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  • Last updated Aug 14, 2014 (Naxx Launch)
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  • 18 Minions
  • 8 Spells
  • 4 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 9300
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 8/14/2014 (Naxx Launch)
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Is a new deck I've made with the advent of the construct quarter and death's bite. Have been having good luck with most matchups with this deck. Haven't gone against a shaman yet, so not sure of it's performance, but deck does great against the current popular matchups.

First let's go to some of the new all-stars of the deck.

Death's Bite  : This weapon outperforms any expectations i had of it, having a 4 attack weapon allows for more creative trading, or just straight up answers. Also having access to 4 whirlwinds you can trigger on demand is very powerful in shoring up warrior's weaknesses and also allows for 14 damage reach with grom in a pinch.  

Feugen  : Great card for trading, and also part of the fabled thaddius combo, he is best used last out of the two, because there will be a lot of misplays against stallag and playing feugen when they've already used a removal means his value goes up.

Stalagg  : Tries to act all big and scary, but is actually very soft, which is good. Stallag has two purposes in the deck, to eat a removal or look scary enough that they trade into him. It's usually best to play him first if you have the option because he will eat at least something without fail. Best case he eats a bgh or fireball. Worst case you somehow let magma rager live and he trades into it.

Baron Rivendare  I am still up on debate about whether he is worth his spot instead of another gnomish, but I havn't gotten into any situations where he has caused problems. He is in the deck to help trigger your value death rattles. This includes sylvanas, cairne, feugen and stalagg, Being able to mc two creatures or summon double thaddius will be able to swing a game in control matchups.

 The mulligan


Mulliganing is always a very key part of matchups, though for warrior only varies slightly based on matchups. 

Mage: mulligan as if you were facing an aggro mage, wareaxe, armorsmith, death's bite, pyro etc. lost cost cards. The main reason you mulligan as if it were aggro is because you aggro mulligan is sufficient enough to deal with value mage, and freeze mage and giants mage are slow enough that you will usually draw into an answer or have sufficient enough armor to shield slam.

Warlock: This is always the toughest mulligan, if zoo, mulligan aggressively for pyro or waraxe, preferable both. Death's bite is also a good keeper to deal with dakr iron and nerubian, but I don't think it is as important of a mulligan. 

Handlock: not as common, but mulligan hasn't changed, try and mulligan for shieldblock, shield slam, execute, or an acolyte to help draw into some answers. Hope to go first so you can get the first armor stacks

Demonlock: this one is a bit of a mystery, havn't encountered many after making the deck, so any advice or pointers is completely welcome.


Hunter: This one can be a bit of a tossup, but you wanna try and mulligan for taskmaster, death's bite or waraxe. taskmaster in case it's face hunter and you need to deal with gnome, axe because it kills everything he will drop, and death's bite because it evenly deals with every animal companion.

Rogue: If it's backspace, whirlwind, death's bite and taskmaster.  If it's miracle, loatheb and execute, execute is for edwin, loatheb is just too valuable to not keep.

Druid: Oh boy is this a toughey, try and mulligan for at least an execute along with some early starters. You want to have an answer when they innervate out early big guys or if they ramp quickly. 

Priest:???? not really sure, havn't encountered as many priests, so standard value mulligans like axe, armorsmith, acolyte, taskmaster, or death's bite apply.

Shaman:????  Have not encountered any shaman's since the advent of the deck, but your big keepers are waraxe(for wolves), death's bite for unbound and general value plays.

 Possible tech ins:  Spellbreaker substitute for rivendare, this is in case fuegen and stalagg or sylvanas start seeing incredible popularity, you want to make sure you can prevent their thaddius or mc. I already had a game where my opponent had two thaddius to my one, I won it, but the game could have snowballed quickly.

Wild Pyromancer If you start seeing more zoo, sub baron rivendare for wild pyro

Harrison Jones  Again a sub for rivendare, but he is in the very rare circumstance that weapons start becoming more prevalent.


If the deck starts getting some popularity i'll go into how to play matchups. Again, any feedback is helpful, so feel free to leave comments