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[Standard] Renogon Lock

  • Last updated Feb 16, 2017 (Gadgetzan)
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  • 22 Minions
  • 8 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Renolock
  • Crafting Cost: 8300
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 2/16/2017 (Gadgetzan)
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This is the Renogon Lock  deck I made. The idea of it was that I was playing standard Renolock and I was thinking how much I like the dragon archtype. Now I myself do not have all the cards needed to play dragon priest or a full on dragon deck in general, but this deck seems to pull me through from rank 20 to (until now) about rank 15. Now I know that is not the best achievements and I know there are cards that should be here and are not, I don't have a lot of them as I don't buy packs. I'll say this now, when it comes to this deck, The most important thing is knowledge. This deck is not a common one, and while it is similar to regualar renolock, people still do not expect the dragons and that helps. However you NEED to be able to mulligen correctly against the meta decks to be able to counter them. This deck often loses to non-meta decks as they can surprise you and that hurts your play much, not all non-meta but enough.

Win Conditions:
This deck has a few win conditions, seeing as it's a control deck, so it's a little hard to set specific ones. But here are a few examples.

  • Krul The Unshackled - This is pretty standard for any control warlock really. Though I think the main thing that is worth noting about it. If you and your opponent have a mediocre bored it's worth dropping Doomsayer first. Heck, it's worth dropping a Doomsayer along with something like a Twilight Drake or Azure Drake just to make sure your opponent lets the Doomsayer go through and then drop it the turn after. On a clear board it's a huge tempo gain that is really hard to counter. The two main counters to that play right now in the meta are Twisting Nether and Kazakus potions so the play is even more powerful if your oponent has used either of them.
  • Nefarian and other late game drops - This deck is full of late game drops. Nefarian being one of the most powerful. Nefarian is often used against other control classes and it can give you a nice tempo boost as well as often direct damage or removal. It is especially good when the board state is equal or you are winning a little. Don't be scared to drop Dread Infernal or Abyssal Enforcer onto an empty board for advantage and push damage.
  • Netherspite Historian - As silly as this sounds, considering I do not have some of the cards I need for dragon decks, this cards makes up for it. It can snatch you a beautiful late game threat that you need so don't be scared to set it up early game or save it for late game in case you need threats!

Match Ups

This deck benefits GREATLY from knowing your match ups. There are three categories of match ups and the response to each kind is relatively similar.

Firstly, Reno decks. Warlock, Priest, Mage. These are, in my opinion, the most fun of match ups. These matchups are your most skill based ones and as such I cannot prepare you for too many situations and tell you which risks I think are worth taking and which are not, or when. When you are up against these match ups you need to remember most of the game will happen on turn 5 and onward. Mulligening against these decks you tend to want to mulligen for minions that cost up to 6 mana, preferable a 1, 2 or 3 mana minion, a 4, 5 or 6 mana minion and some kind of single target removal. These decks tend to play less and more powerful threats to your AOE spells are not as powerful as your single target removal. As far as the actual game goes, you really want to be able to draw out the Reno early on. Once your opponent Renos, get rid of the Reno first thing so they can't pull any shenanigans. From that point on, the damage you do is permanent so you tend to do one of two things. Either react to what your opponent plays or push board control. I do recommend focusing more on board control then on reacting to your opponent since you want them to be the ones to run out of removal first rather than you. That is where one of my favorite plays come in (it makes me feel all skilled and high level when I pull it off, which is often) Play one mid to late game threat along with a Doomsayer. Your opponent either lets the Doomsayer go through and lets you have free reign for a turn or they kill it and, often enough, cant kill the second threat you play, afterwards you want to drop down a Krul The Unshackled or a Nefarian to follow up and start pressuring your opponent. 

Next, Pirate decks. Warrior, Rogue. When you mulligen in these matchups you want to mulligen for Mistress of Mixtures, Acidic Swamp Ooze, Doomsayer, Earthen Ring Farseer and any and all early AOE board clears. They are extremely useful here. These matchups tend to be determined by whether or not you have Reno. If you can Reno early enough, you win. Otherwise, 90% of the time, you lose. These are really, really dull and tend to end early. Once you have played Reno, you want to just taunt up as much as you can. These decks will run out of steam early enough and then you can just wear them out slowly. Not much else to say about these matchups.

Third, Shaman. Yes shaman gets it's own category. These are the matchups I hate the most as they tend to be really, really hard to win. When you mulligen in these matchups you really want doomsayer, you want to have a lot of removal, and healing is secondary here. There is a small set of cards that you do not like, these are: Tunnel Trogg, Totem Golem, Feral Spirit, Flamewreathed Faceless and Thing From Below. These cards are early game, mid game, late game, win conditions, defense, and generally everything shaman screws over everyone with. It is important to determine whether you are facing midrange Shaman (also known as 'Jade shaman') or aggro Shaman early enough as the reaction to each deck is slightly different. Aggro shaman is dealt with similarly to other pirate decks. Your best and probably only chance with midrange shaman is to draw the game out so long that they lose their threats. At that point you may be able to make up with really late game.


  • Kazakus - This is a very important part of this deck and sadly I do not have it. If you have it, put it in. No question about it. I'd probably take out Azure Drake for it.
  • Twilight Guardian - An extremely powerful tool to deal with any deck that is not control. Don't have it either and seeing as I am saving up for a legendary and it will roll out of standard soon enough, I can't be bothered crafting it. Again, I'd take out Azure Drake for it or possibly Sunfury Protector.
  • Deathwing - There is an argument for swapping out Nefarian for Deathwing but I do not like it. I personally think the deck suffers from it and it only works as a last resourt where as Nefarian is more flexible.
  • Chillmaw - This is another card that I think would work beautifully in the deck, yet I do not own. I think I'd take out either Blackwing Corruptor or perhaps Cyclopian Horror. If anyone owns it and wants to try it out can you give me some feedback as for how good it actually ends up being?
  • Bloodmage Thalnos - This is an Iffy card. I guess it comes down to personal prefrence over anything else. I think the hero power gives enough draw power and the deck does not need more but sometimes the spelldamage can be useful. Though I am not sure what can be taken out for it.
  • Refreshment Vendor - This is a card that I used to run but don't anymore. While it's a staple in any other Reno deck and a part of my regular Reno Warlock, I felt it was a little clunky here and didn't feel like the four health heal had enough of an impact to justify leaving it in.
  • Elise Starseeker - This is another card I decided to take out after playing the deck. If you tend to face more control decks and have trouble keeping up with really late game then I'd reccomend droppign it back in but otherwise I find it a little slow. You could take out Imp Gang Boss for it.
  • Lord Jaraxxus - From what I hear this is also extremely useful. I'd definitely put it in if I had it but, sadly, I don't. Drop it in for possibly Dread Infernal.
  • Mountain Giant - This is a card that is always present in my regular Reno Warlock deck and could possibly help. It's rather versatile as you can drop it against other control decks pretty early, so, again, if you struggle against those I'd recommend putting it in. I'd switch it in for Dread infernal, I think.