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  • Last updated Jan 2, 2017 (Gadgetzan)
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  • 20 Minions
  • 9 Spells
  • 1 Weapon
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: C'Thun Warrior
  • Crafting Cost: 13620
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 12/27/2016 (Gadgetzan)
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Wow, I really didn't expect this much attention, 'I shall write this guide for thee, and thee shall destroy ALL!'

**There have been a few changes to make the deck slightly more consistent** 

A happy 2017 to everyone!


First of all, Screw this current Meta right?

I am Papi, Commander of the 300 large spartan army and bringer of the light in this once again so fast agro meta which leaves little room for fun control decks. I am really amazed by all the positive response and decided I shall write a guide to help thee play this deck because it does require some insights on both the game in general, as well as the deck itself.


General playstyle;

The general idea for this deck depends highly on what match up you are playing. 'Resident sleeper' - style is a way to win matches by just building a huge wall of armor but sometimes you want to contest the board heavily early on and thus choose minions over armor, make your opponent use his removals / minions to try and keep board control eventually running out of steam. Playing a Reno Jackson or Ancient Shieldbearer (especially in combination with Brann) will completely shatter their hopes and win you those games (mostly).


General Muligan;

Try not to aim for big combo's. Since you only have 1 of each card in your deck it will be very hard to pull this off. You want to aim to draw tools that help you survive the early game and run big taunts at turn 4-5-6. 

It is very important to not muligan for just a few cards, don't be greedy, and always try to think of what your opponent might muligan for and how much dmg you might need to remove whatever he is playing. Since everyone is playing the same copy-paste decks nowadays expecting a certain will mostl likely not that hard to do. Muligan with this deck is more about what cards not to throw away then what card to look for. Yes having a Fiery War Axe to play on turn 2 will most likely win the game for you if you have just 1 taunt to follow it up with on turn 4-5 but when you do not have the War Axe in hand, realize the chances of drawing one is actually small. This goes for all cards in the muligan list and you should never be to greedy with your muligan. WORK WITH THE TOOLS PRESENTED TO YOU!

Muligan: "Acolyte of Pain, Fiery War Axe, Beckoner of Evil, Disciple of C'Thun, Second-Rate Bruiser, Reno Jackson."

***I will include more cards in the 'Playstyle vs Aggro / Control" section because it is essential to Muligan based on what kind of opponent you expect! ***


Playstyle vs Aggro / Midrange / Control;

Vs Aggro:

 When playing vs Aggro there are some extra cards to Muligan: Whirlwind, Ravaging Ghoul, Slam, Second-Rate Bruiser, and if your hand allows it even Shield Slam since they will not play big minions and having some early removal / board clear will most of the times win you the game.  

Your goal is to clear the board with, make them run out of steam and once you get past turn 5 you usually just keep playing big taunts, armor up and/or play Reno. The usually concede when the Reno is played and should do so because once that HP is back at 30, there is no way they'll ever come back on top.

Vs Midrange: 

The Midrange matchup is the worst in my opinion. You'll muligan for C'Thun enablers and your best friend will be Brawl. In the match up you should always try to contest the board with your big taunt minions or Fiery War Axe.

You should be the agressor, try to keep board control and not let them overun you with a full board of high hp minions. If this happens you'll most likely lose the game unless you have Brawl at the right moment. These matches can be decided by a good Brawl and also lost when used to early. Try to go face as much as possible and finnish the game with a good C'Thun turn. Also, playing Brann Bronzebeard into you Twin Emperor Vek'lor is a very valueable combo to try and pull off to contest with the big minions he'll play. It sometimes is also worth it using brann just to buff up your C'Thun faster.

Vs Control:

In the Control match up, Muligan for the C'thun enablers as well as some removal. You want to be the initiator but never commit to much minions to the board. play minions you wouldn't care to much for when they get removed. Most of your C'thun buff cards are always a good choice since they give some pressure and do their job with mostly battelcries that will enable you to play your big C'thun minions like Twin Emperor Vek'lor and Ancient Shieldbearer.

Your "plan A" win condition is playing a C'Thun into Doomcaller as best scenario and have them survive for at least 1 turn because they have run out of removals. "plan B" win condition would be winning the Fatigue war by for instance creating (by use of Whirlwind and bloodwarriors) 2 Reno Jacksons, C'Thuns or Brann Bronzebeard a Doomcaller / C'Thun.


Don Han'Cho - Ragnaros the Firelord (Don is somewhat more greedy, but I really like the card in this deck).

Brann Bronzebeard - maybe... Youthful Brewmaster (but Brann is pretty essential for the deck)

Emperor Thaurissan - Sadly there is no real replacement for the reduction of costs of cards in your hand that enables you to play brann and doomcaller or sometimes even C'thun brann in 1 turn :(.

*I have thought about replacing 1 Doomsayer for a second brawl in the Jade druid / Handlock matchups if you are facing a lot of those. You won't usually have to Reno untill you've almost played all your cards in those match ups and having a second brawl, (especially in combination with sylvannas), could be a huge advantage over the doomsayer that will just get destroyed in 1 turn by either big 8-8's or a cheezy removal spell.*


 Footage of some of the awesome Spartans that have destroyed enemies with this deck:

Cool showcase of the deck by KiwiiNBacon
Video by RealityCheck

 Bad luck Brawl by Dezadeu

*Might Upload a video of myself playing this deck sometimes, In the meantime feel free to post a video of you crushing your oh so astounded, hopelessly destroyed enemies! <3


 Much love, Papi <3.