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Naxx - Colma Token Druid

  • Last updated Jul 31, 2014 (Naxx Launch)
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  • 19 Minions
  • 11 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 8320
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 7/23/2014 (Naxx Launch)
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Update 31st July

Big update, I have changed the deck a lot during this second week of Naxx.

I have removed: 1 x Force of Nature / 1 x Nerub’ar Weblord / 1 x Azure Drake / 2 x Argent Commander

I have added: 1 x Cenarius / 1 x Bloodmage Thalnos / 1 x Loatheb / 1 x Sludge Belcher / 1 x Cairne Bloodhoof

Overall the deck has a much higher focus on value and deathrattle token minions to try and keep minions on the board at all time to be used with Power of the Wild and Savage Roar. It is slightly slower but I feel this deck is stronger overall and has done better for me in week 2 than the old version.

I also changed the video at the bottom to one with myself playing the new version of the deck.

Update 28th July

Replaced the video with a newer one featuring the updated version of the deck.

Update 25th July

I switched the 2 Eggs to 2 Haunted Creepers instead since I found the eggs to be too unreliable. I also switched the Poison Seeds to a Black Knight, without the eggs there is less use for Poison Seeds, and I have been seeing a lot of taunt heavy decks recently.


Hey everyone, Naxx has just been released. I have been testing a lot of different decks at legend in ranked. This is the druid deck I have had the most success with, a token druid deck that has been updated for the second week Naxx. It includes some of the new cards like the Haunted Creepers, Nerub’ar Weblord, Sludge Belcher and Loatheb.

The new cards

The new cards in this deck that didn’t exist before Naxx are:

Haunted Creeper, a new token card with obvious synergy in this deck, if it gets killed it gives you two 1/1s ripe for buffing with power of the wild or savage roar. It is also just a pain for the enemy to deal with in general and can really slow down enemy aggro decks.

Nerub’ar Weblord, 5 stats for 2 mana is as expected but on top of that it makes all cards with battlecries cost 2 more battlecry cards include Leeroy/Earthen Ring Farseer/Fire Elemental and many others. This synergies extremely well with druids because druid decks rarely includes a lot of battlecry minions since the druid “choose one” cards do not count as battlecries. This particular deck does include a single card with a battlecry, I don’t think that hurts the deck a lot, the azure drake is just so useful in that spot.

Loatheb, The miracle stopper. This card alone will likely increase your winrate against miracle rogues with over 10%. I always keep it in my opening hand vs rogues, but it is also great against almost any other class. The 5/5 by itself is fine but the effect is almost sure to mess with the opponent’s plans.

Sludge Belcher, Harvest Golem’s bigger brother, it is like a Taz’dingo and a Goldshire Footman in one card. I think it is better than Druid of the Claw in taunt mode, of course it does not have the option to be a 4/4 charger so Druid of the Claw is still a better card overall.

Legendary Card Replacements

Thalnos can be replaced by a Loot Hoarder or an Azure Drake.

Cairne Bloodhoof can be replaced by a Sludge Belcher or an Azure Drake.

Cenarius can be replaced by an Azure Drake.

Black Knight can be replaced by a Big Game Hunter or an Azure Drake.

Basically Azure Drake is omnigel.


In general during the mulligan keep Innervate/Weblord/Haunted Creeper/Wrath/Power of the Wild/Harvest Golem the main goal is to have something to play on the early turns, combos can come later. Never mulligan harvest golem unless you have two of them in your opening hand, this deck is low on 3 drops so having the harvest golem is a huge advantage. If you already have a 2 drop, I like to also keep a Keeper of the Grove in the opening hand especially when I have the coin, it is very rare for it to not be useful.


Attempt to keep the pressure up from the beginning, getting some extra damage in is great because that gets them closer to the force of nature/savage roar combo range, however the main goal should be board control unless you have lethal in sight. Say they are at 17 life and they have board control, but you could wrestle it back this turn, if it is turn 8 and you have force of nature/savage roar in hand it is fine to go for the face ignoring board control so you can kill them next turn. I do see too many druid players who ignore good trades early on to get more damage in, I think that is a mistake, so play smart.

Good luck if you try it out, and if you like the deck go ahead and give an upvote. Thanks for reading!


Video of myself playing the deck in ranked.