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New Age Rogue [Control] UPDATED

  • Last updated Nov 3, 2014 (Naxx Launch)
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  • 20 Minions
  • 10 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 6440
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 7/22/2014 (Naxx Launch)
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Why Play this deck: 

If you want a different way to play rogue, or you are just a fan of Control decks and you want one of the best class in the game for game control, you are in the right place. But first, let me say that english is not my primary language and i hope you'll understand well what i'm going to say to you about the awesome deck i made!

The deck:

This deck is awesome. Just tested it and got from Rank 10 (No joke lel) to Rank 3 in 4 days. The basics of this deck are to control the board along cheap spells and efficient minions. The Rogue Hero Power is one of the most efficient power in the game for board control, and you can use it with cards like Deadly Poison or BackstabWild Pyromancer helps you to take the board cleaned by the many aggro decks out now. The single Auctioneer provides you the research of the solution you want. BGH (Big Game Hunter) kills the minions who you can't deal with (like giants or big taunted creature) and gives you the insane combo of Copy his minions with Faceless Manipulator, and destroy them. 

The objective of the deck, is to take the board cleared while looking to your life points with cards like Taz'Dingo,cheap removal spells and Argent Commander's. The single Blood helps you to valorize the use of small creatures in trades, or just improve the Combo with Leeroy. The combos are the easiest way to end the game (Leeroy + Anything you want) and is very important to anticipate your next play turn and check for how you can get the lethal by a combo. Obviously : Leeroy + Shadow + Cold blood + Anything else is a 18/20 approximately damages combo.

Life control is very Important, especially in control Decks. And this is why Earthen Ring Farseer's are so good. Shadowstep could valorize your life gain  against aggressive decks and this card create a perfect sinergy with the sense that deck has (life control) and the cards that help with it (healing Pyro).

Sylvanas is one of the best control card in the game along with tbk (Black Knight). The first one (presuming that you have the board control) is a great card to play if your opponent doesn't have creatures. The second one, i mean, is nuts. Is good against Handlock, Druid, Tauntadin ect. ect. Of what we are talking about?

Azure Drake and Gadgetzan Auctioneer are the drawn spells in the deck. Is right to play a Bloodmage Thalnos with Backstab for create a removal spell + a drawning spell. Isn't that important to keep it until the late game or for a good AoE (obviously if he isn't play Zoo)

Perfect Draws are removal spells along with agents, poison and taz'dingos but there isn't a precise hand to keep. It just variate from Matchups.

Amazing Combo's this deck has to offer: 

Wild Pyromancer+ anything

Shadowstep + The Black Knight for great removal effects (very very control, such wow)

Shadowstep + Farseer's

Leeroy Jenkins Combo

Bloodmage Thalnos all spells combo

and much more...

This deck matchups:

Miracle Rogue: 30/70, probably the worst matchup. By the way, this deck is probably going to die in a couple weeks. Anyway, you have all the cards you need to deal with his auctioneer (Blade Flurry and Wild Pyromancer) and you can get the board cleaned when you want. You just have to keep Blade Furry with Deadly poison, if you kill his auctioneer you can easy deal with his other creatures.

Good Matchups: Zoo, Face Hunter, Shockadin,Druid, Aggro Warrior, Aggro Mage, Priest Control (or Blend), 

Average Matchups: Shaman Midrange (all Shaman) , Token Druid, Handlock,Paladin Control, Control Warrior, Mirror Match 

Bad Matchups: Miracle Rogue, Tauntadin (more efficient spells, life control and Tyrion which is something hard to deal with)

Hope you will try this deck and all the Feedback will be very appreciated. See you soon in the ladder with this deck, Cya!

Updates (29/07/2014):
Actually running 2 Loot Hoarder on the Blade and the BGH for increment the draw power of the deck. It works pretty well. Now rank 2 (close to 1)

Updates (02/11/2014):
Completely different approach. Without the combo, the deck looks like more Warrior Control. You can alternate TBK on BGH and i can consider the use of Thalnos. 

New age Rogue, a new way to play Rogue.