to go deep into fatigue) or to slow down your death against aggro to get a chance to complete the quest.

If you don't have because everyone says its a trash card, just substitute in a mistress of mixtures. You'll be fine.

Currently a work in progress deck. Looking to replace Barnes maybe with an extra Shadowflame or Lakkari Felhound. In theory he seemed pretty good, as there were plenty of really cool interactions you could get out of him e.g. malchezaar imp, blood queen, ysera, howlfiend, cruel dinomancer. In practice he's hot dumpster trash and you never get anything of value. I don't want to add any card draw because it already draws so much that any more and you start to take fatigue damage on turn 17-20.

This is my first deck on hearthpwn, and I hope someone is able to have some fun with it, or even reiterate on my ideas and make their own version. I hope I'm able to inject some variety into the warlock meta. 

So anyway, thanks for reading, feel free to downvote this post and let this deck fade into obscurity!