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[V2.0] Justsaiyan's Meta Control Deck

  • Last updated Jul 16, 2014 (Live Patch 5506)
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  • 17 Minions
  • 10 Spells
  • 3 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 7300
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 5/27/2014 (Live Patch 5435)
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Posting the deck that I've been playing recently in legends.

If you have any questions about the deck or would like to theorycraft with me, justsaiyan#1493

Proof of Legends [Rank 17] : http://imgur.com/aoOOwtW

After playing 54 games with it, it's done extremely well with a 65% win rate (35W/19L), all games played at rank 150 or higher in legends.

Breakdown of stats from hearthtracker: http://imgur.com/pPNsrh5

Originally built to counter the wildly popular miracle rogue deck, this version simply dominates in this meta. 

The deck has enough removal to handle heavier control decks as well as putting out pressure vs. midrange and aggro. Your win conditions are very flexible, as a frothing + wild pyro, or wild pyro+armorsmith can easily put you ahead and give you enough room to throw arcanites at the face after you've slain a few yetis. 


General Play Style

There's a few major differences in play style between this version of control and a legendary heavy build. This version is meant to be more aggressive to dominate in an aggro-midrange meta. Most of the time, you don't want to armor up on turn 2 (unless it's handlock). If you have a war axe, just equip it on 2, so you can throw a frothing or an acolyte on a clear board. Having a weapon up is huge, it helps you build tempo and makes your opponents play around it. 

Knowing when to hit face is crucial for setting up your win condition. If you have a back up weapon ready, or if you're still holding a fiery war axe and it's already past turn 6, swing at the face to make room for the arcanite. 

This deck requires you to think ahead. While it's important to maintain board control, you'll need to save at least one gromm enabler, whether that's a whirlwind, slam, or taskmaster. You'll have to use resources efficiently. Most likely, you'll have more than one way to remove a threat. Knowing when to shield slam vs. execute is critical. Saving shield blocks for the combo is vital, you're not guaranteed a high amount of armor later in the game as you will probably arcanite a big drop to regain board control. 


Match Ups

Vs. Priest:  

Mulligan for execute and war axe, keep a 4 attack creature if it comes up. If your hand looks like it can make a 4/4 frothing, consider keeping an opening frothing as well. Value your korkrons and argent commander very highly, if there's a slightly inefficient way to remove something, take that route instead of running a korkron into whatever minion he has. Don't play argent if he hasn't used both soulpriests yet, unless it's your only out. The way you win this game, as with every priest game, is to slowly apply pressure. You have to play smart and anticipate what he may have. Cards to watch out for: Holy nova, Cabal Shadow Priest, Wild Pyro, Auchenai + Circle. 


Vs. Hunter:

Mulligan for whirlwind, fiery war axe, wild pyro, armorsmith. The majority of hunters (out of the 3 left) you will face will be face hunter. Whirlwind is an easy clear in the matchup and Pyro should serve as a second whirlwind proc (if not 3rd). Although your damage potential is high, you don't get started as fast (although a buffed up frothing can lead to a very early win). It's important to clear his minions, especially beasts, before applying damage. An easy lead can be achieved if you hold onto pyro + armorsmith and start proccing with 2+ minions onboard. When you can armor up for 15+ and clear board with the pyro procs, having too much life is a win condition in this match up. 


Vs. Warrior:

Control [Legends heavy]: Mulligan for fiery war axe, frothing. korkron elite


I won't lie, you're at a disadvantage vs. a legendary heavy deck. That being said, it's important for you to control the board. Clear the board for your frothing, and make sure he can't kill it. A coined korkron vs. your frothing spells disaster. You should be playing aggressively, mulliganing for early drops and drawing into removal as they come. A turn 6-7 sylvanas can be huge, if it lives for a turn, faceless it if possible. Sylvanas stops a lot of their late game plays, such as rag or alexstraza. Keep pressuring and save removal for their big threats. Control v. control is a game of counting, so keep track of your removals and theirs in order to ensure a safe gromm play. 


Plunder Warrior: Mulligan for fiery war axe, armorsmith, frothing berserker.


You're favored greatly in this match up. As the plunder deck has little removal and even less card draw, you're going to out-value them. As they go for face, make sure to clear their minions while slowly developing board. Watch out for a boosted bloodsail hiding behind a dread corsair, If they've got arcanite or gorehowl up, expend some resources to draw into removal if you have to, a 9/3 corsair could spell disaster. 


Vs. Druid: 

Token: Mulligan for fiery war axe, armor smith, frothing. 


Vs. Paladin

Shockaladin matchup: Mulligan for Whirlwind, wild pyro, frothing, armorsmith. The only paladin decks I've seen are the shockaladin rush decks, and they're incredibly easy to beat. When everything is 1 health, your whirlwind becomes a flamestrike. My advice, play cautiously. Even if you board clear, if you've been holding cards, it's likely they can divine favor and still pull ahead. Don't be greedy in this matchup, as a leeroy + 2 x blessing of might can easily be a surprise lethal. Don't calculate your lethal for next turn, calculate their potential lethal and always play around it. 


Vs Rogue [Miracle (what else is there?)]: 

Mulligan for Fiery War Axe, Armorsmith, Frothing. 


Vs. Warlock: 

The trickiest part to this match up is of course deciding to mulligan for zoo or for handlock. A good strategy I implement is to simply observe. Is he a golden hero? He's probably zoo, 500 games of handlock is rare. Look at the username. Take note of who you're playing, if you're matched up again, it's rare that he would switch decks. 


Vs. Mage

Aggro: Mulligan for Fiery War Axe, task master, frothing, korkron.


Vs. Shaman: 


Mulligan for fiery war axe, slam, wild pyromancer, frothing



If you have any questions about the deck or would like to theorycraft with me, justsaiyan#1493

Decklist (Golden eyecandy) : http://imgur.com/pPNsrh5,CTCxd7c,OQSofJV#2


 [Testing log]:

-1 argent commander, + 1 sylvanas -- adds more flexibility to an already well-adaptable deck. The sylvanas will trade 2 for 1 vs.  smaller minions, taking on the same role as the commander, but will also pose a threat to bigger minions. We're no priests, but shield slamming your own sylvanas to steal a stealthed auctioneer or big vancleef can crush some would-be miracle's dreams. If sylvanas stays on board for awhile, it can often be a gamewinner to combo a brawl with it when there's something big to steal.


-1 Arcanite Reaper, +1 Faceless -- although you lose 10 damage in burst potential, the faceless can often be used to copy a rag, grommash, or sylvanas to further push your board position. In addition, facelessing an armorsmith can get you well out of lethal range and prolong the game. In general, just a more flexible addition. 


-1 Cleave, + 1 Ragnaros -- still testing this addition. I find that most matchups where I like Ragnaros, there's also a BGH ready to answer. Still a weak addition vs. shaman, but can be a win condition vs. some decks. Test it out, if it fits your meta, you won't regret taking out cleave, as we've already got plenty of ways to deal with aggro decks.


-1 Slam, +1 Azure Drake -- Although slam is useful is some matchups, clearing unbounds early game, killing a knife juggler behind a taunt, I believe the 2nd Azure Drake helps fill in the 5 drops, after removing the second arcanite reaper. In addition, it makes the spellpower whirlwind a little more consistent for clearing aggro. Having a third board clear option (1st drake + WW, Wild Pyro + spells, and now, the second drake) is certainly worth it vs. aggro and a 4/4 body vs. control.