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[UPTADED] Exodia Mage - The Combo and control D...

  • Last updated May 26, 2020 (Second DH Nerfs)
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  • 13 Minions
  • 17 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: TTK Mage
  • Crafting Cost: 5100
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 4/25/2017 (Un'Goro Launch)
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  • I kind of abandoned this deck, put here am I trying it again, especially with the addition of Ray of Frost. The game plan is not that hard: Survive until you have all the cards and do your combo! But how ? Freezing the enemy every time, even if you don't clear the board, you just have to buy some time to draw your combo. Remember that drawing cards is your "aggressive move" and you should do it every time it's safe to. This deck will crush A LOT of Control decks and you can win against a lot of combos decks as well, especially with Ice Block and by burning their cards with Research ProjectColdlight Oracle. I'm still trying some options (like running Blizzard or not / deciding which secret is better: Flame Ward or Ice Barrier) so this is probably not the best version yet, you have some suggestions I'll be glad to read them.
  • The combo is not the same as with Open the Waygate, this version is considered weaker in some matchups and stronger in others (especially against minion-focused decks). To do the combo you will only need: 1x Sorcerer's Apprentice + 2x Simulacrum + 1x Molten Reflection + 1x Leyline Manipulator and the Archmage Antonidas) but I put more copies of some cards to have a higher chance to draw the entire combo. This combo is divided in two turns:
  1. Use your Simulacrum, both on the Sorcerer's Apprentice 
  2. Drop Leyline Manipulator when you have at least 1 Simulacrum copy of Sorcerer's Apprentice in your hand , then you will have a 0 mana Apprentice, you can use the other Simulacrum on it.
  3. When you have all the cards needed (I MEAN, ALL THE FIVE PIECES OF THE PUZZLE), play the two 0 mana Apprentices, play ONLY ONE costing 2 mana, then Archmage Antonidas (carefull with the order) and for last  Molten Reflection on one of the Apprentices.


  • Extra tips:
  • Don't be greedy to not play Doomsayer on turn 2 in some situations, this play can give you a free turn 3 to play Arcane IntellectColdlight Oracle  or Simulacrum. You don't always have to combo Doomsayer with a freeze effect.
  • Don't be greedy with Arcane Artificer either, most of the times you won't have crazy turns where you gain lots of armor, usually it's best to play him with a freeze effect like Frost Nova, so the opponent has to use their resources to kill it. Sometimes just play him to make space on your hand, remember that he has kind of a "invisible taunt".
  • Be carefull when using Simulacrum, make sure you don't hit one of your 1 drops or the Doomsayer.
  • Usually it's better to use Ray of Frost just for freeze, not for the damage, as I said, we just want to gain some time and doing this way we can use only 1 mana every turn and gain 2 turns against one minion.
  • Don't waste a lot of Freeze effects on the early game, you can tank some hits while drawing cards and then use the freeze effects later, when the opponent has a bigger board.
  • In some games, you will have "useless" minions in your hand (like Mad Scientist after you draw every secret on your deck), of course you can play them to make space on your hand or just to have a body on the board, but sometimes it can be usefull to have them on your hand, to counter cards like Dirty Rat or Demonic Project.
  • Remember that this deck is stronger in slower metas, you will probably lose a lot in more aggressive metas.

Hey, if you liked the deck and wants to know more about it, give it a tumbs up !

  • 15 votes I'm going to do a Mulligan guide
  • 25 votes, cards explanations and replacements
  • 50 Detailed guide against every class.
  • 80 votes, how about some prints ?

Mulligan guide:

  • Don't fall in the trap of keeping every combo piece in your hand, even if this give you the "advantage" of not having to draw them, remember that you still have to survive until turn 10. Keeping them make you have less options of drawing and survivability. Some of the cards you have an extra copy on the deck, so don't worry so much about drawing them.
  • Simulacrum and  Arcane Artificer are traps too ! Even if they don't seem terrible (they are "ok"), most of the times you won't have a Sorcerer's Apprentice as a safe target to Simulacrum early, and if you keep both on the opening hand, then you are probably falling in the previous trap. Arcane Artificer will almost never be played on turn 1, and it's not that good to keep him in you hand for too much time. Most of the time he is better when just played in the middle of the game with another card like Arcane Intellect, where you make space on your hand and get 3 armor.
  • NEVER keep Secrets on your opening hand, you should always get them out of our deck with Mad Scientist. For this reason Mad Scientist is THE BEST card to keep on your opening hand
  • Card draw is usually the best option to keep on your opening hand, especially Coldlight Oracle since the 2/2 body can sometimes trade on an early minion and prevent some damage.
  • Keep one Doomsayer if you think that you are playing against a aggressive deck, where you would probably play Doomsayer on turn 2, especially if you have a turn 3 play in your hand too. You shouldn't keep him against a slower deck tho. The same goes for Mistress of Mixtures.