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Budget Mage for Heroic Sapphiron

  • Last updated Mar 26, 2016 (Explorers)
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  • 8 Minions
  • 22 Spells
  • Deck Type: PvE Adventure
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Boss: Sapphiron
  • Crafting Cost: 440
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 8/21/2014 (Naxx Launch)
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This is a budget mage deck for defeating Sapphiron on Heroic mode. The strategy is to control the board and survive in the early game. Your chargers and spells do not go to the face, they should be used to clear the board (charge wolfrider into shade of naxxramas etc). Mirror Entity and Nerubian Egg help you develop some sort of board at least for one turn in order to trade.

Turns 5-7 ideally should be about clearing board with Blizzard and Flamestrike and continue to control the board afterwards while Sapphiron starts topdecking.

The win condition is Thaddius. Play Feugen or Stalagg and get a Duplicate on one of them. After that, you spend 5 mana to summon 1 Thaddius every turn and swing to the face for 11 every turn. If you can get off another Duplicate, that's 55 damage. If not, just nuke with whatever spells/chargers you have remaining to finish. 

3 NOV EDIT: If you are having trouble with Thaddius getting frozen, I have found a solution. I recently beat heroic Naxx on Asia server with mostly basic cards. I didn't have any blizzards or ice barrier which made the fight a lot harder. I put in haunted creepers and they are extremely useful in this fight.

Haunted creeper tokens actually make Sapphiron trade with them instead of simply ignoring everything and hitting your face. So if Sapphiron plays a shade which usually means you don't have anything to kill for that turn, you can play a creeper, it spawns 2 1/1s and next turn, the shade will trade with 1 which saves you 3 damage to the face. Sometimes I have even seen Sapphiron double frostbolt the 1/1s.

More importantly, if Sapphiron has blizzard in hand, the creeper tokens will make her use it which prevents your Thaddius from being frozen later on. So if you're missing any of the cards, consider adding in haunted creepers.