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Voidcaller Handlock

  • Last updated Aug 18, 2014 (Naxx Launch)
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  • 23 Minions
  • 7 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 6300
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 8/6/2014 (Naxx Launch)
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Voidcaller Handlock

This guide will be featuring the "Voidcaller Handlock" deck originally created by Cleosi.

My name is Johan, I've been playing hearthstone since early beta and handlock was one of the first decks that grabbed my attention. I always liked the idea of playing free Molten GiantMountain Giant's and turn the tides of the board in a single turn. I still think handlock is one of the harder decks to play in hearthstone but also one of the best, mostly because it doesn't have any bad match-ups. It is also very fun to play.

Card Choises

Core Cards

Alexstrasza: This dragon can both be used offensively and defensively. if you're not in any danger of dying you should use this on the enemy hero to bring him down to 15 health. If the enemy hero already has low health, or you have a risk of dying in the few coming turns...save this and use it on yourself. It will save your life many times but be sure to get out some Molten Giant's before you do it.

Lord Jaraxxus: Finally, my favorite card is back viable again. Together with Voidcaller you now get a free 3/15 on the board since the battlecry is not activated. If you don't get the chanse you can still replace your hero giving you Blood Fury and changing your hero power to Inferno!. There are some good counters to this card to watch out for for example Shadow Word: PainSacrificial PactMirror Entity and a few others.

2x Molten Giant

2x Mountain Giant: You are usually gonna play this card on turn 4 and they are usually going to have a hard time dealing with it.

2x Twilight Drake: Is used to play on turn 3 or 4 depending if you have the coin and in what situation you are in. You should play this instead of Mountain Giant if you want to bait out certain cards like Hex and Execute.

2x Ancient Watcher: This card can be used for many thing. Often you want to throw this out on turn one if you have the coin together with a Ironbeak Owl. It's also used to delay the game giving it taunt and if you want you can also use this with Shadowflame for a 6 mana flamestrike.

2x Ironbeak Owl

2x Soulfire: 4 damage removal for 0 mana is great, just make sure you don't discard any good cards. Try not to use this before you have played most of your Mountain Giant's and Twilight Drake's unless you can get good value out of it. (for example killing a 4/4)