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11/0 Taunt Token Druid

  • Last updated Aug 26, 2017 (Frozen Throne)
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  • 16 Minions
  • 14 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Aggro Druid
  • Crafting Cost: 4080
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 8/23/2017 (Frozen Throne)
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Best deck to use to rank up in ladder. Went 11/0 from rank 10 to 5 in less than 1 hour, great against murlocadin and jade druids, that were the 2 kinds of deck that i was finding the most. Keep having board control till you have lethal and then smash all in his face. I' ll add mulligans, matchups, scores, card choices and substitutions if anyone is interested.


Exactly as all the other aggro druid decks, your objective is to get a good opening hand with: a T-1 drop, everything is good ( Bloodsail Corsair is better than the others because it summons THE CAPTAIN from the deck), a buff (if you have 2, keep the cheaper one and mulligan the other), and usually you can look for an Innervate or a Druid of the Swarm. Mulligan everything except these cards. Also, remember that if you don't play anything in Turn 1 you have 60-70% chance of losing the game,so always mulligan to get some T-1 drops or you risk to lose for a simple bad hand.


Even if this deck is cheap himself, if you don't have something you can try asking me what can be used in substitution of that card. In this section i ll' only speak about the 3 more "expensive" cards: Living Mana,Bittertide Hydra and Patches the Pirate:

Bittertide Hydra << >> Leeroy Jenkins or Druid of the Claw : i know it's more expensive but it's a Classic card and moreover Neutral, so much more useful for other decks too and also the main choice for every aggro, i recommend crafting Leeroy if you don't have it. Anyway if you don't, Druid of the Claw is the best other option i can think about.

Living Mana << >>  Force of Nature or Soul of the Forest : here you can choose: Force of Nature is really similar to Living Mana, summoning less Treants but not cutting off all your mana crystals, so next turn you can use Savage Roar or a buff to incredibly increase this card's value. On the other hand, Soul of the Forest is a COMMON card, so much easier to get, and even really strong if well used. It's not a really immediate burst as the other 2 cards, but giving a "Deathrattle: Living Mana, B**CH!" makes you safer from AoE clears, so you can go face mostly everytime as if your opponents kills something it will be resurrected into a nicey friendly wooden Treant that in this deck we love so much.

Patches the Pirate << >> Young PriestessArgent SquireAcherus Veteran : Here the choice is forced: nothing can really replace MY CAPTAIN, but let's say that these T-1 drops are all really good in a buff deck, and in the case you draw THE CAP, these 3 cards are even better than him. Oh and of course, if you remove Patches, be sure to cut off even the 2 Bloodsail Corsair as they are no more the priority choice.