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RenoJackson's LEGEND OTK Warlock

  • Last updated Mar 22, 2017 (Aggro Downfall)
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  • 17 Minions
  • 13 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 6100
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 3/22/2017 (Aggro Downfall)
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RIP Mage... Turn 8 lethal lol



Why OTK Warlock?


Because of the Warlock's hero power, arguably the strongest HP in the game. Because such hero power exists, we don't need to put in card draws like other OTK decks, which increases the consistency tremendously. Warlock is also one of the classes with the highest number of powerful board clears and removals, therefore we are able to stall the game until we can assemble our combo. If you really need to clear, you can even use a PO on a midget to combo it with Shadowflame, and still have enough burst left for the combo!


This deck utilizes the infamous Leeroy + Power Overwhelming combo just like Renolock, but with a slight twist. We disguised ourselves as Renolock, therefore many players, even some experienced ones, won't expect a burst higher than 20HP at all! Also, they won't really expect us to have multiple copies of one removal, therefore they're more likely to play into it. There are many combo pieces in this deck, but it is much easier to hit the 30 HP threshold. The ultimate dream would be to hit Emperor discount on every combo piece, and destroy their faces with Leeroy + 2 PO + Brann + 2 Abusive Sergeant + Faceless Manipulator for a whopping 44 damage. However, you only need Leeroy, 2 PO and a Sergeant for lethal, or even a combining with a Darkbomb when you're short of damage.


Leeroy + 2PO + Abusive + Manipulator = 32 dmg

Leeroy + 2PO + Manipulator + Darkbomb = 31 dmg


Why Brann? Because combo, that's one. But in many matchups you won't really need 44 dmg. Brann is here for the burst heal with Healbot, and to discover more burst with Dark Peddler. Now Peddler is a really good card, that can help you find more POs and Abusive Sergeant, or Mistress of Mixtures and taunts against face decks. If you need a charger so badly, PICK THE STONETUSK BOAR! Even in matches where you can't draw Leeroy, you can still win off the back of Peddler if you can get something to stick on the board, then throw all your combo pieces into it and go face. Because we have many other boardclears that do damage to their faces (Hellfire and Abyssal Enforcer), they're likely to be around 20HP when we throw down the combo, so we don't really need the full combo at all!


Against Reno decks, try to keep some other minions in your hand as well since Dirty Rat can totally wreck your combo.


Against aggro, don't assemble your crazy combo. Just survive (which we can do comfortably with lots of clears, removals and heals, almost twice as much as Renolock).


This deck is viable in Standard as well. Replace your Darkbombs with Shadow Bolts, Imp-losion with Doomsayer, Healbot with Earthen Ring Farseer and you're good to go.