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76% Winrate - The Lich King's Army // KFT Wild ...

  • Last updated Nov 17, 2017 (Marin's Treasure)
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  • 19 Minions
  • 10 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: N'Zoth Priest
  • Crafting Cost: 21300
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 8/11/2017 (Frozen Throne)
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Welcome to my Guide!

Due to an unseen burst in popularity for this deck, I felt that it was necessary to put out a guide despite the fact that I only really use hearthpwn to back up my decks ;).

So anyway....

Unleash the Lich King's horde of the undead upon your opponents with this quest priest deck. Obviously, this uses the synergies of Awaken the Makers and powerful deathrattle cards such as Sylvanas Windrunner and Sneed's Old Shredder to out value your opponent into the late game.

Now, this deck is stupidly greedy and is a quite late game based deck. If you can't make it to the late game 9/10 times you will lose which is why it was an unpopular deck in un'goro due to the huge amount of aggro decks. I hate aggro decks...

So let me try and explain some of the choices made in my decks, combining comments from my un'goro version (Both standard and wild).

So Modding why do you have <Blank> in your deck?

Brann Bronzebeard - Now in previous versions of the deck I ran plenty of battlecry minions that synergise with Brann such as Museum Curator and Kabal Courier but they were removed along the timeline of this deck due to other cards being just slightly better. To be honest I think I will remove Brann in favour of Lightbomb but I will update this deck accordingly. At the moment Brann synergises with Kazakus to create a huge tempo swing. Removed

Justicar Trueheart - Not necessarily required but combining it with Raza the Chained leads to a free 4 health a turn so pretty good in my opinion. I will recommend some card replacements at the end of the guide as I know this deck is expensive. Removed

Elise the Trailblazer - Best card in un'goro. Could easily fit this card into all of my decks as the pack is sometimes a win condition in itself. I can't count the number of times, on two hands, that this pack has saved me from losing what looked like an unwinnable game. Plus if you combine it with Shadow Visions you get double the packs!

So Modding why do you not have <Blank> in your deck?

Dr. Boom - It is a very strong card I do agree. I simply do not have it in my deck due to cost issues. I need more dust... Added in recent changes.

Baron Rivendare, Spiritsinger Umbra and Kel'Thuzad - I did include these cards in previous versions of my deck for some insane value but decided to remove them because they weren't doing much for me. Kel'Thuzad really just didn't fit well into my deck as I never really had an opportunity to play it and stay ahead. Umbra is definitely a nice card to include in standard but wild is a whole new playground with so many better cards like Feugen and Stalagg.

Arfus, Onyx Bishop, Mirage Caller - Very good cards in a standard deck but again wild has a lot better cards which just meant that I couldn't include them.


Removed Brann Bronzebeard Added Lightbomb

Removed Justicar Trueheart Added Youthful Brewmaster

Removed Feugen and Stalagg Added Potion of Madness and Shadow Essence

Removed Shadow Essence, Emperor Thaurissan and Arfus Added Museum Curator, Crystalline Oracle, Cairne Bloodhoof.

Removed Eternal Servitude Added Dr. Boom

More to come! Feel free to leave questions/criticisms below. All are welcome!