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[Top 10 WILD Legend] KRULOCK

  • Last updated Jan 16, 2017 (Gadgetzan)
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  • 22 Minions
  • 8 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Renolock
  • Crafting Cost: 14600
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 1/11/2017 (Gadgetzan)
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Hi everyone, im a regular wild player and this month i piloted this deck to legend (it was my first time legend). I only played this deck from rank 16 to legend, It does great vs aggro and also crushes most of control decks (except jade druid, but in wild isn't that popular).

First of all, this deck don't run the leeroy combo, instead i play a more orientated control deck with Krul the Unshackled and N'Zoth, the Corruptor. N'zoth is so much better in wild with cards like DeathlordSludge Belcher and  Voidcaller and of course the mighty Sylvanas Windrunner.

In the other hand is Krul the Unshackled, this big guy is insane with Mal'Ganis and also there are a lot of great demons in the deck that are super valuable by themselve. There are 6 demons in total:  (Imp Gang BossVoidcallerAbyssal EnforcerLord JaraxxusKrul the Unshackled and Mal'Ganis, getting at least 3 big demons into play in 1 turn is huge, also there are matchups were you dont want to become Jaraxxus because the risk is too high (like vs freeze mage, the leeroy renolock, some matches vs aggro shaman) and playing him with krul or cheesing him with Voidcaller is super worth.

Now some general mulligan and tips:



Always keep Reno, except maybe in mirror matches and vs control priest, is the card that will open you the gates of the late game.

VS aggro:

The goal here is slow the game the most you can, you want reno, your 1-cost minions and AOEs. Only keep a early taunt in mulligan (deathlord or second time bruiser) if you alredy have reno and an AOE.

*Zombie Chow is the best anti aggro tool in the game, it can trade 2 1-cost minions or deal some damage to a 3-4 health minion to prepare a demonwrath/hellfire next turn.

*Mistress of Mixtures


*Acidic swamp ooze

*Demonwrath - Hellfire are the game defining spells most times, allways keep at least one.

*Kazakus, the card that make renolock shine again, you can play him in turn 4 to get a 5-cost spell or in turn 5 for a 1-cost. We want armor and AOE, this guy can win you a lot of games.

*Darkbomb is great to deal with  Ship's Cannon or trogg/flametongue totem, always keep it.

VS control:

Here the main goal is to tap all you can to prepare a good emperor and play your huge midgame minions.


*Twilight Drake

*Mountain Giant

*misstres of mixtures

*Lord Jaraxxus only vs priest and control warrior, is the win condition in these matchups and drow him late can loose you the game.


Legend proof

