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Crusher Paladin [Legendary] (Season 12 Update!)

  • Last updated Aug 27, 2016 (Karazhan)
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  • 20 Minions
  • 8 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Aggro Paladin
  • Crafting Cost: 6040
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 5/5/2014 (Live Patch 5170)
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Peak NA Legend Ranks:
Season 2 - 48
Season 12 - 80

Karazhan Edit:  I've updated the decklist for Standard/WoToG/Karazhan, but the guide is still over a year out of date.  So far the deck has worked well.  I've made it to rank 1, and I'll update the guide shortly.  In the meantime, check out this video from my Twitch showing the new version in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jIESQiiuqwQ

Strategy: Establish early momentum on the board with cheap, sticky, divine shield minions. Convert them into early big threats with Blood Knight and Blessing of Kings. Control the board with your weak minions and generally go face with your big ones. When you see a way to set up lethal for next turn, it's usually time to pull the trigger. If you start running out of steam, use Lay on Hands to reload your hand, then Equality + Consecration / Avenging Wrath to reset the board, and start building momentum again.

The GvG update: This is a GvG update of the first deck I took to legend back in season 2. There are a lot more cheap divine shield options now with Shielded Minibot, Coghammer, and Annoy-o-Tron, which increase the consistency of pulling off an early Blessing of Kings or Blood Knight. This lowers the curve a bit however, so a second Lay on Hands has been added to sustain your hand. This deck is a little more aggressive than its preNaxx predecessor, so be prepared to go face a little earlier.

Mulligan Strategy
Below are some mulligan guidelines, but curve is key and may override them

Always Keep 
Shielded Minibot, Argent Squire, Annoy-o-TronBlood Knight, Zombie Chow
Sometimes Keep
Aldor Peacekeeper - Druid, Hunter, Mage, Rogue, Warlock
Coghammer - Hunter, Mage, Paladin, Shaman, Warlock
Consecration - Hunter, Mage, Paladin, Shaman, Warlock
Truesilver Champion - All but Hunter
Loatheb - Rogue
Blessing of Kings - This one is tricky. Keep it if you think you can have a minion on the board at the start of your fourth (third with coin) turn. This depends on the other cards in your hand (early drops or not) and the matchup (easier against Hunter/Druid harder against Rogue for example). I can't think of an easy algorithm to describe it. It takes practice.

Not a lot of data here, because I only started playing this version of the deck a few days ago somewhere in rank 3, but here are all win - loss ratios by hero on my climb to NA 258 Legend (47 games) with some short notes about each matchup:

Paladin (1 - 0): Try to hold Consecrations for Muster for Battle if you can.
Rogue (5 - 1): Be aggressive, long games will not go well for you.  Look for signs of and incoming Blade Flurry, and either don't overextend, or play divine shield minions.
Druid (8 - 3): Count combo damage very carefully; you have lots of heal and taunt to play around with
Mage (5 - 2): Play divine shield minions into Mirror Entity, then Blood Knight for a 9/9.  Mechwarper and Snowchugger are high priority targets.
Hunter (5 - 3): Don't be afraid to go face against Face Hunter. You can often outrace them with making only a few key trades. On the other hand, you can be more conservative if you're sitting on Lay on Hands.  Sometimes you're better off not triggering Explosive Trap right away because of the damage it does to you and your taunts, so consider that, especially when Eaglehorn Bow is out.
Shaman (3 - 2): Draw out Earth Shocks and Hexes on your cheap threats before playing Tirion.
Warlock (3 - 5): Against Handlock, hold Aldor Peacekeepers for giants. Try very hard to hold an Equality for your finishing blow
Priest (1 - 2): Force them to Mind Control something other than Tirion unless you have a solid response to him like Equality + Blood Knight + Harrison Jones.  This deck has a lot of natural counters to itself, most notably Blood Knight, so Thoughtsteal is deadly.
Warrior (0 - 1): I think this is actually a pretty good matchup, but I don't have much experience yet.

Deck in Action:

Ryzen plays his Oil Rogue against Crusher Paladin
Leomane plays his Midrange Hunter against Crusher Paladin


Good luck to everyone who tries this deck out! It's a fun, versatile alternative to the usual Muster Paladin. Questions, suggestions, and general opinions are more than welcome in the comments.

Thank you to XRBlackWolf for help in the development of this deck and my Twitch :)