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[WILD] Sipiwi94's Reno Tempo Mage

  • Last updated Mar 22, 2017 (Aggro Downfall)
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  • 20 Minions
  • 10 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Reno Mage
  • Crafting Cost: 12940
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 3/22/2017 (Aggro Downfall)
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Hi! Sipiwi94 here.

I lost my #1 spot in Wild on the EU server and even went down to #200 trying to get it back. I managed to get it back with this Reno Mage list. It is not very original or anything, but it is teched to beat aggro and at the same time be able to pressure control decks and kill them with an Archmage Antonidas combo. 

Card choices

Mirror Image is a card that is not seen very often. It is in this list to make Warriors cry. Against other decks it is most often turned into a fireball or sometimes used with Doomsayer

Loot Hoarder and Bloodmage Thalnos fit this deck because you need to draw into Antonidas + Emperor + Toshley. Draw is also surprisingly good against aggro because you really need that Reno

Mana Wyrm was put in the deck as a test. I didn't know if the deck contained enough spells, but against aggro a 1/3 and a 2/3 ( Zombie Chow ) is almost the same. And against other decks I like the Wyrm more because it is a bigger threat.

Youthful Brewmaster is a great card! I like it much better than Manic Soulcaster and with Emperor it even allows N'zoth + Brewmaster for 10 mana. Pirates often don't clear your Reno and that's where this card just wins the game.

Toshley is mainly in the deck because it has great synergy with Archmage Antonidas and N'Zoth, the Corruptor . The brewmaster sparepart is great with Kazakus Reno Jackson and N'zoth and the stealth sparepart is just auto win with Archmage Antonidas

Cards that didn't make it

Arcane Blast The 1-mana spell I liked the least. I like this card more when you have Azure Drake in the deck

Forgotten Torch is not a good card in Reno Mage in my opinion. 3 mana for 3 damage is not impressive and a fireball in the deck doesn't matter when you can get infinite fireballs.

Fireball is a very good mage card and it would be fine in the deck i'm sure. I don't think it is a very good removal spell in wild because of all the deathrattles. And you don't really want to go face before Antonidas. After Antonidas you should already have enough fireballs. 

A second secret. I tried Duplicate a lot. The main reason is that it sucks to draw Mad Scientist with no secrets in the deck. However, not getting the Iceblock can lose games against aggro. And against control decks it is actually not a big deal to not get a secret from the Scientist. Ice Barrier is just too bad to play in my opinion. 

Cabalist's Tome and Azure Drake are very slow cards that should be teched in if you face less aggro.

Rhonin and Sylvanas Windrunner are also great cards that could be used if you don't mind losing against aggro.

Brann Bronzebeard Kabal Courier Antique Healbot Manic Soulcaster is a nice Reno Mage package. It is another way to build the deck. This is probably better against control, but with 30% warrior on the ladder I don't like this. 



Favoured: You want to get board control. The matchup is favoured because Jaraxxus kills them. Even without it they often die to 4 Fireballs.

Mulligan: You want a curve and draw is great. Loot Hoarder, Arcane Intellect, Thalnos is okay. For the curve Mana Wyrm, Mistress, Babbling Book, Mad Scientist, Deathlord, Kazakus. If you have coin you can keep 4-drops too (Water Elemental, Shredder)


Deck with murlocs have a slight edge because you often will not be able to pressure them before they play Anyfin Can Happen

You are favoured against the standard Secret Paladin. Doomsayer is a key card here because the deck has no way to deal with it.

Mulligan: You want a curve. Loot Hoarder, Mana Wyrm, Mistress, Babbling Book, Mad Scientist, Deathlord, Kazakus. If you have coin you can keep 4-drops too (Water Elemental, Shredder). You can consider keeping Volcanic Potion, Doomsayer and Frostbolt if you wanna mulligan against Secret Paladin.

Aggro (Mostly Rogue and Warrior)

Much favoured: Your deck is teched to beat these. A lot of taunt and removal. Keep all the anti aggro cards in mulligan, and keep Polymorph too against rogue against Van Cleef. Another important thing is that Aggro Rogue doesn't use Sap so taunts will stick to the board.

Mulligan: You want removal, heal, taunt, early plays. Frostbolt, Flame Cannon, Forbidden Flame, Volcanic Potion, Mistress, Babbling Book, Mana Wyrm, Ooze, Deathlord, Kazakus, Reno, Doomsayer, Mad Scientist. If you have Doomsayer you can keep Mirror Image too.

Jade Druid

I was surprised that this matchup seems to be 50-50. The deck is able to pressure enough to win half of the times. Sometimes you can win like a Freeze Mage and kill them with fireballs while you are hiding in your Iceblock . N'zoth is also a game closer in this matchup.

Mulligan: You want a curve. Loot Hoarder, Mana Wyrm, Mistress, Babbling Book, Mad Scientist, Deathlord, Kazakus. If you have coin you can keep 4-drops too (Water Elemental, Shredder). If you have some of the curve you can keep Belcher, Emperor or other cards that secure that you will be able to pressure fast.


Reno Priest is tricky. You win by getting their health to a point where you can burst them. 

Mulligan: You want a curve. Loot Hoarder, Mana Wyrm, Mistress, Babbling Book, Mad Scientist, Deathlord, Kazakus. If you have coin you can keep 4-drops too (Water Elemental, Shredder). If you know it is Reno Priest you can mulligan more greedy. You keep 4-drops and can consider keeping Boom, Emperor, Belcher, Toshley.

Dragon Priest is also favoured, but sometimes they curve out and you just lose. You have to save Polymorph for the big dragons in this matchup.

Mulligan: You want a curve. Loot Hoarder, Mana Wyrm, Mistress, Babbling Book, Mad Scientist, Deathlord, Kazakus. If you have coin you can keep 4-drops too (Water Elemental, Shredder).

Reno Mage

50-50 obviously. The way you want to play this is to pressure. Get board control. Force out their removal until the board overwhelms them. This deck has more draw than most reno mages so the pressure plan is where you win. Don't win in fatigue.

Mulligan: for draw and pressure. Loot Hoarder, Mana Wyrm, Mistress, Babbling Book, Mad Scientist, Deathlord, Kazakus, Water Elemental, Shredder. If you have some of this already you can keep Toshley, Belcher, Emperor.




I didn't face a lot of Shaman. The matchup seems okay. The most popular Shaman is aggro. You have a lot of tools to beat this, but 7/7s can be a pain if you don't have the polymorph.

Mulligan: You want a curve. Loot Hoarder, Mana Wyrm, Mistress, Babbling Book, Mad Scientist, Deathlord, Kazakus. If you have coin you can keep 4-drops too (Water Elemental, Shredder). You want to keep Polymorph for the 7/7, but if you don't have coin and don't have other good cards in your mulligan I think you have to throw it away.

Final words

If you have any questions about the deck or wild in general I am happy to answer them.

I might start streaming soon at https://www.twitch.tv/sipiwi94 and my twitter is https://twitter.com/sipiwi94