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Primal Dragon Force

  • Last updated Oct 17, 2016 (Yogg Nerf)
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  • 14 Minions
  • 15 Spells
  • 1 Weapon
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Dragon Shaman
  • Crafting Cost: 9940
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 10/2/2016 (Karazhan)
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  • 2phite
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Strength and honor, my friend.

My name is 月明. I have been playing variants of this deck since Blackrock Mountain, that is, before the Shaman was even in the game. I have won more than 1000 games with it, but have never been above rank 5 on the ladder. I have not played against another Dragon Shaman more than once or twice. So I really want to share it with you, hoping you can try it and help refine the deck. Together, we can make Dragon Shaman a real thing. From below.

Updated on 2016-10-17:
Included Maelstrom Portal for Hunter encounters. Tried Earth Elemental and have been very successful against most matchups. Good in chained taunts after Twilight Guardian and/or Thing from Below. Best 5-mana card in the game to stabilize after Elemental Destruction, no matter same turn or one turn after.

Updated on 2016-10-04:
Inspired by felipeflash, I swapped some cards for Lightning Bolt. This deck is far from finalized, and your help is highly appreciated.

What is good with Dragon Shaman? On the control end, we counter N'Zoth and resurrect decks really well with Hex and Elemental Destruction. In fact, the deck in its current state might be a little too greedy, that it almost farm on control decks. On the aggro end, we have the big cheap Healing Wave that works quite well with dragons. Many times when the tempo mage go "Well played. Hello. Well played." and we casually toss a few Healing Wave and watch him concede. In fact, we never concede. Shaman is the only class to nuke down a dangerous board, restore 14 health and come back with some zero-mana taunts plus dragons, all in a single turn. We make the most epic plays for Twitch and YouTube.

This deck requires a lot of thinking ahead. Our win condition is to take control. Compared to the Control Warrior, they have more unconditional spot removals (2 Execute and 2 Shield Slam vs 2 Hex), but we have more powerful board wipes. Therefore, we need to anticipate a lot, trying to fish for a favorable board state to throw a board wipe. We usually come behind in the early game, and rely on taunts and Healing Wave. Once we get to the late game, however, we take back control. We have a new hero power thanks to Charged Hammer. We summon dragons, breathe fire and call down lightning at our foes, literally ascending into an elemental lord.

I will analyse our matchups below. Generally, we do better against slow decks and worse against aggro decks. This may not be applicable to NA or EU servers, but I will try to include everything I know.

Against Warriors
They are mostly Dragon or C'Thun. Big old Control Warriors can wait, but we must react really quickly to tempo decks.

Always keep: Lightning Bolt, Stormcrack, Feral Spirit, Lightning Storm, Netherspite Historian, Twilight Guardian
Warriors: Hex, Healing Wave


We confirm Dragon Warrior if they play any dragon card. In this case, Stormcrack are perfect for theFrothing Berserker and the Kor'kron Elite. Hex are for Ragnaros the Firelord and Grommash Hellscream. Use Healing Wave if we anticipate Drakonid Crusher next turn. Block the 2 drops with taunts and clear them with a board wipe. We are on a tight budget, so try not to hit their 3/2 with our face. Beware of Deathwing, if we can Hex it or block it with Feral Spirit + Sylvanas Windrunner, it is often a concede.

It's a C'Thun Warrior if they play any C'Thun card. Duh! Try to play the tempo game with them, ie. put down threat when possible to trade into their minions next turn. Stormcrack are for the Beckoner of Evil and the Twilight Elder. Hex are for C'Thun or for emergency, we have two shots, so it's ok to Hex a 7/6. We often play Hex + Taunt + Healing Wave after their C'Thun, and we probably heal for 14 too, because their 10 mana card is gone. Keep Twilight Drake and 1 board wipe to kill the Twin Emperor Vek'lor.

Assume Control Warrior otherwise. We pretend to be a Midrange Shaman with a bad opening hand, and let them overdraw with their Acolyte of Pain. Smash a Searing Totem on it and emote "Opps". Bait their spot removals with small threats like Twilight Drake or Thing from Below. Bait their Brawl with totems and Feral Spirit. Always count Brawl. If we have something like 5 damage to their face each turn, they may waste a Brawl to that. If we do have a huge legendary on board, stop pressing the totem button to play around Brawl. Remember that whoever gets a big threat unanswered will win eventually. Use Golden Monkey when all Hex, Healing Wave and Charged Hammer are used.

Against Shamans
Face and Midrange Shamans all day (I crave for a mirror match).

Always keep: Lightning Bolt, Stormcrack, Feral Spirit, Lightning Storm, Netherspite Historian, Twilight Guardian
Shamans: Hex (if good hand), Elemental Destruction


Use Stormcrack on Totem Golem if we have it. Feral Spirit to block the early aggression and board wipe when their health is in range. Hex on anything scary. Sylvanas Windrunner can make them panic and put down lots of minions, to which we throw a board wipe or Chillmaw. Healing Wave always heals for 14. That's incredible!

Against Rogues
There are Miracle, Burgle or N'Zoth Rogues on my server. Sometimes Mill Rogues too, have fun with that.

Always keep: Lightning Bolt, Stormcrack, Feral Spirit, Lightning Storm, Netherspite Historian, Twilight Guardian
Rogues: Hex, Elemental Destruction


Stormcrack on Tomb Pillager feels really good. Save Hex for Edwin VanCleef, Sylvanas Windrunner and/or Questing Adventurer. Elemental Destruction for the stealthed Gadgetzan Auctioneer. Other than that, just press totem every turn and put down some moderate threat. This is an easy matchup.

