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Dragon Reno Quest V3.0

  • Last updated Jan 24, 2018 (Kobolds Patch)
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  • 24 Minions
  • 5 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Highlander Priest
  • Crafting Cost: 26360
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 9/12/2017 (Frozen Throne)
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Table of contents:

  •  Intro.
  •  Dragon package.
  •  Deathrattle package.
  •  Tech Package.
  •  Support Package.
  •  How to play and Mulligan.
  • Combos.


This deck is about getting to the end game with big boards created by N'Zoth and outlasting your opponent by returning Kazakus/Reno/Amara/N'Zoth back to your hand with: Time Rewinder orZola the Gorgon or Dream


7 Dragons , Drakonid Operative , Bone Drake , Chillmaw , Primordial Drake , Ysera Deathwing, Dragonlord , Duskbreaker, supported by: Netherspite Historion


10 Deathrattles. These are divided into 3 groups. The first group is the group with all the synergy: There are 3 dragons with a Deathrattle:

Bone Drake , Chillmaw and Deathwing, Dragonlord.

The second group is the group with the spare parts

Mechanical Yeti and Toshley

The third group of deahtrattles are just some strong cards which are very much necessary to take you to the end game:

Bloodmage Thalnos , Sludge Belcher Sylvanas Windrunner and Obsidian Statue, Carnivorous Cube

The whole deathrattle package is ofcourse supported by the Quest and N'Zoth, the Corruptor. Also Lesser Diamond Spellstone and Twilight's Call and Barnes are in the deck to support the deathrattle package. Also a Museum Curator is added for early on support


To deal with the current Meta a few tech cards and AoE cards are included.

Spirit Lash , Dragonfire, Mass Dispell. Other cards that can deal with the board are the dragons: Chillmaw Duskbreaker [/card] and [card]Primordial Drake and cards like Shadowreaper Anduin. Besides that there are the spells you get from Kazakus and Ysera to use.


To support this deck there is Reno Jackson, Raza the Chained, Kazakus, Amara, Warden of Hope (from quest ofcourse) and also: Zola the Gorgon. Recently also added Brann Bronzebeard to combo with the Battlecry minions. These are:

Netherspite Historion, Museum Curator, Kabal Courier, Drakonid Operative (these are 4 strong Discover cards) Barnes, Kazakus and Zola very strong combos and for a board clear: Duskbreaker or Primordial Drake.


The main idea is to build up dragons in your hand to safely play: Deathwing, Dragonlord , while doing that you just play deathrattles and try complete the quest. If your Deathwing gets killed you will fill your board with huge minions. Ofcourse sometimes it is necessary to play Drakonid Operative (because of it's strong battlecry) or Chillmaw, or Primordial Drake to deal with the board, but dragons such as Bone Drake, Ysera can just wait in your hand. 


  • Shadowreaper Anduin + spare parts to refresh Hero Power is very strong
  • Ysera + Rusty Horn
  • Dream/Time Rewinder + Reno/Amara/Kazakus/N'Zoth
  • Reversing Switch + Ysera/Obsidian Statue (it will heal for 8)
  • Whirling Blades + Obsidian Statue (it will heal for 5)
  • Save Spare parts to upgrade your Lesser Diamond Spellstone

Almost unbeatable if you have Time Rewinder and Dream in your hand:

Fun to make a Jade Druid concede when his highest Jades are almost 20/20: