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BonJob Tempo Priest

  • Last updated Mar 17, 2017 (Aggro Downfall)
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  • 20 Minions
  • 10 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 4720
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 3/18/2017 (Aggro Downfall)
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BONJOB  - Tempo Priest Deck Tech

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This is a tempo deck, meaning that a strong early game without losing momentum is how you'll win most games. Start with one drops, buff them via heals and auras, keep everyone out of reach of popular AOE spells and you'll win.

This deck struggles against heavy top end control decks [Jade Druid] if you cant kill them before they stabilize. If you meta has lots of these kinds of decks, check the Card Tech guide below or try a different deck!


When playing out a minion, be sure it wont just immediately die. Mulligan away one drops with 1 health if you don't have PW shields to buff them with when playing against pinging heroes like mage, druid rogue.

Only keep circle heals if you plan on using them to trigger more than one injured Kvaldir, or if you can coin a turn 2 (or play a turn 3) Injured Blademaster.

Mulligan away all other 3 mana plus cards. you want to start with your lightwardens/clerics/PWs.

Light of the Naaru, though a one mana spell, is ALWAYS mulliganed away.

When to over-commit

Getting board will often spell you defeat. Try to play around popular sweepers like swipe, flamestrike, lightning storm, or shadowflame. When you dont think they have it, go ham and play till your board looks menacing.

However: Try you best to not over commit on one minion. Playing 2 velen's on the same minion is almost always wrong. You don't want to get 3-for-1'd by a hex or blastcrystal, etc.


Northshire Cleric is amazing. mass heals like Circle or Darkscale will draw your entire deck. You can get boardwiped and not worry because you just drew 5 cards in one turn. Remember she draws cards for even when opponent's minions get healed.

You also get the best benefit from heals on Holy Champion, Shadowboxers and Lightwardens when you have a big board, so play out your cards, mass heal, and watch the triggers stack.

Tech Choices:

Mind Blast - Only ever put in one. use for that little extra reach after an opponent plays their big taunts or clears your board. great with a velens in play.
Remove: 1 Young Priestess or Acidic Swamp Ooze

Spawn of Shadows -  Ive had great results with this card. a more midrange style body with a VERY STRONG inspire. use as a 6 drop for extra burst damage.
Remove:  1 Young Priestess or Acidic Swamp Ooze

Entomb - Amazing against control decks. Entomb a Tirion, Ancient or War, or really any big scary minion that you don't want to trade into. I've found playing only 1 is enough.
Remove: 1 Young Priestess or Acidic Swamp Ooze

Deathlord - Great against aggro decks, so tech it in when facing too many pirates.
Remove:  Rag / Boom