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Legend 151 Astral Druid 68% WR [Rank 5-Legend]

  • Last updated Aug 31, 2017 (Frozen Throne)
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  • 17 Minions
  • 12 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Astral Druid
  • Crafting Cost: 14000
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 8/28/2017 (Frozen Throne)
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My name is theorycrafter Knockout. I created this deck for Woepsie#2249 who piloted this deck. We’re all about making the most out of shitty decks. Beast priest, mill hunter, pirate warlock, miracle mage, you name it. Todays topic, Astral Druid!

Pics or didn’t happen
Legend proof


Deck progression from rank 5 to rank 2.


Deck progression from rank 2 to legend rank 151.
This time it was with 2x Stonehill Defender



First things first, the druid basics. As a druid you can “cheat” your mana curve. Cards such as Innervate and Nourish can manipulate your curve. It’s necessary to think 3/4/5 turns ahead.

Example 1; On turn 3, you The Coin + Innervate to play a Dark Arakkoa, because on turn 4 you have Bright-Eyed Scout and turn 5 followed by the card pulled from Bright-eyed. Chances are big you’ll eventually get a turn 6 play from the draws.

Example 2; On turn 2, you can The Coin + Innervate to play your Nourish in order to have a turn 3 with 5 mana crystals. However, you don’t have a turn 5 play. You play vs control, so there’s no hurry to play your cards fast. It would have been better to use turn 2 to use your hero power -> turn 3: Innervate + Nourish in order to have a turn 4 with 6 mana crystals to play Master Jouster and on turn 7; The Coin + The Lich King, because the turn after (on the actual turn 8) you have a Charged Devilsaur to play. This way you get the most out of each turn.

There are 2 kinds of mulligan.
Mulligan vs Aggro:
-Wild Growth
-Stonehill Defender
-Astral Communion

Mulligan vs Control:
-Wild Growth
-Astral Communion
-Bright-Eyed Scout
-Nourish (only keep against slow decks or with innervate in hand)

Deck history
-2x Raven Idol
-2x Giant Mastodon
-1x Onyxia
-1x Yogg-Saron, Hope's End

+2x Stonehill Defender
+1x Malfurion the Pestilent
+1x Charged Devilsaur
+1x The Lich King
+1x North Sea Kraken

Note: The cards that have been replaced can be considered as alternative cards to replace cards you don’t have yet. However, the core mulligan cards CANNOT be replaced. Beneath are some tech cards that can have a good amount of value in this deck. 

Tech cards: Icehowl, Cenarius