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Protect the Queen

  • Last updated Jul 13, 2014 (Live Patch 5506)
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  • 18 Minions
  • 10 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 5920
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 7/14/2014 (Live Patch 5506)
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Hello! I'm LightsOutAce, and as much as I like grinding to legend, I like to kick back with a fun deck in the early days of a season and flex my creative muscles. This deck isn't going to help you grind into legend, but it's viable in the rank 7 and above meta and is the most fun I've had in Hearthstone in a while.

The concept of the deck is to protect a minion that gains incremental value each turn (Demolisher, Questing Adventurer, Hogger, anything with Blessing of Might on it). To this end, there are tons of divine sheilds and taunts. Additionally,Lorewalker Cho can serve as a deterrent/extra value engine against spells killing your guys, and Noble Sacrifice can protect them from attacks.

Card Choices That May Require Further Explanation

Aldor Peacekeeper - You've gotta stay alive to play your combos that involve a 3-cost card. Nothing does that better than an on-curve body + neutering of an opponent's minion.

Blood Knight - There are 6 divine shield effects, and combining 1 or 2 of those with this guy can just run away with the game. There's only one because generally the divine shields are better served blocking damage on an important minion.

Avenging Wrath - Without Equality (which is bad in this deck that wants to protect high-health minions with taunts), you sometimes need some removal to supplement Consecration and Truesilver Champion.

Lay on Hands - There are a lot of cheap cards  and very little card raw, so sometimes you just need to reload.

Play Style

We want to get value from our recurring effect minions, so the only one I would just run out without protection is Demolisher, since he has high health for a 3-drop and can be surprisingly effective on his own. 

Noble Sacrifice isn't a 1-drop in this deck unless you desperately need removal;.it's much better used on turn 4 or 5 alongside a Questing Adventurer or Demolisher. It's basically copies 3 and 4 of Hand of Protection.

Ideal mulligans include some early plays (Argent Squire, Demolisher, Aldor Peacekeeper) and a recurring effect minion (Demolisher, Questing Adventurer). Obviously keep Blood Knight if you can make a 6/6 on turn 2 or 3. I'm not going to go matchup-by-matchup since this is a fun deck, but in general you want Peacekeeper and Squire against aggro and Cho and Questing against slow midrange and control.

Card Substitutions

This deck isn't the tightest competitive stack ever, so you have plenty of leeway to work with what you have and still end up with a coherent and consistent deck.

Lorewalker Cho - I love this guy and try to throw him in whenever I can (and he's super sick when taunted by Defender of Argus!), but he is by no means essential to this deck's strategy. Another early drop like Harvest Golem or Faerie Dragon would be welcome early plays in the deck.

Blood Knight - He's a secondary win condition and not the main plan, so the same stuff as for Cho would be fine. Cult Master makes the deck really clunky, but he's good with your hero power and serves as a soft taunt to protect Questing Adventurer andDemolisher.

Hogger - This is the best Hogger is ever gonna be, but even still he's not the greatest and I wouldn't waste dust crafting him. SunwalkerGelbin Mekkatorque (you can protect his inventions lol), and any big guy would work here. Ragnaros (another legendary, I know) also fits the theme here, but he doesn't need much protecting and is kind of expensive.

Avenging Wrath, Lay on Hands - These cards are sweet, but Paladin isn't that good and you shouldn't craft them for this deck. Any late-game cards you have could be slotted in here.

Faceless Manipulator - Cult Master will help in a lot of the same situations where Faceless is good.

Feel free to ask any questions and I'll try to answer them in the comments. Thanks for reading!