Throw away everything in panic when Coldlight Oracle happens. But seriously, we have enough a few high attack minions to race face with Mill Rogues. Play cards and not totems so they do not die to Vanish.

Against Paladins
There are a lot of them! Holy Shield Aggrodins, Anyfin and N'Zoth Paladins are common. It is kind of hard to mulligan for everything.

Always keep: Lightning Bolt, Stormcrack, Feral Spirit, Lightning Storm, Netherspite Historian, Twilight Guardian
Paladins: Hex (very important)


It all comes down to the Hex target. For Aggrodins, use Hex reactively against Blessing of Kings. If they play Infested Tauren, save the Hex exclusively for Sylvanas Windrunner and Tirion Fordring, and save one Elemental Destruction for N'Zoth, the Corruptor. Hex at least one of the Murloc Warleader for Anyfin decks. Be sure to count their board clears, which cost at least 4 mana (Wild Pyromancer + Equality). If we manage to keep a moderate threat on board, they can never clear it and summon their legendaries (often 8 cost).

Against Hunters
Always Midrange Hunters.

Always keep: Lightning Bolt, Stormcrack, Feral Spirit, Lightning Storm, Netherspite Historian, Twilight Guardian
Hunters: Lava Shock


Hex is the best answer in the game to Savannah Highmane, and Elemental Destruction is the best answer to Call of the Wild. But before that, we must survive until that turn. Again, taunts for early aggression and Lightning Storm to clear them. Do some counting before pressing totem, because Unleash the Hounds will summon one more doge, if that extra doge will break a taunt or deal the last point of lethal to us, don't press totem. To play around Explosive Shot, try to separate bigger minions with totems, and not to put taunts beside each other. Hunters have limited ways to get past a taunt, and we have more taunts and heals than that.

Against Druids
I often see Yogg, Token and C'Thun Druids.

Always keep: Lightning Bolt, Stormcrack, Feral Spirit, Lightning Storm, Netherspite Historian, Twilight Guardian
Druids: Lava Shock, Hex, Elemental Destruction, Charged Hammer


Be prepared for sudden Innervate into big bros. Druid cannot properly spot remove a threat, so playing the tempo game is a good idea. Having our own threat on board will help us dealing with Arcane Giant. Save the last charge of Charged Hammer and as many removal spells as possible. Deal with Yogg the same way you deal with your life.

For Token Druids, make sure Fandral Staghelm cannot stand more than 1 turn, which should not be too difficult for us. One Elemental Destruction should be saved to deal with the mess after Fandral Staghelm or Violet Teacher[card]. Trade and use spell to clear their tokens to avoid buffs. [card]C'Thun Druids has a lot of high health minions, but so do we. Press totems a lot to get a free Thing from Below, trade sensibly into a final board wipe. Try to put Twilight Drake or Sylvanas Windrunner behind taunt, which makes it very easy to kill Twin Emperor Vek'lor or stop them from playing C'Thun.

Against Warlocks
Zoolocks are a very bad matchup. Also every Warlock is Zoo now. Talk about cancer.

Always keep: Lightning Bolt, Stormcrack, Feral Spirit, Lightning Storm, Netherspite Historian, Twilight Guardian
Warlocks: Lava Shock, Elemental Destruction


There is not much to do against Warlocks, other than playing very carefully and hoping they overextend into a wipe. This is where my deck needs to improve on. Feedback is much welcomed.

Against Mages
Tempo Mages are very popular. Freeze Mages are there too.

Always keep: Lightning Bolt, Stormcrack, Feral Spirit, Lightning Storm, Netherspite Historian, Twilight Guardian
Mages: Lava Shock, Elemental Destruction (important), Healing Wave (important)


Tempo Mages are one of the most difficult matchups. We need Elemental Destruction or Stormcrack on turn 3 or 4 after their Flamewaker + Mirror Image + Arcane Missiles combo. Do some elementary maths before overloading. Taunt up every turn to soak damage. If they don't kill us already, they will run out of juice mid-game to play something like Mana Wyrm + Arcane Intellect. Now is the chance to Healing Wave + Blackwing Corruptor and take back tempo.

If they draw cards a lot, they probably are Freeze Mages. Save one Healing Wave after Alexstrasza, one Healing Wave when dropping below 16, like after a burst turn. Save up 7 damage from hand to deal with Doomsayer. Mix in high health dragons with low health minions, so their Flamestrike is ineffective. Our goal is to kill them with fatigue.

Against Priests
Resurrect Priests, N'Zoth and C'Thun Priests are all possible. Dragon Priests are cute, we like them.

Always keep: Lightning Bolt, Stormcrack, Feral Spirit, Lightning Storm, Netherspite Historian, Twilight Guardian
Priests: Hex (very important), Ancestral Knowledge (if no Hex)


Priests decks are very much like Paladins, except they do not go aggro in the current meta. It is even more important to draw Hex and put it on the right target. Use Hex on the first Injured Blademaster or Priest of the Feast for Resurrect Priests, use on Sylvanas Windrunner and Cairne Bloodhoof for N'Zoth Priests, use on C'Thun and another fat dude for C'Thun Priests.

Like any other control decks, we must play around the tricky Priest removals. We sort our minions in order of threat level and always play them from weak to strong. For heavy minions, usually there are 2x Shadow Word: Death, 2x Entomb and/or 1x Mind Control. Bait 4 of them with 2x Blackwing Corruptor and 2x Thing from Below. Bait Shadow Word: Pain with Feral Spirit to protect Elise Starseeker and Twilight Guardian. Bait Auchenai Soulpriest and Excavated Evil with Feral Spirit and totems. Priest games are like chess, play carefully and have fun.


Card Choice and Combos

I will do this part on demand.