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Reynad's NA/EU Ladder "Token No Growth"

  • Last updated Aug 12, 2014 (Naxx Launch)
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  • 18 Minions
  • 12 Spells
  • Deck Type: None
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 7200
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 8/10/2014 (Naxx Launch)
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This is the deck Reynad is currently using to climb the EU ladder, and occasionally uses on his NA streams as well.

What Reynad says about this deck: "This deck isn't actually very good, but before you hit legend it is because it beats every other crappy deck out there, which is all you'll run into before legend. I've used variations of this deck for the majority of my climb to legend every single season. After you hit legend though it's pretty much useless, but it'll get you there more effectively than probably any other deck in the game."

Sample stats (thanks xpingoo)

Deck Win Loss Total Match Win Percentage
Priest 7 2 9 77,77777778
Ramp Druid 6 0 6 100
Token Druid 0 1 1 0
Aggro Mage 3 0 3 100
Hunter Midrange 5 1 6 83,33333333
Warlock Zoo 5 1 6 83,33333333
Naxramas Handlock 0 1 1 0
Tauntadin 3 0 3 100
Control Warrior 1 1 2 50
Aggro Warrior 0 1 1 0
Miracle Rogue 1 1 2 50
Backspace Rogue 1 0 1 100
Shaman 3 0 3 100
Total 35 9 44 79,54545455


For mulligan, keep Innervate, Argent Squire, Power of the Wild, Wrath, Haunted Creeper, Harvest Golem, and Violet Teacher in most matchups. Having at least two of these in your starting hand is going to make for a decent hand no matter which two it is. Maybe keep Keeper of the Grove in some matchups such as Warlock (in case of zoo) for removing early 3/2s. Discard everything else.

Minion logic

This deck appears to use Reynad's signature "sticky minions" (2 for 1 cards like Argent Squire, Haunted Creeper, Harvest Golem, and Cairne Bloodhoof) strategy, probably to keep the board populated for Savage Roar. Violet Teacher is likely used for the same purpose of flooding the board for Savage Roar.


Primary strategy is to keep the opponent's board clear. If you have to use Force of Nature and/or Savage Roar to clear some big threats, then you should do so - there are two Force of Natures and two Savage Roars in the deck, so using one of each defensively doesn't necessarily blow your win condition.

Swipe should be used for board clear, but can also be used for surprise lethal, or to remove one minion and pop some annoying Divine Shields. Don't just use it for face damage (unless you have lethal) or Divine Shield popping though; use common sense and think ahead.

Keeper of the Grove strategy

You should probably save at least one Keeper of the Grove against any matchup that tends to run at least one scary card, such as Tirion Fordring, Grommash Hellscream, Edwin VanCleef, Gadgetzan Auctioneer, Baron Rivendare, Sylvanas Windrunner, Maexxna, Ysera, Twilight Drake in Handlock matchups, or Freeze Mages who run Doomsayer. If you waste them on small threats such as Harvest Golems, then you wasted all of your silence and it could cost you the game. With matchups like Zoo however, it should be safe to use Keeper of the Grove to simply remove some 3/2s or take Doomguard down to a 5/5 for easier removal via other means.

When and how to use Druid of the Claw

A lot of people seem to struggle with figuring out what to do with Druid of the Claw. It's actually a simple decision the vast majority of the time. If the 4/4 charge is going to help you with removal of a large threat, or help you with lethal this or next turn, go for the 4/4. If you need the taunt to protect yourself or other minions, go for the taunt. If you don't meet either of those conditions, you should probably save it for when you do.

Loatheb and combos to watch for

You should generally save Loatheb for the following turns (on matchups where you're preventing board clear, make sure you have a board worthy of clearing before you use Loatheb):

Ancient of Lore: Heal or draw?

Ancient of Lore should be used 99% of the time for card draw instead of healing. The only time you should use healing is if you're going to lose next turn without it, and you're in a situation where you couldn't possibly top deck lethal (such as with Power of the Wild or Savage Roar). If both of those conditions aren't met, use the card draw.

Using Cenarius

With Cenarius, use the +2/+2 option if it's going to buff your minions for board clear or lethal. Use the Treants if you need the protection or otherwise don't have 2 or more other minions out and/or can't neutralize a threatening board with the +2/+2 option.

For the win!

Your win condition is of course Force of Nature + Savage Roar combo, often making use of the aforementioned sticky minions. Don't forget when calculating lethal that your hero also gets +2 attack with Savage Roar - a lot of people seem to miss lethal turns because they forget that. The combo by itself gives you 14 burst damage and +2 to whatever else you have on the board. If you have Force of Nature and two Savage Roars along with Innervate, you can play both Savage Roars on the same turn for a total burst damage of 22 on turn 10.

Theoretical maximum burst

You can get up to 23 burst damage with Force of Nature + double Innervate + hero ability + double Savage Roar, or 25 if you have Power of the Wild in hand and use the +1/+1 option instead of hero ability.

Other combos you might like

One particularly strong combo that can be done on turn 2, 3 or 4 (depending on your hand) is Violet Teacher + Innervate + Power of the Wild. This can be done as early as turn 2 if you have double Innervate (Innervate + Violet TeacherInnervatePower of the Wild), or on turn 3 with the coin. This will leave you with a 4/6 and two 2/2 Violet Apprentices. You can alternatively "waste" the coin before using Power of the Wild, even though you don't need the extra 1 mana, to get a third 2/2 Apprentice. This can leave you with a potential of 10 damage on the board as early as turn 2.

If you happen to have two Innervates + Violet Teacher + two Power of the Wilds + the coin on turn 4, that's a 5/7 Teacher and four 3/3 Apprentices for 17 damage. If you happen to draw into Savage Roar on turn 5, that's probably lethal damage unless they have a Sludge Belcher out. This could be done on turn 3 as well, coining out the Teacher and having three 3/3's instead of four, but you won't have lethal if you draw into Savage Roar on turn 5 (you will have 25 damage however).

If you do this later than turn 4, just be aware if you're going against Mage, Paladin or Priest that this board could be wiped before you get a chance to attack with it (see the "combos to watch out for" section above).

If you know of more combos that haven't been mentioned here, leave them in the comments and I'll add them.

Possible replacements

This is somewhat of an expensive deck, so a lot of people may find that they don't have all of the cards. Here are the cards that are actually replaceable, and possible replacements you can try. I can't guarantee how well any of them will fit, so you might want to play around with it. The replacements aren't listed in any particular order, so they aren't ordered by best to worst or anything.