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Littalwabbit's Legendary Budget "Treant Juggler...

  • Last updated Jul 11, 2017 (Quest Rogue Nerf)
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  • 17 Minions
  • 13 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Token Druid
  • Crafting Cost: 2380
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 6/15/2017 (Un'Goro Launch)
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Here is a brief guide or go-to handbook explaining the concept and gameplay mechanics of Littalwabbit's Living Mana/Knife Juggler oriented BUDGET Token Druid deck. 

Although the deck greatly benefits from (and thus is characterized by) the combined implementation of Living Mana and Knife Juggler, the deck does not itself revolve around these cards.

The beauty of token druid and the construction of a token druid deck is the flexibility you have. For a more general approach to "how to token", please check out my more in-depth guide: Token druid deck-ing 101  http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/828466-token-druid-deck-ing-101-ladder-climb#c9


" For the most part YOUR OWN deck can constitute of whatever cards (particularly minions) you currently have available, with the only requirement that you include the signature cards: Power of the Wild, Enchanted Raven, Mark of the Lotus, Mark of Y'Shaarj, Savage Roar, and Living Mana. "

(Please do check out the above guide for potential replacements for constructing your own deck, and for general tips and tricks!)


The Deck:

The Basic concept of any druid token deck is to swarm your side of the board with minions or "tokens", and buff these up with either Power of the Wild or Mark of the Lotus--or a temporary Savage Roar--to seal the game. To enable this you need to have minions that stick to the board, either through deathrattles like Eggnapper or divine shields like Argent Squire, and minions that offer more than one body, like Fire Fly or Pantry Spider.

Mark of Y'Shaarj is very strong, and is the only draw that this deck has. Thus it is important that nearly all your minions are beasts, to allow for synergy. Note how the Raptors spawned from Eggnapper and the Devilsaur* from the Devilsaur Egg are viable targets, and even the tech cards Golakka Crawler** and Hungry Crab

*Why Include the egg? Well, you will consistently be buffing up your minions, and so you will get to spawn the 5/5 which alone more than covers the 3 mana cost. Not only tha--but a 0/3 egg will most likely go ignored, and can itself become a buffed threat or help deliver a Savage Roar. It also is a good counter to board clear. However, I struck a balance with 1 egg only, my own thoughts being that 2 eggs in my hand was just way too passive for this type of gameplay. Rather, I decided to include Defender of Argus to complement the egg, helping taunt up against other aggro decks and force my opponent to spawn the 5/5.

**A quick note on Golakka Crawler, it is mainly used to gain an advantage over other token druid decks that run pirates, or pretty much any aggro deck or other that runs Patches the Pirate... Pirate warriors themselves are no match for this deck!

Living Mana is the backbone of the deck. Save this as a "Board Refill" once your opponent clears, which they will. Don't use this to get a few extra bodies on the board, you will often get punished (like by the "unexpected" Primordial Drake on turn 8--seriously, don't walk into that one). That being said, there is one little fellow that should preferably be on board when you cast LM (Living Mana)...helloooo Mr. Knife Juggler!! Whether you cast LM for 5 or 6 treants (note that the Juggler occupies the 7th slot--which actually comes in handy at times--since you have one more mana to work with on the following turn where you possibly look to close the game!), we are talking about a big power swing that either A) helps you regain board control (you damage or destroy enemy minions AND replace your entire board) or B) helps put your opponent's HP closer to "execution range"... There is also the potential to punish other Aggro Druids for playing Bittertide Hydra!

Knife Juggler also offers synergy with "minions having more than one body" strategy. Work with a spawning Pantry Spider or a dying Eggnapper to your advantage.



Argent Squire, Enchanted Raven, Fire Fly, Mark of Y'Shaarj if you have a beast to play it on... sometimes I keep it just because of the momentum it offers. Golakka Crawler if you're up against a Warrior or even Rogue or Shaman and Hungry Crab if you're up against a Paladin or again, a Shaman. 

Don't keep Knife Juggler unless you have a few 1 drops or a follow up Pantry Spider to motivate it, it is far too good of a card to play later in conjunction with Living Mana.

Don't keep Ravasaur Runt in your hand, it's very clunky without a board and early in the game. If you don't have The Coin, you can't play it at turn two for the battlecry. If you have the coin, even if you coin out two one drops turn one, it is very likely only one of them will stick. 

Try keeping Living Mana against classes like Priests, I find myself this is one of the only win conditions. If I don't draw it fast enough I run out of steam too fast.

Otherwise, try to curve out! Although tempting, a bunch of 1 drops could make you run out of steam fast!


Matchups (to name a few):

Pirate Warrior: Easy, control the board and taunt up with Argus or Ravasaur Runt if given the opportunity. Try to Mulligan for the Golakka Crawler.

Taunt Warrior: Moderate, not as hard as it might seem actually. Wait with using Living Mana until you've seen a Brawl if possible  (do this by swarming the board early and forcing it out, also Devilsaur Egg helps counter). Care of Primordial Drake turn 8 (you should try to win before this). Also beware of Ravaging Goul.

Quest Rogue: Easy to Moderate. Go aggressive and DON'T use LM until you've seen that Vanish! You can't come back from that! Unless your draws are super disproportionate (you draw blanks, he completes quest turn 3) you should win!

Silence Priest: Hard, try to clear the board as efficiently as you can, otherwise stick to face. Mulligan for a Living Mana if possible. Beware of potential board clear incoming both turn 5 and 6 (Holy Nova, Dragonfire Potion).

Hunter: Easy, control the board, win the game (especially important to clear beasts).

Mage: Moderate, don't LM into a Counterspell. Also, save it as board refill, which is imminent. Don't delay popping Ice Block until it's too late. Be aware of Alexztrassa.

Token Shaman:  Moderate to Hard, fight for the board, try to seal the deal before big taunts come up. Don't LM until you see Devolve!

Paladin: Easy to Moderate, the further the game progresses, the more the tide turns in his favor (Tirion Fordring and Primordial Drake are devastating). Keep the board clear by turn 6 to prevent a Spikeridged Steed comeback. Try to save LM for after board wipes. Mulligan for Hungry Crab.

 Token Druid:  Easy to Moderate, although the pirate packages gives your opponent the head start, if you have a Golakka Crawler handy you turn the tide. Fight viciously for board control, that is the only win condition. If you are going first, Mulligan for Living Mana. Why? Because if you get to play it first, you can potentially Mark of the Lotus them and clear the treants that your opponent in turn spawned, all whilst maintaining board control.


For more information, don't hesitate to ask! :)


Enjoy a light-hearted, hopefully entertaining highlight-reel/montage...which I spent waaay too much time editing (so again, hopefully you find it entertaining)! :)