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(Easy rank 5) Byzan's Controladin

  • Last updated Jul 21, 2017 (Quest Rogue Nerf)
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  • 21 Minions
  • 7 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Control Paladin
  • Crafting Cost: 8260
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 7/22/2017 (Quest Rogue Nerf)
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Hi guys, today i'm going to introduce you to my version of the well-known Controladin. It's only my second guide and my first serious one, so dont be too hard on me!

Now, for starters, we've all seen the typical control pala deck. This one is very similar to most of these decks, but there are some subtle changes that i find work better than the standard, 20k+ dust controladin.

So far i've managed to climb with this deck from 15-5 in 1 day with a 67% winratio. The most challenging matchups for me are Jade druids and quest warrior (i guess all control decks struggle against those).

So what are these 'card changes' you say?

Well first of all, i bet you noticed me not running 2 key legendaries: Wickerflame Burnbristle and The Curator.

Explanation: These 2 are GREAT cards no doubt, however:

-Wickerflame is only a real beast if you can combine it with Spikeridged Steed, making it a 4/8 minion with Divine Shield and Lifesteal. Pretty neat...but a 9 mana combo aswell. imo the second Truesilver is better because it's just an instant removal instead of a slow and fairly weak body like Burnbristle. You do take the extra damage to the face, but you heal the same amount Wickerflame would heal you for so i'll take those odds.

-Curator: another great card, a decent taunt body and you'll get a lot of value from him in the late game. I sometimes play with Curator, but mostly without. I swapped him for a acolyte or divine favor because therse are way earlier card draws and even in the later stages of the game if your opponent has a hand full of cards Favor is just better. Playing a 4/6 taunt vs aggro just to draw into a drake or kodo could sometimes leave your opponent with a good chance on lethal. Feel free to use him if you're experiencing longer games and can get more value from him.

-Acidic Swap Ooze instead of the Gluttonous Ooze or Harrison Jones. Quite frankly, if you fall behind on early game and can't destroy early weapons off the bat, you're gonna get run over when facing aggro decks. 1 mana more for 2 armor max and 1 more hp? No thank you, i'd rather get on board earlier.

-Eater of Secrets: Now, some palas run this card some dont. It's not really an essential, but its great against mages or other paladins. With freeze and secret mage being the top decks atm, im not queueing without this card.

acolyte: well we need card draw dont we? i prefer the faster card draw of acolytes over the late game curator draw, even tho acolyte has a terrible body.

I think all other minions are self-explanatory. So is your mission. Try to stay on board, look for high value trades and let your opponent run out of answers or steam and then turn the game around.

Mulligan: Normally, i never keep cards above 4 mana unless i know i won't get in trouble. If i get same mana drops i only keep the drop i think is best for the matchup. 

!!EARLY BOARD DOMINATION IS KEY IN THIS META, especially against aggro! You can be a bit greedy but if you let your opponent build his board freely he might just overwhelm you or force you to make bad trades. Don't be TOO greedy!

Tech choices:

-You can run a Deathwing in this deck, but discarding your hand is risky. If your opponent has a hard remove for Deathwing, you're just screwed.

- Acolyte helps the rather poor card draw in this deck, but its a weak body. Feel free to swap him for curator if it suits you better.

-Ysera is a great card for longer matchups but you already have quite a lot of big drops in this deck. If you use her i suggest removing another legendary like Swagnaros.

Feel free to comment and upvote if you like this deck! I hope you enjoy this deck as much as i do! See you in the Inn!