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Animals! -Hunter Midrange [Low Budget] *Counter...

  • Last updated Oct 2, 2014 (Naxx Launch)
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  • 19 Minions
  • 11 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 760
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 5/30/2014 (Live Patch 5506)
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  • Louey7
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Hello, I am Louey7 (my YouTube: here). This is my current Hunter deck. "Animals!"  Name: A bunch of 'Beasts'! This has recently received a full-Naxxramas major update, along with a more fluid flow, and unique midrange feel.

 This is a video I made of the deck. Hope you learn something useful in it and thanks for watching! 


It is a low budget control deck. I am doing well with Naxxramas and am climbing at rank 11 with this. You can follow my rank season to see this along with everything else I use on my YouTube channel! It has the ability to do massive burst damage, and board clears. It can survive well in the early game, have an extremely powerful mid game, and a strong finishing late game. Once I get time, I will include the combos, matchups, replacements, "Why" this card or not that card, etc. 

This is a great counter to early-game heavy decks. This would especially include: Aggro decks (any kind), zoo (never lost to zoo, yet), all rush decks.

This deck currently includes no epics. It does include: a few rares, commons, basics, and Naxxramas cards.

Card Choices and Reasoning

Flare is great to get rid of stealth and enemy secrets. However, against opponents without any of those, it provides a great early game cycle card. Most notable classes to save it for: Miracle Rogues, Mages, Paladins, and occasionally shamans and priests. Other than that, you would want to keep it in your hand, and just cycle it on your first turn, if there is no other better play and you feel the extra card is needed.

Stonetusk Boar It combos extremely well with Hunter's Mark for a kill. Also it is a single "hound" in Unleash the Hounds, so can work in the same way where you would only use Unleash the Hounds to get one hound out.
Tundra Rhino appears bad if you like at it raw stat wise. 2/5 (7) for 5 mana isn't good. However, giving all of beasts charge (including this one) is very valuable. When you are behind this can create unfavorable situations for your opponent, and turn the tide in your favor. Also, it can ensure you are keeping the lead, when you are in the lead. Overall, great for gaining some tempo, burst damage, ensuring victory, etc. 
Ironbeak Owl Hunters are generally weak in the silence and hard removal area, so I included this as a great silencer. It is also a beast, so it fits right in. Most people I see do not use this, but I feel it can be important and has saved me a few times. Currently it is definitely worth the slot for extra burst past taunts and weakening out-of-control minions.


Emperor Cobra Has been replaced!! I got Stampeding Kodo from a pack. I found it works much better.
Naxxramas changes!
I have replaced River Crocolisk with another Dire Wolf Alpha. It seemed to be under performing and be too variable in getting it.
Webspinner is now in the deck, full-time. It replaced Faceless Manipulator and Oasis Snapjaw. The latter was under-performing and this card helps add hand-drawing along with a solid 1 drop. Always keep in mulligan

Be sure to follow this thread, along with my YT channel for updates to this deck and see how it performs against what.

Best Match Ups
Handlock - Usually easy win with the burst potential here.
Zoolock/zoo variants - This deck is almost a guarantee win, especially with Naxxramas changes.
Aggro of any kind - Almost as sure of a thing as Zoolock, favorable.
Tempo - Usually preferred if they don't avoid any hunter things, sometimes difficult
Midrange - depending how slow/fast can give trouble
Freeze mage - Unsure??
Other mages - Still unsure?? And I don't really remember playing against many mages with this.
Control shaman - Can be bad if shaman is played well
Control/Armor Warrior - Usually a decently easy win. Sometimes harder
To the face decks - Depends on your opening and their opening. If you can get your traps and taunts out and keep control, should be fine. If they overrun you early you may be in trouble.
Mirror - Well I'd have to say the hunter wins....... But really, 50/50... maybe? (unless it is aggro - easy win for us!)
Taunt shaman (see my shaman deck coming soon for what I mean) - Well, I do not know.

Hope you enjoy it! And please comment thoughts