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[Guide added] Dragon-control warrior

  • Last updated Jun 14, 2017 (Un'Goro Launch)
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  • 16 Minions
  • 12 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Dragon Warrior
  • Crafting Cost: 11380
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 5/23/2017 (Un'Goro Launch)
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Hi all,

As promised, I am going to write an updated guide for this deck, as well as having made a couple of changes to the list. I will avoid long stories and try to get straight to the point on every aspect. Feedback is appreciated, encouraged, and I thank everyone who tries the deck on ladder!

I am trying to reach legend with the deck. I have now, 14 june, brought it to rank 3.

 What is this deck

This deck is a full-on control warrior. It brings a couple of dragons to the table to bring both extra value (Netherspite Historian) and single target removal (Book Wyrm). 

What's the gameplan

The plan is to keep controlling your opponents board. To do this, you need to know what deck your opponent is playing, or what his gameplan is going to be. Using your Brawls, Shield Slam, Executes and Sleep with the Fishes at the right time is very important. Don't worry though; you'll learn it fast.

We'll finish the match either by card advantage (explained below) or with our finishers: King Mosh, Alextrasa, Grommash Hellscream. More on this later on in 'card choices'.

In every match of Hearthstone (regardless of what deck both players bring to the table) it is important to recognize what role you're playing. Every match consists of an aggressor and controller. The aggressor wins by getting your health to 0, the controller wins by card advantage. With this deck, you're almost always the controller.

 Card choices

So, there is some discussion about some of the card inclusions, mainly King Mosh is being frowned upon. However, please hear my plea(s)


King Mosh - Let's start with the most controversial one. The first iteration of this deck ran a Deathwing, because of the obvious dragon synergies, not needing an activator and having higher stats. However, in 90% of the matches Deathwing would just keep sitting in my hand being a dead card, as I could not afford discarding my hand (controller vs. aggressor, see previous section). This is when King Mosh took its place, and he comes down in pretty much any midrange/control match-up. 

Where older versions of control warrior used to combo Sylvannas + Brawl, you can also look at King Mosh as a Brawl in which you allways come out as winner. Whirlwind + King Mosh provides a full board clear, leaving you with a 9/7 minion on board, which is often followed up by Alextrasa to opponent's face to set him to 6 health, optimally followed up by Grommash Hellscream to finish the game.

King Mosh is a key card against Jade Druid and Quest Warrior.


The Curator - Obviously,  7 mana 4/ 6 taunt that draws two cards is great value. Keep in mind, this deck run only two beasts: King Mosh, and Direhorn Hatchling. Keep in mind that Direhorn Hatchling also shuffles a beast (5 mana 6/9) into your deck, so you can always guarantee 2 draws with The Curator if you remember this.


Netherspite Historian - Great value. Really do think about which dragon you pick from this! In some matches you may want to choose Book Wyrm over Deathwing, or Onyxia over Ysera. Don't just pick what looks cool - think about it.

Book Wyrm - I find that this card really help some matches. Sometimes you don't want to use a shield slam on a 2 attack minion, and then this card saves the day by cleanly killing a Acolyte of Pain (denying your opponent draws), Alley Armorsmith, Sunkeeper Tarim, and so on.


Sleep with this fishes - We are running 2 Ravaging Ghouls, 2 Primordial Drakes, 2 Whirlwinds. This card just fits in real nice. If you are encountering an increased amount of aggro/ tokens, you may want to play an extra copy of this card. I suggest you take out a Netherspite Historian for a second copy if so desired.


Card Exclusions

Deathwing As previously mentioned, this card made the first iteration of the list but was scrapped because I could often not afford discarding my hand. King Mosh took its place and synergizes way better

Second Sleep with the Fishes - Really good card to include two of; if you encounter an increased amount of aggro/ token, add in a second Sleep with the Fishes in favor of Netherspite Historian

Gorehowl - A very good card, but I feel like it's too clucky in the current meta. The combo potential with Alexstraza is there (and I see it), but this card would needlessly increase the curve of this already high-curve deck.

Ysera - Shame on me, I do not have this card. I am unable to judge if including this card is OP, though I am sure it would be good. If you do own this card, I can imagine it functioning well in this deck. Try it; perhaps in favor of an Acolyte of Pain, or Primordial Drake.




 Look for the lower end of your deck. The mulligan for this deck isn't easy. Generally, you're looking for:

Fiery War Axe
Ravaging Ghoul
Acolyte of Pain
Netherspite Historian

 Be sure not to burn too much of your control tools the first few turns, though it may seem tempting at times. If you can Brawl on turn 5 and you're at turn 4, you need to consider how much damage the opponent may do this turn. If you're feeling safe enough, take that extra 10-12 damage like a man before Brawling and Shield Blocking your way to safety. Afterwards, you can hide behind some taunts and boardclears.


Please try this deck. I appreciate any constructed feedback; feedback like: "Delete Mosh" is not appreciated if you do not explain why you think its inclusion is poor. Just because streamers haven't played the card doesn't mean it's bad.


I don't have Card X, should I craft it?

Generally, yes you should. Cards are really hard to replace in this deck. If you're on a dust-budget, crafting King Mosh is really up to you though. Although it works really well in this deck, it's a niche card that currently has a hard time fitting into other decks.