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[EU LEGEND] Junk in my Trunk

  • Last updated May 19, 2014 (Live Patch 5314)
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  • 19 Minions
  • 9 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 5620
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 5/14/2014 (Live Patch 5314)
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  • Battle Tag:

    EU - Antisocial #2632

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Junk in my Trunk - Midrange Pala

Priestess of Elune 

  • Pros:
  • Tons of staying power through heals.
  • Opponent's won't expect your next moves most of the time.
  • You can go ham with your bodies and force opponent to do the trades while healing up.
  • Strong bodies and spells on a card-to-card basis.
  • Win with cards your opponents disenchanted last night, fuck yeah!
  • Cons:
  • Relies heavily on Equality and/or Wild Pyromancer combos to wipe threats.
  • Limited card draw which is alleviated by efficient cards but a few bad draws can put you far behind.
  • Abysmal synergy with Paladin hero power.

Before we get started on the funky card choices we need to go through some basic TCG fundamentals in order to understand how this deck works.

The most successful win conditions in the current meta can be divided in 3 categories:

A) Combo Decks that win by chipping your health total during the early game and finishing you off in 1 turn with a 10-25 damage combo. ie. Miracle Rogues, Token Druids

B) Tempo Decks that win by constantly putting threats on the board disregarding card advantage and efficiency by throwing stuff every single turn aiming to kill you before you can play your entire hand. ie. Tempo Rogues, Zoolock

C) Control Decks that win by sustaining some damage early and then clearing the board with efficient AoE spells and proceed to win with big taunts and strong bodies. ie. Ramp Druid, Control Warrior, Handlock

Lets see how we win those decks now,

A) Combo decks rarely manage to pull off 30 damage bursts so keeping your life total at 30 while constantly putting down bodies and smacking them in the face with Truesilver Champion and your minions more often than not wins the game for you. Equality combos shutdown conceal plays. When in doubt, yolo Avenging Wrath

B) Tempo decks have a hard time dealing with our bodies and our life total is usually out of lethal range. Their removal doesn't really set us too far behind, all of our bodies are associated with a battlecry or charge so we always get some value out of them and staple tempo cards like Sap aren't as intimidating. Truesilver Champions, Hammer of Wrath and Peacekeepers really help keep the Zoo under control until you draw your board clear combo and heal up to 30 again.

C) Control decks are without doubt, our hardest matchup. Constant pressure with weapon swings and spell damage along with board wipes at the right time can swing it in your favor though.

Card Selection:

Situational card that shines as a 1 mana-cost turn filler, think of it as a 1 mana cost "heal for 2"  with a free body thrown in. Sometimes healing up a minion out of execute range can be very valuable as well as serving an extra "thing" played on the same turn when your best play leaves you with 1 mana. Additionally, people will think you're an idiot for playing this card and will underestimate you :D

 C'mon Molten Giant!

18/30 cards in this deck are 4 mana cost and over, think of it as a bigger Hammer of Wrath. The reason we don't see this card played much though lies in the randomness of it, you can't reliably kill a minion with it. We bypass that flaw by just throwing it on their face 9/10 times and smacking them with our Truesilver Champion along with a /wellmet. Fuck yeah, show them who's baws.

It's a Yeti that costs 1 more and heals 2 across the board including you, can really turn the tide if you manage to heal a Twilight Drake.

Body + 3 damage on their face attached to it, you usually can afford to drop it despite its inefficient body because you are far away from getting killed in the following turn. Just another thing for them to deal with.

Another underestimated card, yeah it's a 5/4 body, so? Drop this after your Equality + Wild Pyromancer and you'll be surprised at the amount of removal it draws. It's a 5/4 on an empty board that possibly put you out of lethal range and baited a premium removal! win-win!

 That's all for now, deck is still under construction; particularly the 4 cost bodies/spells. Stormwind KnightHarrison Jones are strong possibilities. Will be updating the list the following days when changes occur.

Shout out to my buddy Krun for coming up with the deck concept and theory-crafting with me as it progresses.
