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Faceless Ones

  • Last updated Dec 9, 2016 (Gadgetzan)
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  • 15 Minions
  • 15 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Control Shaman
  • Crafting Cost: 9880
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 8/5/2016 (Old Gods)
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NEW! --> Jade Control Shaman! http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/699861-msofg-control-jade-shaman

If you like this deck, check the new Karazhan version! http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/634021-karazhan-control-shaman


Update: Deck was modified after the nerf patch!


Deck Guide:

This deck's goal is to exhaust your opponent early on and then start dropping huge minions to reach victory.

Now I will explain why I picked each card and what are the combos:

Ancestral Spirit: your mvp card, play it on any of the 4+ mana minions in this deck to gain double the value. Place one on one of the taunt wall minion vs Aggro and its gg.

Lava Shock: your get rid of the overload card, you always want to see it in your hand. Keep it at mulligan with Elemental Destruction for that sweet board clear.

Stormcrack: gets rid of any of the powerful 4 health minions like Totem GolemFrothing BerserkerImp Gang Boss ..etc and can deal with bigger minions with spell damage totem on the field.

Elemental Destruction: best board clear in the game, always keep it with Lava Shock in your hand. When you are on low health, you can drop Hallazeal the Ascended then use it for a field clear+ Reno Jackson effect.

Healing Wave: this card will act as 14+ health since you have a lot of high cost minions in the deck. Works great vs aggro decks, and also fatigue decks.

Hex: you are a threat, and now your are a frog! great card vs control / fatigue decks, gets rids of all their big targets. Always keep it in hand vs Zoo Warlock and Aggro Shaman though, mainly for Darkshire CouncilmanSea Giant, Doomguard and me XD Flamewreathed Faceless.

Lightning Storm: field clear vs Zoo Warlock and Aggro Shaman's early minions.

Tuskarr Totemic: he is here for the value he generates Totem Golem, Flametongue TotemMana Tide Totem and Wrath of Air Totem. Also he will fool your opponent into thinking that you are playing Aggro Shaman. Reduces Thing from Below's cost faster.  RIP

Flamewreathed Faceless: Need a win?

Earth Elemental: wall number one, very hard to deal with, especially when Ancestral Spirit is casted on it. Copy it with Faceless Manipulator for extreme value with no drawbacks.

Hallazeal the AscendedReno Jackson

Thing from Below: 0 mana 5/5, wall number two

Faceless Manipulator: copy one of your big guys or one of your opponent's big guys for just 5 mana. Very flexible cards that can flip the game in your favor quickly.

Cairne Bloodhoof: one of the best deathrattle minions in the game, cast Ancestral Spirit on it for four free minions.

Emperor Thaurissan: he is just here to discount your cards and make pulling insane combos easier.

Sylvanas Windrunner: she doesn't have time for games! same high value as Cairne Bloodhoof

Bog Creeper: Bogchamp, your third huge wall. At this point of the game, your opponent will have very low to no options to get rid of it. Its a huge wall with no overload drawback like Earth Elemental but they are the backbone of this deck!

If you want any more info added to this guide, please tell me! Enjoy!