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[KFT] 77% WR Tempo Thief Rogue

  • Last updated Aug 21, 2017 (Frozen Throne)
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  • 20 Minions
  • 8 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Tempo Rogue
  • Crafting Cost: 7440
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 8/16/2017 (Frozen Throne)
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The meta right now consist of many control decks. So why not play a tempo deck to counter them. Its a pretty straight forward deck, you want to try to curve out.

Card Choices:

Obsidian Shard: This card is really good because you can often get it out for 2 or less mana. It is also very good with Deadly Poison. 15 damage over 3 turns, sign me up

Patches the Pirate: This card is way too good tempo-wise to not include. If you do end up drawing him early on, save him. He is a good combo starter and is amazing with Bonemare

Runeforge Haunter: This card is really good if you have the only one charge of a high atk weapon, it surprises the opponent. It also can bait out removal for Luckydo Buccaneer, because of its residual effect

Luckydo Buccaneer: Rogues very own Drakonid Crusher. Here is your high tempo heavy hitter. This card is insanely good against druid.

Deadly Fork: This is a high value card that goes under the radar by most people. Having an extra weapon is very useful. Although it sacrifices health from your stand 3-drop, it creates value, which is good enough to have one of

Mimic Pod: Card draw is important in the mid to late game, this provides it consistently. I tinkered with Roll the Bones but it isn’t as consistent with so few deathrattles

Southsea Squidface: This card is very good if you have a weapon pre-equipped when he dies. Its also a 4 atk minion, so priest can suck it. Not to mention, if you don’t draw/play Swashburglar before you play him, he can pull out Patches the Pirate as well

Bonemare: The value on this guy is insane. He also provides taunt against aggro

Vilespine Slayer: This card can kill any minion (doesn’t trigger lifesteal), how can you not include it into your deck. Nuff said


Druid: Druid is going to be your most common opponent on the ladder. They are most likely playing jade or token, both of which, you are favored against, so long as you out tempo them. One thing to note when playing against Druid is that you need to be aware of how many minions you have on your side of the board when your opponent has 5 mana. As long as you are smart about it (sac your small guys like Patches the Pirate or Swashburglar), you should be fine. If your opponent has a minion going into 7 mana, kill it over going face, even if it is weak, Bonemare will wreck you if you don’t. Also, don’t be afraid to smack face with weapons if you know the matchup is going to be slow.

Priest: The priest in this meta are control and otk. Just tempo them down and you should have an early life lead. They will clear your board very often, so weapons are good here. One thing I want to highlight is that you should never play more than three 5+ atk minions if your opponent has not played DK yet. Also save your Vilespine Slayer for Obsidian Statue.

Warrior: Against pirate warrior, you are not favored. One way you can win the matchup is to make a large Edwin early on. Also swash or hallucinate into armor cards. Against control warrior, try to get in as much minion damage early on as possible. It will put pressure on them and they will not want to DK, because they lose the armor up hero power. Watch out for brawl, sleep with the fishes and other board clears.

Rogue: Against jade rogue, you will want to out tempo them. They have more value over you in the long game, so better wipe them out quick. Against another tempo rogue, it’s important you prioritize on controlling the board over going face. Against mill rogue, pffft don’t make me laugh.

Hunter: Against midrange hunter, prioritize board control over face.

Warlock: The most popular warlock deck in the meta is the DK spell power defile one. This shouldn’t be a problem for you as long as you rush them down before they DK. There DK is incredibly strong and if you let them get to that stage and you don’t have a huge life lead, you will most certainly lose.

Mage: Against Exodia mage, all you need to do is rush them down. Pop their ice blocks early so they worry more about staying alive than drawing combo. Against DK mage, it is basically the same game plan. Just make sure that you leave no elementals up when approaching turn 9.

Paladin: Against all types of paladins, you want to tempo them out. They have lots of heal, so most of your damage should be from minions as opposed to weapons.

Shaman: Against evolve shaman, you will want to prioritize board control. You do not want to let the shaman have any value with evolve or DK. Face is not the place in this MU. 

Give it a try!


-2 Roll the Bones, +1Mimic Pod, +1Shaku, the Collector (8/21/17)

-1Deadly Fork, +1Edwin VanCleef (8/21/17)